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Friday, May 31, 2013

     I woke up late, and finally made it to the cafe. 
     It was hot outside, but it felt good.
     Marco eventually showed up, and I told him about this dream I had as a kid, where a Gingerbread Man came out of the oven, and tried to eat me.
     We agreed that it would be a good idea for a cartoon.
     The first movie could be called 'The Gingerbread Man', and the sequel would be 'Revenge of The Gingerbread Man'.
     I could do it as an animation.

     Marco said I try too hard about coming up with ideas.

     We talked about how some of the best ideas just come about naturally, in more of an organic sense.

     There were a lot of other things we talked about.

     He liked how I told him about Super Heaven, where if you die in Heaven, then you go to Super Heaven.  I got this from Robot Chicken, a show I really like.

     Other than this, I had to listen to cheap, philosophical talk from a couple of street urchin dudes that I know.  I didn't get involved in the conversation.  I know better, but some bicycle guy from Iceland chimed in, and he realized they were having a stupid, open-ended conversation with no purpose.  That is why I don't talk to those guys, because they have no intent.  It is just meaningless words to fill up time and space.

     Speaking of space, Marco said he has a universe in his mind.  He is a musician, and I understand what he means by that.
     He also said, and I asked him if I could quote him on this, "The scariest place I've ever been is my own mind."

     Marco is an interesting guy to hang out with.

     Anyway, I had my coffee, and I feel much better now.

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