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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

     It was yet another day in the cafe.
     There was only one girl who acknowledged my existence with a smile.  Everybody else just walked right by me.
     It is not a very sophisticated crowd at Muddy Waters Cafe.  They don't really care about art all that much, so often times, my efforts are futile.
     At least I get some work done, but I would love an increase in sales.
     How to do that is anybody's guess.
     Art is something that you either want or you don't.  Art is not necessary for survival.  It is not like food or drink.
     People do need art after their basic coffee needs are fulfilled, though.  Otherwise, they end up having empty minds, and just watch football.
     Anyway, it was a beautiful day, so I can't complain.
     It would have been nice to sell quite a few, though.  I would have gotten a chicken burrito or something yummy for lunch.

     I did take some pictures of my napkin art.  Maybe I will post them later.

     Right now, I am in the middle of an online card tournament.  It is fun.  This game is a blast, because you can win booster packs.  The competition is fierce, though.  Everybody wants to win, but there can only be one winner.

     I made $6 last night from my napkin art.  On Saturday night, I made $82.
     My sales are like a roller coaster ride.

     The coffee is superb, and they let me paint in the cafe, so that part is cool.  I wish more people would buy my art, though.  Most people at this cafe don't have an extra five bucks to spend on art.  Sad, huh?  It is pathetic.
     Sometimes people haggle with me over my price.  That is sad, too.  It does not make them look good in my eyes.  It makes them look like cheap, uneducated bastards to me. 
     What the hell do they do, haggle with the bartender over price?  Or with a salesperson at a store?  No, but they do it with me.
     I try to get them to reverse haggle, where they pay more then they want to.  I tell them they are already getting a fifteen dollar discount, so they should pay more so as not to embarrass themselves.

     Anyway, life is good.  I will go out to the bar tonight, and see what happens.

     Maybe some open-minded people will be there tonight with some liquid cash to spend on an artist who works hard.
     At home, though, I am really lazy.  I barely do anything but play video games, eat, and sleep.  Just how it is.

     So, as far as Blogger goes, they don't really care what I write, as long as it is not spam, and kind of makes sense.  The over-use of profanity they don't like much in a general blog, though it is fine on an adult one with no advertising.  But then, what is the point?
     Basically, if you are a rap artist, you can swear on your track, and that is fine, but you can't here.  It is just how it goes.

     Anyways, I am going to make some lunch.  Catch you guys later, if there is indeed anybody reading this besides an automated bot.
     It is all the same to me as long as pennies keep dribbling into my account.
     At some point, I'll cash in the $45 I've made....haha.

     Man, Blogger doesn't pay too well.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

     It was another day at the cafe.
     I would have taken a picture of my table set-up, but my camera battery was dead.
     Anyway, I sold a napkin art today in the cafe, which is rare.  Here it is...
     The girl who bought it for $5 was nice.  She correctly recognized the line as being from the song by 'The Vaselines'.  I am sure we both only knew that song because of Nirvana.
     There was a big group of A.A. people who mugged several tables.  They behaved just like they would in a bar, except they were drinking coffee.  Caffeine is a drug, too.  Coffee does something similar to alcohol.  It dehydrates you.
     I don't buy into this A.A. stuff.  It has an agenda, and I don't like it.  Maybe for hard-core alcoholics who have nowhere left to turn, okay, maybe.  A lot of these A.A. people seem like they were just social drinkers.  They don't look that trucked up to me.

     Anyhow, I had a good painting session.

     I almost didn't paint today, but I am glad I did.  I got my sale, and I got a lot done.

     I am ready for tonight, so wish me luck that I will get some sales.