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Thursday, October 25, 2012

     This guy named King fell asleep.  I wish he would go sleep in the park.  It is depressing to see him sleeping in the cafe when I am trying to work.  It is a let-down.

     Otherwise, I did my napkin art, and it was a rollicking good time.  As usual, I got some strange looks from people who didn't quite know what to say about artwork done on napkins.

     Then there was this guy concerned with posting flyers.  He seemed a little off to me, and wrote the words 'hero' and 'corageous'....his spelling...on a political poster where another person had written in marker, 'sell-out'.
     I watched this guy for twenty minutes, as he moved some posters off to the side so he could post his.
     The one that caught my eye was he posted one about 'body awareness' with a photo of twenty naked people.
     So, this guy is into public nudity, and politics.  Okay.
     He's the kind of 'off' guy who could be mentioned in a Stephen King novel.
     Then I saw him drive away in his car, and it was plastered with bumper stickers.
     He did have one sticker I liked, and it read, "Put Bush in Prison'.  Sounds good to me.

     One more thing...I painted in Easter colors even though it is Halloween season.  It is a result of painting with this woman from last night.  She was into pinks and pastel colors.

Monday, October 22, 2012

     It was another day at the cafe today.
     'Black Comic Book Guy' was there today.  He is having problem with his service for his portable device.
     I could barely care about his problems.
     He seems to have many, one of them being that he isn't too bright. 
     I feel bad for this, but it isn't my problem.
     Yesterday, he did an annoying thing of bringing into the cafe an entire bag of fried chicken, and was eating that after he ate his Top Ramen.
     The other day he slept in the cafe for three hours.
     He depresses me.

     Then there is 'Tattoo Face'.  I saw him across the street.  Luckily, he didn't come into the cafe today.  He sucks the life out of the room in about twenty seconds.
     To hear him talk in his nasal tone upsets me.
     I just want to say, "Bro, can you talk normal?!  Jesus!"

     Nadjat was her charming self again, but she isn't into art much.  Pity.

     Meanwhile, I did my thing, and had a good painting session.  However, it was more or less the same.  Everybody ignored me.
     At best, all they did was look at my art in passing.
     They know I'm there, especially the regulars, but they say nothing.  Plus, I don't even think they have five bucks to cough up for my art.

     The day was pleasant, with a cool breeze, and I enjoyed looking at the buildings, the sky, and a bird in flight while I smoked a cigarette.

     I couldn't help but notice the cops as they drove by, though.  They are ever-present.  The Police Station is two blocks away, but they always survey me as if I am doing something wrong.
     A police man has never bought my art, or shown any interest.  Why should I care about them?  They can certainly afford it, making $90 an hour.

     Anyway, my morning work for the day is done, and I am ready for more rejection at night.  It is a lot of fun, let me tell you.

     Now it is time for a journey to Middle Earth, and to cook up some lunch.

     To anybody who reads my work, 'Thanks for hanging in there with me.'

Thursday, October 18, 2012

     It was the same old sh*t at the cafe today.  I worked on a lot of pieces, and no one gave a flying f*ck about my artwork.
     Business as usual there.
     Anyway, here is my edited picture of The Simpsons.

     This society is a little too uptight for me to put up the unedited version anywhere on the web.

     It is really hot today here in San Francisco.  All I feel like doing right now is passing out.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

     It was another day in the cafe today.
     I got ignored about my artwork again.  Nobody seems to care.
     Then, I sat down, and sure enough, some yuppie newspaper guy was watching me as I worked.  I moved my chair so I could keep an eye on him.  Then of course, he said nothing.  He gets to watch me paint, and I get to watch him read a newspaper.  It ain't that exciting for me.
     Then I had to deal with Black Comic Book Guy again.  I showed him how to create figures for comic books, but he has a short attention span.  There is no way to fix that.  He talks a lot, but doesn't do enough work.
     Making comics ain't all it is cracked up to be.  It is very laborious.  You can spend a day on an entire page, and then somebody can read it in ten seconds.  All that work, for so little return.

     I had my two coffees, and painted to my heart's delight.  That was the best part about today.
     Also, I was able to work some more on this naked Simpsons drawing that a girl asked me to do.  I am painting the whole family naked.
     Funny, huh?
     I am not allowed to post the unedited painting on this blog.
     That sucks, huh?
     It sure does.  I'll have to post it on my other blog.

     Meanwhile, Nadjat was her usual charming self, and I managed to work through a hangover.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

     Here is my set-up in the cafe today.
     I am so glad I sold one, it makes me feel good.  Plus, I got two coffees paid for.
     Mostly, people ignore me, though, no matter how good or bad the art is.
     I don't know why.
     One woman mustered up a very soft, mousey 'hello' when I caught her looking at my stuff, and I was able to make eye contact with her.  I said nothing in return, since her greeting was so week.
     I am starting to figure out that not only do I have to go to great lengths to conceive and produce the art, but I also have to be a human fisherman, and reel them in with extensive words of kindness.  Some people get intimidated, and they don't want to bother me.  Or god knows what other reason.  I can't tell.  I know I could be more friendly and outgoing, but that is a lot to ask of me.  The viewer has to have a response.  I've started a dialogue, and it takes a rare bird to finish it.
     The guy who bought the piece from me today was instantly interested in what I was doing upon sight.  It is mostly confident people who engage me in dialogue.  It is true.  They are also the ones who end up buying, also.
     I've tried in the past to get people talking, but if they don't do it all on their own, there is no point, and they don't buy anyway.
     I've already gone out of my way to make all of the art, I can't pull their teeth, too.
     I know this girl at the bar, and she has sat with me for many hours.  It is nice to have her around, because she does all the talking, which makes it very easy for me.  She is away for a month, or two, so I'm on my own for a while.  Too bad.  I need a girl like that at the cafe.  I probably scare people off, haha and lol.  I think that is probably what happens.
     When I work, it is very intense, and I am concentrating.  It is hard to be Mr. Nice Charming Guy while there is a storm of paint happening.

     Anyway, my coffee was good today, as always.

     I usually try to make it to the cafe by noon, and hang out for a couple of hours.  I've been going to Muddy Waters Cafe for three years now.  It sure has taken a long time to break the ice there.  It is a tough house I'm playin'.

     Anyhow, I'm glad I'm doing my writing on the computer before it gets too late.  When I'm in a hurry, the articles I write don't come out good.

     I have a back-log of material to put out.  It is going to take a while to catch up, if that is even possible.  I've missed a lot of writing opportunities because of playing video games.  Then again, I am building The Death Star in Clone Wars Adventures, and that takes time, too.

     There was some older broad I drew while she was standing there ordering coffee.  I liked her figure.  It will be fun to throw on some paint on to that piece later tonight.

     I generally enjoy drawing women.  They are fun to draw.  I like to draw them in feminine movements and gestures.  It makes me feel all gushy inside, perusing over their bodies.  I like backless dresses.  It is fodder for the imagination about what the rest looks like.  I also like no-sleeves.  I basically like as little as clothing as possible on a woman.  I like when the thighs are exposed.  That is nice, too.

     Well, thanks for reading.  Every hit counts, and I appreciate every single one.

     Here is the napkin art I sold in the cafe today for $5.  It is the second one I've sold in four days.  That is amazing to me.  Usually, I can't sell a thing to save my life in the cafe.  The reasons for this are people don't have any money, they don't care, and they are too into their own thing to care about what anybody else is doing.  Also, I am not the most approachable person in the world.  Add all these things up, and I rarely get a sale.
     Anyway, I am happy.  The guy who bought it was a real nice guy, and he had a thing for skulls. 
     The sale of this art piece paid for two coffees for me.  Yay.

     It is a nice and beautiful day outside, and it makes it all better to have sold something.

Friday, October 5, 2012

     Wow, I sold a napkin art at the cafe.  This almost never happens.  It is certainly a rare event.
     It was a portrait of a blond girl.  The couple that bought it from me were really cool people.
     Most of the people at the cafe just look at my art and don't say a word, which I consider pretty rude.  They look at it while they walk by fast.  They can't be bothered with something outside of themselves.
     Anyway, I used the money to pay for two coffees, and this made me happy.