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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

     Here is an example of what I do at the cafe.  I paint on napkins for fun, and try to sell them in the bar at night.
     It would be great if people would buy my art in the cafe, because then I could get my coffee paid for, but there is a problem.  Usually only drunk people buy art.  If people are too sober, they just don't buy art, and that is the truth.  Why do you think they have wine at art openings?  That is the reason.  The alcohol loosens them up, and their wallets, too.

     What is great about painting in the cafe is because the one I go to has a northern light window, which allows me to see the true color of the paint.
     When I paint inside the bar, it is really dark, so I have to make my best guess about colors.

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