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Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Internet is Locking Me Out at Home

     The main reason why I can't access my internet at home is because I need to pay my internet bill.  I keep forgetting.
     The other reason why I might not be able to access the web is because it is just messed up.
     Anyway, I will try and correct the situation by paying my bill today.
     It could work when I get home, though.  It shows I am connected, but I am just locked out.  Things like this happen once in a blue moon.
     Meanwhile, I am at the cafe with my ancient laptop.  The internet is really slow here, and it sucks.  I spent an hour on Superhero City for facebook, just waiting for things to load.
     I'm generally irritated today.  It is frustrating when the internet doesn't work.
     I'm just happy that I got it to work at the cafe at all.  At least I always have this as a back-up.

     I really don't know who reads my blogger posts.  At least with youtube, people respond once in a while.  On Blogger, nobody says nothing.

     It's not always easy for me to write a clean blog entry.  I just want to swear profusely.  I have an 18 and over blog for that.  Google doesn't like a lot of swearing, so women and children can be protected, from what, I don't know.

     Anyway, I'm just happy I was able to level up my characters on Superhero City.

     To keep my mind occupied while I was waiting for things to load, I wrote a diary entry on a napkin.

     In the last couple of months, I've been doing my napkin art in the cafe.  It is way more active to do that than to sit here waiting for the internet to work.  Hardly anybody pays attention to my art here, though.  I don't know why.  It's good work.  They either to poor, too uninterested in things outside of themselves, or they are too sober.

     Life is good, but yeah, I am really frustrated today.

     Later, I will bicycle to the AT & T store, and pay my bill.  I've been struggling to make and save money, which is why I haven't paid the bill yet.  I keep hoping to make some good money every night, so that when I do pay my bill, it won't sting as much.

     It really does suck when my internet doesn't work at home.  There isn't anything to do there when that happens...except maybe clean, and I hate doing that.

     I really have nothing to write about today.  I don't know what I am doing right now, or what anything means.

     There was a time when I was bringing my laptop everyday to the cafe, and blogging a lot.  It seems that this is a better place to write than at home, where I am distracted by everything going on.  So far, Blogger is the only thing I got going on the web where I have generated income on record.  So, it is in my interest to keep the Blogger thing going.

     The problem with Blogger is, "Who the hell reads anymore?"
     I don't know.  I really just don't know.  I just don't really know.

     Anyway, it is what it is today.

     I just feel like smoking a cigarette right now.

     God, I have to piss right now.  I pee all day.  I drink a lot of coffee.  I also drink Hawaiin Punch.  I love that stuff.  I buy a 2-liter thing of it for $1.10 at the dollar store.

     Let's see...the guy sitting to the right of me.  Well, he has seen my art.  When confronted on this, he seemed pretty bloodless on the subject of art.  He sure does like to sit on the computer all day long.  I wonder what the 'f' he does on it, though.  I can't imagine.  He is a well-dressed yuppie kind of guy, and I have no idea what his deal is.

     I'm hungry.  I need something in my stomach to settle my stomach.  Too much coffee gets to me eventually.

     Let's see...anything else I want to write?  Yes, there is, but it is hard to think when I have to pee, dammit.

     The guy on the right periodically looks at me.  It disturbs me.  He is harmless, but there was a time when we were the only two people occupying tables in the front room, and he had to sit right next to my table.  It creeps me out.  It is such a pain in the @ss to pick up and move my stuff, that I've just been sitting here, silently suffering. 

     I watched South Park last night before my internet locked up on me.  I love that show.  I watched the one where Stan's Grandpa buys him a $6000 bolo tie off of a shopping network.

     I don't exactly know why my internet locked up on me.  It shows that I am connected, but it shows the padlock icons.  It is like being locked out of the house, which just majorly sucks when that happens.

     It's good to stop doing art for a day.  It is good to bring the laptop to the cafe once in a while, and update it.  If you let things go too long without using the computer, things become out of date.

     One time, I let a lot of time go by before bringing my laptop again into the cafe.  I had sixty updates, and I had to sit here for an hour before the computer would shut off.

     I feel better now that I have peed.  Then, I got some more coffee, and I bought a bagel with butter and jam, which was so good.  I could go for another one.

     I ate good last night.  There was some food party at the bar, and I had three bowls of this amazing Chicken Tomato soup.  I was dying and going to heaven.

     I guess I might as well publish this.  It has happened a couple of times where I write a big, long blog entry, and something happens where it gets lost, and then I have write the whole dang thing over again.

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