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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

     It was yet another day at the cafe today; but, it was kind of chilly.
     I did my napkin art thing today again.
     Since I know that a sale can come on any day, at any moment, I always bring my napkin art without fail.  I never know what will happen.  Also, if they don't buy today, maybe they will on another day.  I never know.  I realized that people may be seeing my work for the first time, so it takes people a while to warm up to it.  This is just how people are.
     Sometimes, people will look at my art when I am not sitting there, because people don't know how to introduce themselves anymore, like in the old days.  Oh well.  It's not my problem.

     Meanwhile, the musician next door is playing a Pearl Jam song, and it is really annoying.  I just started writing.
     I don't know why he has to play so loud when he is the only one in there.  Asshole.
     Musicians don't buy my art, because they can't afford it.  A guitarist guy was looking at my art last night, and he was too cool to even say 'hello'.  I would have said something, but I didn't want to deal with his self-important stature as an up-and-coming musician, who will probably never 'make it'.  In the meantime, I guess he will just bang chicks, and tell his friends about it.
     I have other things on my mind these days.

     Here is my napkin art of Moe.  He is my favorite.
     Here is some dopey-looking, happy bird that I painted.
     Here is some more napkin art.
     An older German couple laughed when they saw this one.  It's not easy to make Germans laugh, you know.


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