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Sunday, May 18, 2014

     Some big, fat cow brought in her burrito from the taqueria into the cafe, and positioned herself behind me, and to the right, so I had to hear her chow down.
     Then when she was done grazing, she left all of her trash for the cafe worker to pick it all up.

     I was trying to paint.

     What happens when people start eating around me, is it makes me start thinking about food instead of art.

     I have to smell their goddamn food, and it is distracting.

     When the cow was grazing, sure enough, the guy on the computer ran out to the liquor store and bought some kind of popcorn snack, so then I had to deal with him eating, too.

     People don't have any manners anymore.  They could give a truck.

* * * * *

     Anyway, I had two nice cups of coffee, and got a lot of painting done.  I feel that I made some progress.
     The day painting sessions help me to get ready for the night.

     I would love to sell art during the day, but it just does not happen.  Maybe it is the lighting.  I know for sure it is because people don't have money, and they certainly don't have the inclination to even look at what I am doing.  It is almost as if they do everything they can not to look.

     If I was just reading a book, they would strain their necks to see what the title of the book was.

     So, I read a book while my art was out on the table.

     That did not work, either.

     It is a tough crowd.

* * * * *

     Some girl told me there is a store in Berkeley that still sells typewriter ribbons.  That is good news, for it means they are still available.

     I like to type on my manual typewriter.  It is fun.

* * * * *

     Anyway, there is my two cents.

     I just finished watching some George Carlin from 1996, at the top of his game.  In his case, it lasted until the end.

     He was one of the great ones.

     He wrote all of his own material, and would test it out on audiences, and fine-tune the whole batch.  He had to memorize the whole act.  That is hard work, and he didn't miss a beat.

     You see, he was a writer, who happened to perform his own material.  But the writing was king.  He just happened to be damn good at performing it, too.  Not everyone can do that.

     I think that is what happens when you perform live.  The audience helps to make the material better.  You work on how they respond, and try to improve it.

     Louis CK does pretty much the same thing.  He's another hard-working man who deserves everything he got.  He worked his ass off.
     People in this country just expect everything handed to thewm from the moment they come out of the womb.

     Some people actually have to work.  I am one of those.  I wasn't given much.

     Actually, I was given a lot, though I know quite a few who still expect things handed to them.  It doesn't work that way.  No, sirree.

     Anyhow, I don't have time to worry about that sh**.  I have online games to play.  My Imperial Agent on SWTOR is level 12 now, and I am looking forward to what happens next.  I am kind of excited.

     I don't have a chubby or anything, but just glad to be playing.

     Some people don't want to much personal information, but I think it is all part of the literary tradition.

 * * * * *

     Meanwhile, I ate some nice chili with some broccoli in it, which was damn good.

     It is good to eat something green everyday.

     At least, that is what I hear.

     I found out one of the things that makes you fat is bread, because they put so much salt in it.  So don't eat bread.

     I love bread, I really do.  Sometimes I can't help myself.

     But I know now not to eat so much of it.

     That is the key.

     Pasta is fattening, too.

     Avoid eating pizza.  If you do eat it, don't eat the crust.  Well, I ate pizza the other day, and it was great, and I ate the crust.  Maybe I eat pizza once a month now.  There's people who eat it every week, and they wonder why they can't get their fat ass out of the chair.

     Don't drink soda.  Basically, it is sugar water.  It doesn't really satisfy your thirst, either.  After you drink it, you are still thirsty.  Sure, it is damn good, but drink some water along with it, so your body can process it.
     Coca Cola can dissolve a penny if you put one in a glass of Coke for long enough.
     Just think about what Coke does to your teeth.

     Nothing better than a Coke, that is for sure...but only once in a while.

     There are people who drink soda every day.  I don't.
     I do drink Raineer Ale everyday, and that ain't too good, either, haha.
     Carbonation can't be good for you.

     At least I walk and ride a bike every day.  That is all I am doing.  Better than nothing.

     I smoke like a fiend, and that is a problem.  I just like to do it so much, though.  I ain't gonna cry about it.
     Being happy is important, and smoking makes me happy a lot of the time.
     Now that I am 46, I have out-lived a lot of people who have never smoked in their life.
     I kind of laugh whenever one of these health nut risk takers gets hit by a car, or falls off a cliff, or dies hang gliding, while all I am doing is smoking and playing online games.
     You know why I never get bit by a shark?  I don't swim in shark-infested waters is why.

     High Fructose Corn Syrup.  It is in all of our food.  It is in there to make the food last longer.  Well, it ain't good for you.  I'll have to do some more research on it when I am not lazy.  Okay, here it is....good reading.  Wow, we have high fructose corn syrup in everything because we tax sugar imports, and the high fructose corn syrup is cheaper.  I did not know that.

     Anyway, I'm watching more George Carlin, this time from 1992.  He's pretty good, and was a marvelous word smith.
     He had a start on radio, and this gave him good vocal training.
     It is not easy to have a voice on radio that people want to listen to.  Not many have that ability.

     So anyhow, George can say the 'F' word in a comedy show because people bought their tickets, and if they don't like it, they can leave.  HBO can broadcast it, because it is a paid service.  His stand-up can not be broadcast on regular television with censorship.  A kid can upload it to youtube, ignoring copyright laws, and everyone can see it on youtube. 
     I can't say the f-word on youtube,...well, I do sometimes...and many people do...some get away with it, others don't....but I'm really not supposed to say the f-word because of youtube policy.  They don't like profanity.  A little bit here and there they don't seem to mind, but if you use a lot, they can give you a warning, especially if people complain a lot.
     All this leaves me a little confused.
     Who even gets offended by swear words anymore anyhow?  Christian f***s?  I mean, 'Jesus'..!
     Meanwhile, people swear everywhere I go in San Francisco.  Male, female, young, doesn't matter.  Everybody does it.
     What is so offensive about swear words?  Is it the profanity, or is it just bad writing, and thinking, and they don't have a good enough vocabulary to think of other words?
     I always swore as a teen to impress my friends, and to score points with them to show I wasn't a pussy.
     A lot of good that did me, haha.

     So the offense seems to be bad thinking and writing, and using swear words as a fall-back.  Well, it just goes to show that not everyone wants to be a thinker, and a writer, and they actually want to resort to 'lowest common denominator' language.
     I did notice recently that the main value of my education is so that I don't have to talk like low-life scum if I don't want to, that I can adjust the way I talk.  They have a hard-time adjusting to me, though, and I say, 'f*** 'em'. 
     Some people think I am an asshole because at times, I don't want to talk in 'American Slang' style.  I find that dialect to be so stupid, I just want to run away, and I often do, and they don't know why.  They take it really seriously.

     Another subject I want to discuss is drugs in San Francisco.  I would say that all people in San Francisco have experience with drugs, and most of them directly.  The few that don't have a drug history have certainly met people on a daily basis that do have a drug history.  San Francisco is definitely a city where drugs have affected everybody.  I don't think it is a good thing.
     I don't like to talk to pot heads.  I find them boring as duck.

     On my adult blog, which is set for 18 and over, I can swear as much as I want.  They don't review content there, so they say.
     I don't know what person in the world under the age of 18 would even think of reading one of my blogs anyhow.  What would possess them to do that, what with facebook, phones, and online games?

     I basically have a problem with anything that wants to edit me.  I had problems in school over this.
     These days, I don't know what I can or can't do on the web.  I just wish I had a website that was 21 and over, where I could blog, and do whatever I want, and make money at it.
     Advertisers don't like profanity and sexual content is the problem.  They pull out once they find profanity or naughty pictures on your site.
     Such is life, I guess.
     I would love to make money on the web, but I have not figured out how, yet.
     Someday I hope to, for it beats working.

     I don't know who will read this, and I don't care.  At the time of writing, I do it for me.  I only hope that somebody will read it eventually.

     There are a lot of published authors that don't get read much, so I don't know what hope I have, but all I can do is to keep trying.

     I would love to be a published author that people read, where my books get sold.  That would be incredible.
     I have never been a part of the popular crowd, though, and I am not a crowd-pleaser is my problem.  I don't want to say and write what people want to hear.  I want to say and write what I want.  There is a difference.

     Anyhow, it has been fun sharing my Sunday afternoon with you.  I could have played EverQuest, but I chose to use my time to write this page for you.  I hope somebody appreciates that someday.  That would be nice, but I am not expecting or hoping for that. 
     I don't think that should be the goal of a writer anyhow.

     One thing I have to do as a writer, if I am indeed serious, is to read more.  I have been listening to a lot of audiobooks, and that is good, but reading it in your own voice is essential.  It is the only way to develop your own opinions.
     Some people read better than others on audiobooks.  They don't always get the tonal influctuations right.
     One thing I learned is that Americans should stay away from reading English literature out loud on audiobooks.  They read it all in the same monotone, and their literature is not supposed to be like that.  Ours is, unfortunately, haha.

     Like an instruction manual is what American literature is, flat and boring.

 * * * * *

     Well, I guess that is enough for now....oh yeah, one last thing...when you are eating, it is all about portion control.  Start slimming down your portions.  You can eat whatever you want, just don't eat as much.

     We die a little every time we take a s***...excuse me, defecate.  Gotta use proper English, you know, though, even saying that seems ridiculous in this day and age, it really does.

     Part of the reason why people laugh with George Carlin is it is because it is so unusual to see any American speak good English...and to to be funny on top of that?  That is the 'wow factor'.

     Even if George wasn't funny, he would still be worth listening to, because he is smart.

     Anyway, so watch George on youtube for free, and thanks for reading.

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