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Friday, May 10, 2013

     I woke up at a reasonable hour this morning, and it sounded like a good idea to go back to bed, so I did.

     So, I woke up for the second time, and stumbled to the cafe.  I work late every night, so it is all I can do to throw on some clothes, and walk groggily to the coffee shop.

     It was another boring situation, with the same tedious, boring people, doing their same boring, tedious crap.  They are either reading a newspaper, on a cell phone or laptap, or talking to somebody about not much of anything.

     Big Fat Billy showed up.  That is my name for him.  Though a more accurate name is, "Big Fat Drug Addict Alcoholic Scary Billy'.  He has a beard and has a tattoo of a pistol on his arm, which is unsettling to look at.
     Anyway, he was kicked out of the coffee shop years ago.  In other words, he was 86'd.  However, he still comes to hang out on the sidewalk every day.  He wants to talk to me, but I don't want anything to do with him.
     I wish he would move to New Orleans or something, and get out of my face forever.

     So, I had my coffee outside, and on one of the brand new tables, which is inlaid with stone, somebody wrote 'GRAFFITY'.
     God, I hate people sometimes.

     My coffee was really good today, but it has been a little too chilly to sit outside and write for an extended period of time.

     I only had to listen to a couple of cell phone calls today.
     For some reason, it always seems that people gravitate towards me to make cell phone calls right in front of me, so I can hear every word of their dialogue.
     I think it is some kind of performance for them, and they consider me an audience member.
     99% of the time, I could really give a truck about what they are talking about. 

     Then the poster man came by to stick some adverts on the wall with some Scotch tape.  He gets paid for ever poster he puts up.  Then to prove he did it, he takes a picture of it.
     Often times, another poster guy working for the same company will cover up the previous guy's posters. 
     The posters are for events that no one would want to go to.  For example, who is going to see Suzanne Vega in concert?  Nobody.

      I was happy to leave today.  Sometimes the vibe there is so lifeless.

      I quit doing my napkin art there due to lack of interest, but now I just draw and write.

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