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Monday, May 26, 2014

     I got in there early today.  My two brothers woke me up with chat box messages.  I didn't mind.  It's been a while since I got in there around 10 a.m.
     I had a good time painting, but no sales or interest in my art work.
     It bums me out when no one pays attention.
     I think my work is valid.  The only problem is that it all takes a tremendously long time to produce.  People want art fast, like it was a Polaroid, and it just does not work that way.

     I watched some scenes from 'A Scanner Darkly' with Robert Downey, Jr.  He's a talented guy.  He's acting, whereas Keanu just seems to be the same guy in every movie...himself.
     The audiobook with Paul Giamotti reading, is better than the movie, I think.

     I have trouble reading these days.  I lack the concentration.

     With so much going on in the studio with online games, blogging, facebook, and other activities, I find that I can't pick up a book.
     "Why bother when I can just listen to the audiobook?" I say to myself.

     I like to lay in bed with an audiobook running.  I find it delightful.

     Anyway, I have 'The Old Republic' on.  I am working my smuggler.  He is level 12 now.

     I am quite impressed with this game.  I want to film my character taking a taxi ride.

     Anyhow, with all this Philip K. Dick stuff, I've been immersing myself with, well, it makes me think of California.

     I spent eight years in Utah, and it seems to have been a bizarre experience for me.  I am still trying to figure out if living there helped or hindered.  I can't figure it out.
     There was nothing to do there.
     I became very isolated, and I wanted to get out.

     So, I have this video game on, and I can camp a spot for hours while I write.  It is an unusual way to play online games, but I've done it for years this way.  That way I get a lot done, and still get xp.

     With the artwork, well, let's just say that business is slow.  I was hoping for a good week-end, but it was not to be.
     I still have to go in tonight, to try and make something happen.
     I don't get a day off....ever.
     I never know when someone will show up for a purchase.
     My customers can appear at anytime.

     They often do, too.

     I've recently set the bar high in my mind, where I want to sell $1000 of art in a single night.  I certainly have enough work to sell that much.  Then the trick comes with getting people to buy.  That is not easy.
     Sometimes my work looks like hell.
     Other times it looks great.

     Another problem is that people want a discount.
     I have given people so many discounts that it has kind of hurt me, as I scramble for dollars now.

     "Egads," I think to myself.  "I don't know what to do do now."

     Blogging has become a useless endeavor.  I don't know of anybody who actually reads my work, even though I write a blog entry a day.
     I don't even know why they would read it.  I am not sure of my material.  I don't know if it is any good or not.
     Some things are, and most of it, to another person, is probably not too interesting, is my thought.
     People just want all the juicy bits all the time, and they want it now.
     Attention span is a factor.
     No one has the concentration to read anymore, which is good for the corporations, I guess.

     "You don't want a lot of people thinking and reading," I reflect in the voice of a corporate executive.  "They should focus on how unhappy they are, and how they need to buy products to make them happy, and then we can make them miserable again in a never-ending, viscious cycle.  Women and children are easy prey...hehe."

     Anyhow, I drank some beers yesterday.  It didn't do me much good.  It didn't hurt too much, either.  But by the time I got to the bar, I did not feel like drinking much.  It took me a couple of hours with some water and soda before I finally succumbed to a beer.

     So, Philip K. Dick was a pretty prolific author.  I think the poverty and the drugs fueled him
     He wanted to be successful.
     It just happened to take him a very long time.
     Some Blade Runner money started coming in, and...he died before the film's release.


     It didn't matter anyhow.  The movie was a box office flop.

     It wasn't until years later that Blade Runner got its due.

     The Director's Cut was actually an accident, I discovered.  They sent an unfinished version of the film to a film festival by mistake without the narration, and the audience loved it.  Then with some more tweaking, The Director's Cut was born...haha.  They don't talk about this much.  I got this info from a British documentary found on youtube about Blade Runner.

     Meanwhile, my Star Wars update is I was thinking about Flash Gordon, with the threat of the entire planet of Mongo moving towards Earth.
     That is the impetus of The Death Star...duh.
     I never realized it in those terms.
     I don't know how Ming The Merciless was able to move an entire planet, though.  That sounds ridiculous.
     George Lucas took it one step further by making it the size of a small moon, and to have it completely constructed.  It turned out to be a good move on his part.

     I have seen the entire unedited 'Flesh Gordon' before.  I actually enjoyed it.  A memorable scene was Dale Ardor nude in the rocket ship, hanging on as Flesh and Dr. Flexi Jerkoff piloted.  The claymation was good, and it's not a bad film.  It is more enjoyable than you would think.  Despite the X rating, there is no real sex that I remember.  Just nudity, though I read orgy scenes were filmed.
     Producing porn at the time this was made was legally considered 'pandering'.
     I don't know how things changed by the end of the decade where porn films were in full swing.

     Now, porn is just part of American Culture, and it is no big deal.

     "I don't see anything wrong with porn," the author thought.

     Anyhow, they have strippers on this Star Wars game in the cantinas, but they are covered up.
     I need an awesome online game with actual nudity.
     They exist.  I saw one on redtube.  I don't know how good it is.  I would expect any porn online game to be lousy.  I would also expect all the female characters to be played by men.

     I had my fun today.  I could go into work early today.  I wonder if I will.

     I've been listening to 'A Scanner Darkly' audiobook for hours.  It reminds me of the ever-lasting California Drug Culture.
     I see people messed up on drugs.
     Today, I saw a zombie drop a bottle a couple of times so that both ends were broken off, so had this Snapple bottle tube, and he took the lid.  I had never seen that before.  I was wondering if there was a way he was going to do some drugs with that object, but I didn't know how.  The zombies now steal a part from a motorcycle engine to smoke something somehow.  I don't know what they do exactly, and I don't want to know.  Motorcycle owners aren't too happy with these drug fiends.

     "Never mess with a man's vehicle, man."

     Philip K. Dick could write 60 pages while on amphetimines.  That is a lot.

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