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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

     Here is the napkin art I sold in the cafe today for $5.  It is the second one I've sold in four days.  That is amazing to me.  Usually, I can't sell a thing to save my life in the cafe.  The reasons for this are people don't have any money, they don't care, and they are too into their own thing to care about what anybody else is doing.  Also, I am not the most approachable person in the world.  Add all these things up, and I rarely get a sale.
     Anyway, I am happy.  The guy who bought it was a real nice guy, and he had a thing for skulls. 
     The sale of this art piece paid for two coffees for me.  Yay.

     It is a nice and beautiful day outside, and it makes it all better to have sold something.

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