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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

     Hello, Readers Who Never Respond or Say Anything Back?  How The Hell Are You?

     Anyway, it was another miserable day at the cafe today.  People look at my art, and say nothing.  I don't put out my best work, because I know they don't give a truck, anyhow. 
     I know they judge me, I get that feeling.
     Everybody loves art, but they hate and despise the artist.  That is for damn sure.
     I don't know what the hell they expect out of an artist.
     All they do is sit on their @sses with their goddamn portable devices.

     Anyhow, I had a good time.  I painted to my heart's delight.  It was challenging, of course.  It is hard to make someone else happy with my art if I can't even make myself happy with it.
     These people are cheap bastards.

     People did comment that my art was better than the sh*t on the wall, and I agree.  Kid's stuff up there, with cartoon characters, and stuff that looks like it is lifted from comic books.  It all seems borrowed from Juxtapose magazine.
     I didn't like the artist.  He was overly friendly.  I didn't like that.  He was too eager to make friends with everybody.  The result is that no one buys his crappy art.
     I would make fun of it in a video on youtube, but it seems like a waste of time to me, and I don't want to give him any credit.
     He can make his own g*ddamn video.

     Anyways, I got my @ss kicked in Card Assault today.  I can't do anything against that damn Yoda card.  Sometimes my opponent will play two, or even three, which means game over for me.

     Just as an aside, I did see the 'Gingam Style' video for the first time.  1.3 billion hits.  Very Impressive.  I have never seen a video with a billion hits before.  I enjoyed the video, too.  I was entertained.  The song isn't that great, but the entire package of the deal is.

     So, my friend and I met at the museum yesterday, and saw some Modern Art.  There were also some cute babes there.
     Then, we drank two pitchers of beer, and ate pizza.
     It was a full day.

     I am reading 'Naked Lunch' again.  It is fun to revisit that book.  It looks like Mr. Burroughs read a lot of medical journals.

     Got to go.  I am uploading videos, and I need a nap.

     Seriously, if you want to respond, go right ahead.  Let me know that somebody is reading my crap besides just some mechanized bot.