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Friday, March 7, 2014

     I have not been working on my blogs much, at least my personal ones.  Instead, I have been writing on my guild blog from EverQuest. 
     The guild I am in is called, 'Illuminaughty Consortium'.
     Across all the guilds I have ever been in, this seems to be my favorite one that I have ever participated in.

     While I write this, just so you know, I am listening to an H.P. Lovecraft audiobook.

     I like listening to audiobooks.

     I seem too distracted to actually read much anymore.

     The only time I crack open a book these days is when I bring with me when I know I have to stand in line somewhere, or if I know I have to go somewhere and wait.

     Usually, the book I bring with me is original Robert E.Howard stories, who wrote 'Conan The Barbarian'.

     I actually enjoy his writing.  I think he is pretty good.

     Did you know he was not published for forty years?  Other authors took over his Conan character, but all I want to read is his original material, as written, and not sullied by others.

     Anyway, to continue, I've been thinking a lot about 'Text World' a lot lately.  At least that is what I call it.

     This world involves a state of mind where words are used to describe everything.  No pictures at all, no television monitors, or movie screens.  Just words.

     One would be fascinated with words if one could realize that words are enough to fill your imagination.

     What happens is the movie screen inside of your mind gets activated.

     Did you know you have a movie screen inside your mind?  You do.  You use it to dream every night.

     Anyhow, so I am in this guild, and I write blogs for them, at the expense of not writing on my personal blogs, such as this.

     I took a break.

     Anyhow, I was in the cafe today.  I had with me my portable PlayStation One, which still works as good as the day I bought it.
     I played Caesar's Palace 2000, and Gran Turismo.  I had a blast.
     I also had my Kindle Fire operating, with Flash Gordon from the 30's on.  I like Buster Crabbe in that role.  The guy who plays Ming The Merciless is actually fantastic.

     So, I had a good day today, going through two cups of coffee.

     I was in the back section of the cafe, and I just chilled out with my coffee, and two monitors.

     I have been working on set-ups for mobility which feature electronic equipment and my art.
     I practice in the cafe what I do at night in the bar.
     Unfortunately, no one buys my art in the cafe.  I hope to change that someday, if I could ever get someone to look at my work.
     Cafe people are kind of closed off, whereas the bar people are more relaxed and open-minded.  They are not in work mode.

     For me, however, art happens twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

     Once you lose your art mojo, it is hard to get back.  That is why it is good to stay on a roll with it.  If you don't do it, no one else will, and that is the t5ruth.

     Most people don't care about anything besides themselves, so you got to work hard to get anybody's attention.  To get them to buy your work is another story.

     I was typing a lot with my manual typewriter, but it seems I have come to the point where I need a new ribbon.  If I can make it to the stationary store in time before 5:30 p.m., I would buy one.  I will when I am in town during the day.

     Now, I do have a reader of my typewritten works.  I give my writings for her to read two or three days a week.  She reads them over breakfast, haha, and brings them back when she can.  It is fun to have someone to read your work.  Give it a try, it is fun.
     I figure I have nothing to lose at this point, so I might as well let someone into my personal life.
     I have nothing to hide.

     I miss typing on ,my manual typewriter.  This computer keyboard just doesn't have the same feel.  It does not feel right to me, somehow.  It has no bounce, and no give.  It is not the same.  It does not have the same sound.
     Instead, I have to hear this 'fingers hitting plastic sound'....sigh and ugh.

     People make a big to-do about having their portable devices at the cafe.  I have internet at home, so for me, bringing a sketchbook, a book, and some pens is good enough.
     However, of late, I've been going hog wild, bringing in my portable technology, just to be a show-off.  It is fun, and I might as well have a good time.

     Wow, I could be playing EverQuest right now.  Instead I am blogging.  Oh well.  What difference does it make?  I don't know.

     I am just trying to find a rhythm on this damn keyboard.

    If you type a lot, it is good to create the right angle and height for your keyboard.
     I keep moving my keyboard around, and it never feels right.

     My left hand is not liking this keyboard much.  I feel a little strain after a while.  It is not comfortable.

     Man, typing on keyboards sucks.

     Anyhow, Stoner James made an appearance again today, sporting his dark sunglasses.  He is always up to no good, though a lot of people like him.
     I don't seem to like the people much that he hangs out with.
     Also, he does not seem to have much money to buy coffee with.

     So, I could have been playing EverQuest during the whole writing of this, and gotten xp.  Instead, today I have chosen to grace you with the words I have available today at my disposal.  I hope you appreciate  my efforts, if I may be so candid.

     In addition to being an artist, I wanted to write, and, the only way to get good at writing is to actually write, you know.  It does not happen by itself, you have to make it happen.  Otherwise, what is the point?

     You should only write if you enjoy doing it, because, just so you know, it is very hard to make money with writing, even if you are very talented.

     I don't consider myself talented at writing.  I just consider myself 'passable'.  I know enough to get by and express myself.

     I don't read nearly as much as I should, but sometimes reading just puts me to sleep.

     There is a trick where you use a white sheet of paper that you move down as you read, and that makes your eyes less tired.  It works because it blocks out all the words below the line you are reading, so your eyes can focus more easily on one line at a time.
     Speed-readers use their hand to block out the underlying text.  That works, too, but the white paper also reflects back some light, and that is helpful.

     They always told us growing up that when reading, you should have a light source coming from over and behind your shoulders.  Direct light was always considered to be bad.
     Now people look into monitors all day, and yes, their eyes go bad faster.

     Remember, always take a five or ten minute break for every hour you are on the computer.  It will save your eyes, delaying your need for glasses.

     I play online games.  I know I needed a rest, and I am laying down, and my eyes are going batty with images from the computer.  It takes a while to settle down and reset.  That is what I have learned.  I hope it is helpful.

     Yes, I am still trying to find my rhythm on this keyboard.
     There has to be something on the market somewhere that emulates typing more.
     They have these ergonomic keyboards, but I try them, and I haven't really found what I am looking for.

     My current keyboard is pretty good.  It can take hard taps, which I like.  When I write, I like it to be hard and solid in the actual, real world.

     Maybe over time, I can get used to typing this way.

     They won't sell typewriter ribbons forever.  Eventually, they will stop making them.

     Most people are surprised that you can still buy them.

     Anyway, I might go into work early to try and sell some art, so thanks for reading.

     I like this idea of Instant Publishing.  It is fun, and easy.

     The hard part is finding readers on the web.

     I don't advertise, preferring people to find it on their own.

     That is how I like it.

     That is what I do on youtube, and it works just fine.

     I know as a consumer that I don't like having things shoved in my face.  I would rather discover things on my own.

     I don't read other people's blogs.
     Most of them, I have found, are pretty bad.

     I'm not saying mine are better, but I am saying that if you do read my material, do so at your own risk....haha.

     Thanks for reading, laters.



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