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Thursday, April 4, 2013

     There were not a lot of people in the cafe today, so the ones that were there felt that they had to talk louder in order to compensate, and to fill up the space.
     All I want to do is listen to the music, and jam out with my writing pad, and maybe draw some pictures.
     But no, this was not possible.
     So, yes, I was annoyed, and didn't get as much done as I would have liked.
     This one girl was so bothersome with her tinny voice, that I walked out of the cafe with my fingers in my ears.  She was that awful.
     Anyone ever hear of 'conversation level'?

     Some people have to talk so everybody in the room can hear them.  This does not make you more important, no matter what you might think.  It just makes others think about what an idiot you are.  It gets worse if the person has nothing to say of value.

     If you are going to talk loud in a cafe, make sure it is good.

     So, I was able to write a couple of pages, but I couldn't really find a rhythm today.

     When I go to a cafe, I just want to hear the music, and maybe some background conversation.  I don't need somebody's yuppie work meeting to dominate my thoughts.
     It is rude for them to talk so loudly.

     Of course, I can leave anytime I want, but that is no fun.  I go to the cafe to start out my day, and I don't need inconsiderate people to ruin my experience.

     Humans are not always kind.

     This is the same cafe where I stopped doing my painting, because no one there seemed to care or have money to buy my art.
     I go to this cafe because it is convenient, and they have the best coffee.

     I was thinking about the events of the previous night, but the cafe people interrupted my thought processes.
     It is hard enough to think in silence, much less having someone's inane conversation in your ears.
     I can close my eyes, but I can not turn off my hearing.  I wish I could at times.
     Headphones aren't really a solution for me, because then I have something else blasting into my ears.  Maybe I ought to go back to bringing in a radio, I'm not sure.

     Anyway, the coffee was good, and I smoked a couple of cigarettes by the curb, as is my custom.

     Coffee and cigarettes at the cafe is my favorite thing in the world, along with looking at women's butts, haha.

     I feel better now.

     All I can do is laugh, though it takes me a while to get into a jovial mood. 

     I ain't laughing yet, because I still feel burned from the inane talk I had to endure.  It was a real pain to suffer through.

     One thing I never got to write about at the cafe is there was a lot of traffic last night in the downtown area.  It was tough to navigate my bicycle through.  There were police cars, and traffic backed up for blocks.  Sometimes political luminaries come into town, even The President of The U.S.A. has been through San Francisco.  In those cases, there are police escorts, and secret service cars, and a whole big hullabaloo. 
     It is just a part of living here, I guess.

     By the way, that is the correct spelling of 'hullabaloo'.

     So, I will spend the rest of my free time today writing blogs, playing video games, and trying to clear out some memory room on my computer so that I can play even more video games.

     Christ, I need a shave.
     I was thinking earlier that the only times I really use god names is when I am swearing.  They aren't good for much else, in my opinion.

     All I know is just because a bunch of people believe something to be true, doesn't make it true.

     Along with religion, all that Astrology crap is for the birds.  It is all a bunch of nonsense.

     Then I talked with some girl last night.  I enjoy her company from time to time just talking at the bar.  She is kind of nice to look at.  She has a lot of issues, though, with her family.  It sounds dark. 
     I told her when you are an adult, you can make your own family of people, the ones that you like to be around.
     A typical family gives you life and support, but after a certain age, usually around eighteen, they just suck you into their own personal quagmires of Hell.

     Anyway, another lady friend bought me a brandy.

     Yet another lady friend bought me a beer, so I gave her a napkin art painting of a little guy with a pot belly with no arms.

     I hung out with three women last night, one after the other at the bar.  That was fun.
     I made no money, but I pretty much got my night paid for.

     Only one of the women have I had relations with in the past.  It is always nice to see her.  Unfortunately, I am too much of a free spirit.  I don't want to be tied down.  I always feel like I have to be making art, or else I am not fulfilling my promise to myself.  It is part of being an artist, which requires complete commitment.

     It is just how it goes.

     So, this Muddy Waters Cafe on Valencia near 16th is a little run down, but that is just how I like it.  I feel more comfortable in these kinds of places, especially since I always wear pants with paint on them.

     I love to go there in there in the morning, groggy from just waking up, with a notebook in hand, and get some strong coffee to perk me up.
     Then I like to write and draw like a madman.
     It is fun.

     Thanks for reading.  I am going to play some video games right now.


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