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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Cafe Technology

     Most people bring in a laptop to the cafe now.
     Others bring in tablets, by which they can read text.
     One woman actually brought in an actual book today, made of paper, which is actually better for your eyes to read, just so you know.

     Anyway, always in search of doing something different, I bring in a portable PlayStation 1 from 14 years ago.  It still works like a dream.
     Most people don't even know what it is.

     Then, I bring in a Kindle Fire, to watch videos on.  It works for me.

      I still have about fifty or sixty PS1 games to play and enjoy.  These games are still as fun as anything else.

     Working a lot, I never had much time to play the games, but now I do.

     Sometimes I wonder about people who are on their phones all day long, just to read stupid stuff that people write on facebook.

     I peek at their monitors when I can.....yup, it is facebook.

     When I leave the house, facebook is the last thing I want to look at.

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