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Monday, November 12, 2012

     It was a good day today, though, I kind of had a slight headache from the brown sugar in my coffee.  Then, there is the smoker's cough I have.
     Anyway, my new friend was there again.  She is a swell gal.
     I also ran into a poet friend of mine, who was there in the cafe with his wife for a while.

     Here is my napkin art set-up for the day.
     The cafe is ideal to paint in.  First of all, the window faces the north which is the only light in which true colors are visible to artists.  Second, the cafe is kind of run down, and has a communal feeling, so it is great for me to go in there and do my thing.

     Caffeinated people don't buy art.  That is true.  They are too self-absorbed at the cafe.  Everybody ignores me and my art, which sucks, but that is just how it is.
     In contrast, I get a lot of attention at the bar at night.  People throw money at me, and buy me drinks.  Good times, eh?

     Even if I only sold one napkin art per day at the cafe, that would pay for two coffees.  Someday, I hope to develop my day business.

     The people who run the cafe aren't too sensitive to artists.  They make me pay like anybody else, even though I've done work for them.  Also, they scheduled me for two art shows, and then they forgot, and had somebody else put art their art up, so, I'm not really inclined to formally show my art there.  No one there has any money anyhow.  It's in The Mission, for Christ's sake.  Nobody has money there.

     At least all of the rejection during the day balances the attention I get at night at the bar, so that is something.

     I still haven't gotten laid as a result of Napkin Art, but I'm working on it.  For right now, I'm happy to take women's money.  That is all I need from them right now.

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