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Thursday, October 17, 2013

     It was a good day at the cafe today.  I did my writing on large sheets of paper.

     One of my hobbies is to take pictures of people sleeping.  Here is one from the other day...

     What annoyed me is he was sitting in my favorite outdoor chair.  It is the only one I can sit at and smoke, because it is far enough away from the door.
     So, I was not too happy with him, bastard.

     He is a nice guy, I know him from the cafe, but all he does is nothing anyways.  He doesn't read much.  All he does is talk if his friend is around.  Otherwise, he just stares and looks.

    I like humans who do something.

    Life is too short, and you gotta use the time that is given you.

    Once the moment is gone, it is over.

    You might think you have a lot of time, but you might wake up one day, and ten years will have gone by, and nothing will have happened except pay the rent, and maybe have an affair or two.  There has to be more to life, there just has to than just getting by.

    You know what they say, "People who do things, can do more," or "The more you do, the more you can do".

     There doesn't seem to be any limit to what humans can accomplish.

     On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with a good snooze...just don't do it my chair.  I mean, sleep is good, it rejuvenates the soul, and refreshes the body, but don't do it in my goddamn chair when I am itching to write and draw a comic book page.

     I like to sit outside sometimes to avoid the alcoholics anonymous people in the cafe sometimes.  Listening to their depressing crap makes me want to have a drink.

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