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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Internet Blues

     Insert expletive here.

     I don't know why swear words are still so taboo.  It's part of 'The American Culture'.  Everybody does it, and besides, often times, swearing is funny.  There are certainly lots of reasons to swear.  For example, I will most likely have to pay a $99 service charge just to have an AT & T service man flip on a switch, and type a word into my computer.  I procrastinated with paying my bill, so it is all my fault that this is happening.  I knew something like this would happen if I didn't pay my bill on time, yet, I didn't do it.  I've gone through this before, so one would think that I would learn my lesson.  Instead, I got lazy again, and as a result, I've been without internet at home in my art studio for four days.  It's all my own g**d*** fault.  F***.  S***.

     Anyway, it should get fixed tomorrow, so that will be good.  Then I can be happy again.

     Fast internet at home is probably the best thing in the world, better than sex.  With sex, it is over in 4-7 minutes.  With fast internet, you can look at porn websites, and then watch Family Guy, so you get both.

     Yup, all I had to do was pay my bill.  Now they have to reconfigure my internet, and I will have to pay for it.  What a dope I am.  What a moron.  This mistake is costing me time and money.  Dang.  I screwed up big time...yet again.

     What's wrong with me?  Well, I've been working seven days a week, and I just didn't get around to it.  That is stupid, though, because the AT & T store is practically on my way to work.

     It's almost as if I wanted something bad to happen to me.  Actually, I was delaying the payment because business has been slow for me, and I was trying to earn some extra money, and it just didn't happen, so, the bill just didn't get paid, even though I had money in the bank.

     I don't currently have a phone, or a credit card.  There are some other basic things I don't have at this time in my life, and I hope someday to get them.

     I'm hoping people will buy a lot of my art.  I am banking on that.  I tell you one thing, money will solve a lot of my problems right now.  I need a lot of it, so you people out there had better start coughing up the cash for my artwork.

     I've actually had people say I should sell my little napkin art paintings for a $1 a piece.  Bastards.  Some of them have 2-5 hours of work in them at least.  As it is, I charge $5 a piece, and people try to get discounts.  Geez, some people can be cheap.  The nice people have paid me $10 - $20 just for one!  So, I have hard time feeling sorry for people who can't afford my art.  F*** them, the losers.

     Anyway, everything should be fine by tomorrow, if all goes well.  Wish me luck, I'll need it.  Hopefully, the service man won't charge me, but I doubt that will happen.  I'm sure he will gouge me for every cent he can.  Grrrrrrr.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Good Internet is like the best beer you have ever had

     I'm at the cafe with my laptop.  I just got through with a chat session with an AT & T representative.  He was nice.  The people that work on that chat line are always helpful.  That is their job.
     Anyway, I hope my computer at home can connect to the internet now.  That would be nice.  I can't save Middle Earth unless I can connect with the internet.

     I drank enough coffee to almost make me sick, so now I am drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon.  It is only $2 a can here.

     I ate a nice sesame seed bagel with butter and jam....mmmmm.  It was good.

     So, basically, my life sucks without internet at home.  It is all my fault, too.  I didn't pay my bill on time.  I've been through all this before.  I should know better, that if I don't pay my internet bill on time, that things get screwed up.  I've been without internet at home for three days now, and it really sucks.

     Thankfully, they have good internet at this cafe, so at least I can check my email and play facebook games.  That is good.

     Ok, thanks for reading, if indeed there is actually anybody out there who reads what I write.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

     Maxfields is a cafe located on Delores and 17th in San Francisco.  It is a great cafe.  Anyway, the internet works good here.  At Muddy Waters, the internet signal strength is nothing to talk about.
     They are playing 50's and early 60's music today.  In other words, you get Franki Valli, Beach Boys, and Buddy Holly.  That sort of thing.
     Stephen, the singing barista is here.  He sings along with all the songs. 

     The reason why I am here, is my internet at home is down for a day or two.  I paid my bill, so it should be up and running possibly even when I get home.  Or it could work tomorrow.  I'm not sure.  If I wasn't so lazy, I would pay my bill on time, and this wouldn't happen.

     I guess it is fine anyhow.  It is not a bad thing to have a change in routine.  It can't be the same every day.  God knows I've tried.

     I'm looking forward to getting back onto Lord of The Rings Online, though.

     Anyway, to continue, I haven't been blogging much, because basically, I get way more hits on youtube.  So, it's been worthwhile to put my efforts there.  However, it seems that blogs can generate some income, so it is worth it for me to blog once in a while, and to keep it all going.

     It isn't easy for me to get into the blogging mindset, what with all the video games I play, but once I get onto a roll with the blogging, there is no stopping.

     I have a hard time imagining that somebody is going to sit there and read my blog entries, but I guess it happens from time to time.

     It would be rad to have a wildly successful blog, but at the rate I am going, that will take years.  First of all, I'm not famous, so why would anyone care?  Nobody.

     All I know is I am still trying to get my life started.  I've been trying to be a professional artist for twenty-five years now.  I'm a pretty good artist, but I'm not that great of a businessman.  One problem is that art just takes a long time to produce.

     Anyway, I am glad to be blogging again.  Back in the day, I would write twenty pages every day.  It would take a month to fill up a good-sized notebook.  I always had intentions of going through all of my material, and editing it, but I never got around to it.  Now, all of that writing is lost.  I guess I will have to rewrite all of it.  What is good is that once it is on the internet, it is there forever, so my work will be preserved.

     'Born To Be Wild' by Steppenwolf is playing.  I've always liked that song.  It's almost my theme song.

     What is nice about Maxfields is they have outdoor tables and chairs so I have a place to sit out there and have a cigarette.  Muddy Waters cafe had to get rid of their outdoor seating on account of all of the riff-raff that would sit out there all day long.

      'It's Gotta Be Rock and Roll Music, if you want to dance with me'.