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Saturday, January 14, 2012

I Sold $50 worth of Napkin Art

     Good Morning.
     I sold $50 worth of napkin art last night.
     Wow, I have a legitimate business now.

     If I can do that every night, I never have to work a job again.

     The night before, I made $0.

     However, just knowing that the money is there to be made is encouraging.

     It would have been rad to make $100, but I'll take the $50. 
     I'm pretty happy about the whole thing.

     I am going back there tonight to see what happens next.

     Plus, I had a good time to boot.

     The conversation was good, people threw money at me, and I drank beer.
     I could get used to this real fast.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Here is Muddy Waters cafe

     Muddy Waters cafe is located on Valencia near 16th St.
     You can walk North about a block and make a left on Valencia.
     It is across the street from Limon, which is a restaurant, and also across from 'Five And Diamond', which is a boutique.

     I am there almost every day around noon, drinking coffee, making art, and waking up.

     Oh yeah, Muddy Waters is located in San Francisco.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Druid showed up today

     Funny, The Druid showed up, and we had all three main members of our Sunday Night Magic session here at the cafe.  We are a bunch of long-hairs with no obvious means of financial support, but somehow we manage.
     I was able to show him some things on the web, and we looked up some Magic cards.  I lobbied for the position that 'yes, you need a computer'.
     Here is the card we looked up.  He wants to use this card to help him kill us.  I'll see what I can do about that.
     2/4 is a pretty good defense, but it is nothing that a simple 'Terror' card can't take care of.
     'Damnation' is a good card, too, to get rid of all of his annoying elves and spirits.
     This would be good to use on him, too.  'Choice of Damnations'...
      Let's see how he likes that.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Cute, Little Furry Dog

     Here is a cute, little, furry dog.
     He is waiting for his owner to return from buying coffee.
     He is hoping he will not have to wait long.
     He doesn't like to wait.
     He will wait for a little while and not mind too much, but if he waits too long, he gets antsy.
     He really wishes he could go into the cafe, but he can't, because he is a dog.
     At least he gets to be by a tree. From his viewpoint, he can see his owner in the cafe, so he is not scared that he has been abandoned.
     He is hoping he gets a snack soon.

The New Girl

     Well, she has curly auburn hair, she has a pleasant face, and she looks good in a dress.

     Anyway, eleven customers in the front part of the room, including myself.

     The Druid said he would be here at 11:00 a.m.  It looks like a no-show.

     I didn't make it to the bar last night to paint.  Instead, I had an extended nap, and I wound up doing a lot of necessary work to help get images and video off of my desktop computer at home.
     My job is to clear out as much memory as I can so I can make room for video games.
     A lot of photos have been sitting on my computer for years, and it is time to make use of them.  They aren't doing me any good just laying dormant.

     263,000 hits on youtube.  My hits come in slow but steady.  It is better than nothing.  I am starting to really dream about having some successful videos.
     141 subscribers.  This number has been really hard to build up, and it is something I don't have much control over.  It is completely up to other people.
     It is my second youtube channel.  The first one is called 'kirkindysolospock', and it has 310 videos on that one.  I started the second one when I found out there were at least twenty-eight David Lovins in the U.S.A., so I wanted to make claim to own name.  I will have to check how that channel is doing, then I can add up my total hits.
     511,208 hits from channel #1.
     263,642 hits from channel #2.

=   774,850 my total hits on youtube.  That isn't very good for over 1500 videos total, in comparison to what other people have been able to achieve.  One woman has 200 million hits.
     On the otherhand, for a complete unknown such as myself, it is pretty good.  To compete with myself is the way to look at it, and to always do better.  I am pretty sure I have the most number of hits out of my siblings.  They don't do the youtube thing much. 
     I was a late-comer to youtube.  I started in 2008, and I really did not know what was going on.  I barely knew how to work my digital camera or how to make videos.
     The first channel's majority of hits have come from Marianne Faithfull and William Shatner videos that I made.
     Music videos are probably the #1 thing people watch on youtube.  People also like video game videos.
     People will watch anything, so my recommendation to anybody reading this is to always do your best on youtube, because those videos will be up there for a long time.
     On the other hand, you can't always concern yourself with what other people think.  Especially considering that many of the youtube watchers are teen-agers, it is better to please yourself before you try to please them.
     The other hand of that is the majority of youtube users are teens because they have the time to watch videos, so the solution is to to make all different kinds of videos for all different kinds of people.
     You can't please them all.

     The Waiting Game is often the most difficult game of all.  Let's suppose you made an awesome video, and, nobody notices it.  You can wait for months before you even get a hundred hits.
     You never know what can happen on youtube, though.
      I just make as many videos as I can, and let Hell sort them all out.  There's nothing I can do to make every body happy.

     There was a jogging girl in jet black leggings and I wanted to photograph her, but it wouldn't have been polite.

     The Mexican workers just left.  I don't understand Spanish.  I hear the rhythms of their speech, and I am glad they are gone so I can hear my own thoughts and the music.
     It is such a pain to deal with prolific talkers in the cafe.  Sometimes it really caves my head in.

     The jogging girl was initially on her phone, and I had not much choice in where I was going to sit today, so I endured her for the first five minutes here.  It was hard to listen to.  Thank god she quit talking.
     She isn't even here anymore.

     There are five people here with a dog.  One guy has a laptop with a 'Veterans for Peace' sticker on it.
     Good luck with that.  The U.S.A. has plans to always be at war, or to prepare for war.  It is a business.  It is nothing personal.  Americans like to fight, and they like those government contracts.  War will never end.
     A lot of people actually want to join the military because video games makes war look cool.

     So, now I am stuck listening to the people, and have the visual distraction of the dog, who seems bored to tears.  The dog is on a short leash and has a very limited range of movement.  The dog is bored as all hell.
     A new girl just walked in.  She is blond with a blue hoodie.  She has black pants on.  No socks.  Flat shoes.  Her hair is like Talia Winters from Babylon 5.  She is a nice looking young girl, just minding her own business.  She wears a white plaid shirt underneath her hoodie where the shirt extends from underneath the hoodie to cover her groin and buttocks region.
     She just left.

     The new counter just walked, or should I say, flew gracefully by in front of me, like a pixie, to go downstairs.  That was a sight to see her body glide diagonally across the space of the room.
     I have x-ray vision, so I can see and imagine everything.  That is what art school did for me.

     I am watching the dog be really frustrated.  The dog wants more room to move around in.  The dog is incredibly bored.  I just want to tell the owner to let out his leash a little bit more.  The dog doesn't have enough room in which to move.

     Time for a smoke.

* * *

     I watch a lot of people parallel park when I am out there smoking.  The majority of people aren't good at it.  There are three main parts of parallel parking.  The back up and turn the wheel to the left once you pass the car that will be parked in front of you, the turn the wheel sharply to the right and begin to pull in, and the final adjust the wheels and glide in.
     Most people don't turn the wheel sharp enough as they are moving to get the most out of the mechanics of the turn.
     Without a doubt, there are videos and information on how to scientifically perform the best parallel parking available on youtube and the web.  I don't have a car anymore, so there is no need for me to look.
     The biggest trick is to not nip the car ahead of you with the front end of your car.
     Also, if there is traffic behind you, the pressure can get intense to perform.
     The worst is when some @sshole does not acknowledge your blinking turn signal and steals your space.  I've seen people get livid over this.

     The five people with the dog and their boring, tedious, monotonous conversation left.  I think it took them an hour to decide to have dinner at six and a presentation at seven.

     It is just another day at the cafe, and now I have the whole front room to myself.  Sometimes it takes a while for the room to die down just so I can work.

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Big Beer

That is one mother truckin' big beer.

Tall Girl

She is pretty tall, that is for sure.

More about monetization on blogs

     The only blog I was making money with was my 'David Lovins Underground Emporium', but the monetization capabilities were taken away when they decided I was doing adult material.
     I haven't made a cent with any other blogs yet.  That sucks.  I'm trying.
     It isn't easy to write PG material.  I always want to put swear words in.   Because of how I think and talk, it feels unnatural to censor myself.  It is not my preference.

     Maybe I need to read more Ernest Hemingway and learn how to write.


     Some guy just left.  He was working on his pink laptop, and made a cell phone call in which he said, "Maybe working as a host in restaurant as a host would be good.  People have told me I would be good at that."
     Being a host in restaurant isn't the same as doing the work of a chef or a dishwasher.
     I looked at him, and listened to him, and I didn't think he would be a good host unless it was in a gay restaurant.  In other situations, it would be annoying.
     "Hi, welcome to Denny's.  How many people are in your party?  I love parties."

     So, it was cool that my ex-girlfriend and her sister liked my Drunken Facebook Postings during the weekend.  I had fun writing them.  I let loose.

     I was just outside smoking a cigarette, and I looked at the word 'INTERCEPTOR' below a license plate on a three-wheeled parking attendant mobile.  I was...'wtf...what is that?  A TIE Interceptor like in Star Wars'.
     Metaphorically, it is.

     Space Journey Battles, my epic science fiction adventure is starting to make more and more sense all the time.

     There is a new art show here with large figurative paintings, but they could be better.  She has kind of copped out with the painting part of the paintings through use of collaged wall paper.  It is kind of cute, but her drawing and painting skills could be improved a little.  It is what I call 'getting into the nitty-gritty'.  Her work isn't good enough.  It is kind of a let down.  I give her a 'B'.  I don't think she'll be getting into the galleries anytime soon.

     A lot of women, as they age, they get nosier and nosier.  Their eyes gaze more and more into other people's business, but they never say anything.  Instead, I get these 'prune-face looks of skepticism.'

     Jeff liked the napkin drawing portrait I did of him.
     "That's the best thing I've ever seen you do."
     That's a comment I've heard for over twenty years.

     Anyway, it was fun  playing Magic and getting my painting work done all at the same time.

     Okay, if I could have any job I wanted in the world, what would it be?  Well, it would be to sit in the cafe to write, and then go home to paint.  I can do this all day long, every day.  No problem.
     However, the problem is, "How in hell do I get paid?"  I don't know.  I have to be really successful with my writing, cartooning, and painting in order to make a living at it.
     So what is my next choice?
     I never minded too much relatively to work in crowded cafes and restaurants and make a little scratch money doing that.  At least I could get lost in those environments, and disappear.

     Basically, I wish somebody would give me a break in this world, but so far, it ain't happening.  I wonder what I have to do to make it happen?  I don't know.  I'll have to go public or something, a prospect I'm not entirely pleased with, but maybe it will be fun.
     Yes, I have to go all the way if I expect something to happen.

     Otherwise, it is pretty quiet in the cafe today.  Everybody is at work.

     My final napkin drawing/painting of the night last night I sold for $3.  The drawing was of a young couple.  It wasn't my best work.  I needed more time.  The bar was closing.  The guy liked it enough to give me something for it, so it was cool.

     Francisco and his ex-girlfriend lost the paintings that I made of them, or they were stolen.  They were nice pieces.  All that work for nothing.

     I'm just working on a comic book page right now.  I don't know if it is any good.  All I am doing is firming up some lines and the text with a ball point pen to make the text and images more legible.  When I am done, I will photograph it, and make a video.  Then I will post it all on a log, and the video will go on youtube, and we'll see what happens.
     With my comic book work on youtube, I hardly get any hits.  Maybe that will change someday, but for the most part, the kids watch my Clone Wars Videos, and that's about it.  I have found much of an art audience yet.  It can happen, but it will take a while.

     In the time it takes for anybody to notice anything I'm doing on the web, I could be dead.  That would suck.

     Ideally, I will put lots of comics and paintings and artwork on the web, and I can get some sales and notoriety.  It can happen. I don't see why it can't if the work is good.

     Anyway, it is a mostly quiet Monday here at the cafe, and yes, I have my work cut out for me.

* * *  
     Cops seem too interested in my business, even at times when I am just standing there.  I don't trust them.

* * *

Friday, January 6, 2012

Meeting of the Minds

     My friend Daniel is into computers and technology.  My friend Marco is into music.  I do my art thing.  Here we are.

      I felt like wearing a bathrobe to the cafe, since that was the weekend all the Santas were about doing their annoying barhopping thing.
      Anyway, Dan and Marco are good people, and we often stand out there and have conversations, which ultimately helps to generate ideas of all kinds.  It is good stuff.
 Here is James on the left.  He deserves an honorable mention, and contributes politics to the conversation.
          Here are the shoes of a musician.  Marco is a pretty talented guy.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

House of Chaos

     It is a nice and quiet day today.  One coffee might be enough for me.  I have a Rainier at home.
     I talked to M. today.  He is doing good.  We talked about Nirvana.  It's fun to talk about music with him.  I can't play anything, but I like to talk about bands with him.
     M. told me that when D. smokes too much pot, that you can't get him to shut up talking, lol.  It happens.  I think D. is a good person, but he is very technical oriented which is not necessarily my style, but there is a lot to learn from him.  D. can be a pain, so can I, but M. and I will help round D. out a little with our art and music stuff, and he will be good with the tech stuff.  Ultimately, it is a good mix.
     It is good to have lots of friends in this world I am finding out.  It took me long enough to discover that.  Growing up Mormon, my parents wanted us to hang out with other Mormons whenever possible.  I don't know what the f they were scared of, what with our house being a House of Chaos.
     Yeah, my family really doesn't like me writing about them, but that just might be too bad.  I should be able to write about anything I want to.  Plus, a lot of people are fascinated by my family, so who cares?

     I'm at the point, where I could take the plunge for a second cup of coffee, or just call it quits for the day and drink coffee at home and play video games.

* * *
     My facebook game of choice recently is 'Monopoly Millionaires'.  It is fun.  I like anything that has to do with the game of Monopoly.
     The internet connection at the cafe is a little slow, and that sucks, but I play one facebook account here at the cafe, and another one at home.
     If the internet worked real good here, I'd be playing more facebook games here, that is for sure.  It is such a pain to wait for things to load, that I can't stand it.
     Yes, it looks like my time will end here soon.  There is nothing else to do, and I feel cramped with the people here.  I don't feel free to write, so why bother?  There is no point to extracts words from my brain that have no vitality to them.

     Yeah, I grew up in a House of Chaos.  I didn't even want to be there half the time.  I always preferred to spend time at my friend's houses. 
     We didn't always have things to eat at my house, and with kids running around screaming all the time, it was no fun for me to bring my friends over.
     It was sad.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


     Hi, it is another day.
     I just got finished working on my 18 and over blog.  Sometimes what I have to do is get all that stuff out of my system, so that then I can write for a PG audience.
     I hate all these rating systems designed to 'Protect The Children'.  It drives me nuts.
     Censorship has a history that is as long as art making itself.

     One funny moment from Mel Brook's 'History of The World Part 1' is the caveman artist makes a painting on the wall. 
     Then, the caveman art critic played by Brooks looks at the painting, and shows what he thinks about the painting by pissing on it.  lol.  I still like that scene, it is fierce.

      Dang, I forgot to write about what I watched last night, but I can't write about it here.  Sorry, folks, I don't want to offend anyone, or get my monetization taken away from this blog.  Sucks, huh?  Man, they got me by the balls.

      The ironic thing is that many PG movies in the past have featured scenes of topless women.  Yet, if I put up the photo of a woman from a PG movie on this blog, I risk losing the advertising for this blog.  Kind of screwed up, huh?
      So, Hollywood can get away with it, but I can't.
      That sucks, but it is just how it is.

      Anyway, it has been a good day at the cafe.  I did some painting and some writing.
      I have this commission painting that I am working on.  I will be glad when it is done.

      'Tattoo Face' just walked in, so I exhaled a pronounced 'F' word when he came in.  His nasal voice annoys me.  Plus, he's got a tattoo line around his lips, and he is bothersome to look at.

     Anyway.........time for a smoke.

* * *

     Some guy I was painting a picture for at the bar last night asked me "How do you make a living."
     I didn't want to talk about that with him.

     Okay, time to go home, soon.

     It's been a good session, and I got my work done.

     Time to clean up my hell and go home.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The End of The World will not happen because of Marty McFly

I haven't made a cent on this blog yet.

     Not a single click yet.
     That sucks, but it is just how it goes.  These things take time.
     It is important to stay encouraged and to keep going no matter what.
     I am used to rejection, but then over time, people slowly warm up to you when they get to know you.
     People have lives, and they don't always have time to look at new things.  So, I can't say I blame them.
     What does writing a blog called 'At The Cafe' have to do with anything?  People are more concerned with the stock market than with what I am doing at the cafe.
     There isn't many cold, hard facts that can be gleaned from this blog, that is for sure.

     Dang, it is my misfortune to be sitting next to a guy on his cell phone.  It sucks, but I just have to wait it out until he stops...which could be a while.

     So, Blogger started in 1999.  I didn't even have a computer until 2002.  I bought this laptop then, and it still works like a dream.  I had to replace the hard drive once for $150 because I was really hard on it with all of the multiple programs I was running on it.  Since then I have been careful.  It works great.  My laptop is my sweet child.
     It is pretty heavy to lug all the stuff around in comparison with the lighter models today, but that is fine with me.
     Anyway, I am a late-comer to blogging.  I should have started years ago.  It was pretty over-whelming to get on the web in 2002 and not know what the heck was going.  The premiere reason to get on the web was EverQuest.  That is what I was really excited about.  I still play it once in a while, I love when I get on the game.  I don't know what my problem is, I ought to play it more.  With so many games to play, it is hard to play them all.

     Anyways, it is a nice day, if not overcast a little.  I am still trying to figure out what to do with my life.  It will be another trip into town later.

     I was outside smoking and some black guy sitting on the sidewalk with a NY hat started yell-mumbling to me.  I don't know what the hell he was trying to say to me, and I didn't want to find out. 
     Always something that happens.

     You know, I still have a desire to go tag the homes of many people responsible for graffiti in L.A. and S.F.  I want to tag their front door and their walls, and I really want to know if they like it or not.

The 100th post

     Like I said before, I'm just getting started.  Also, I don't know what I am doing yet on this blog.  I don't know why it is important, I don't know why anyone should look at it, and, I am more than a little bit crazy. 
     Maybe I should do yoga again, that seemed to help, but it was taking up so much of my time, and besides, my funds are running low.
     Anyway, this is the first Monday of 2012, and I don't think the world will be destroyed this year, as some would have you believe.  Those people are crazier than I am.
     Anyhow, it was a good night of Magic last night.  I finally won a game on the final game.  It was a brutal death match.  I kept getting my @ss kicked.
     Anyway, I am here now, and I got my coffee, and some fresh air.
     Nadjat is here as always.  She is everybody's favorite coffee lady.  She is all business, but she has a good time working here, too.
     Thank god, the guy who was jamming out with his headphones is gone.  He wore a Milwaukee Brewers baseball cap, and he kept quivering his legs back and forth.  He was a distracting presence to me.
     Anyhow, it is the start of a new week.  I pulled myself together, and got dressed, and dragged myself here.
     I don't know what I am doing.  I am a little confused.
     I conceived of a blog entry entitled 'Depression', but I haven't written it yet.  I was kind of down on myself yesterday.  Alcohol is a depressant, and I got bombed on New Year's Eve.  So, following, I was deflated the following day.
     I only had a couple of hits of pot, but that s**t f**cks me up.
     Nothing better than a good sneeze.
     Anyhow, I don't have much to fall back on, and I don't have much of a safety net.
     I have to buy a large canvas today for Cafe Prague, and take it there today.  This will require another trip into town.  I've been going into town almost every day for a week now.  Man, it wipes me out going there on my bike, and fighting traffic.  It isn't far, in as much that it is just work.  Always something to different to see, and things happen on the way and back, though.  There is only one easy way to get across town, and that is on Mission Street.  Other routes are congested with traffic, so I have to take the same way over and over again, and usually I am not that kind of bike rider.  I like a variety of paths.
     It isn't easy to write cohesive blog entries.  They need editing.  I always say I will go over my entries later and fix them, but then I never get around to them.
     All I know is that things need to be written and rewritten.

     I watched two episodes of The Simpsons last night from Season 23.  I was waiting to laugh.  I did a couple of times.  It is still a good show, but I don't know what it is supposed to mean anymore.  I've basically missed Seasons ten through twenty-two.  I have a lot of catching up to do.
     I was surprised, though, that the show is still not really intended for kids.  They had a lot of sex stuff in it, all implied of course.  It is funny when it is in a cartoon, it seems more real when cartoon characters have sexual urges.  Joan Rivers did a cameo.  She did a good job.  Anyway, that was my Simpsons experience.

     So now it is a new week, a new Monday, and a new life.
     I brought a painting with me.  It is just there on the bench.  I'll put the photo up when I get the chance...oh no, I forgot.  It features a naked lady, and adsense doesn't like those kind of images, even though it is just some figure painting I did in a painting class years ago.  I don't want to risk having this blog not be monetized.  I will have to put it on my 18 and over blog.  I learned the hard way that adsense doesn't like naughty bits shown.  Other people do it, and they get away with it, but somehow, I always seem to be caught or targeted, so I really just need to keep things rated PG here all the time.  It is strange and bizarre that I have to do this, but it is just how it goes.

     There was a ship from WWII, and it had a logo of a topless woman painted on the bow.  They ended up painting a bra on herf.  But then, women can breastfeed in public.  It drives me nuts.  Who gets offended is what I want to know?  Does it really make people feel uncomfortable?
     The mermaid on the Starbucks coffee cup used to feature two little dots for the breasts until enough women got offended.  Lighten up, ladies.  They resolved this by putting hair over the breasts.  So deep are people's feelings about nudity in art, that they go *ucking ballistic.  Sheez.

     I guess there are a lot of people that want to make every thing family friendly.  That is just a bunch of bull.

* * *

     I just talked to my friend from Africa.  He is a really nice guy, and reads a lot in the cafe.  Nadjat and he are good friends.  He is a benefit to this cafe.  Anyway, he liked my painting, so we were talking about it, then he discussed his lady friend who was an artist who became an art teacher, and he was saying about how many stories she had about teaching.  I told him she should write those stories down, then I decided that I should write the stories down that I had, and I guess that is what blogs are for.  I do have one for art school stuff.  I haven't done much with it yet, but someday I will, when I feel it is the time to do so.

     Well, that is about all I have to say about the essence of now for this 100th blog entry.  The reason why I mention it is that some lady was saying how she wrote 100 entries for her blog, and not much was happening with know why?  Because you have to do more than that.  You gotta put in lots of keywords, you gotta reach out to people to make a blog happen, you gotta subscribe to other people, and interact with them, and you gotta plan on 10,000 entries.  To reach a 100 entries is the equivalent of reaching level five on EverQuest.  With all the writers in the world, baby, you gotta do more.

* * *

     So, I have no back up plan to how I will make a living.  My main plan for work right now is to Not Show Up when my ball park job starts up again.  I don't want to do it.  I don't belong there.  It was fun while it lasted, but I see no reason to continue to work for peanuts.  I gotta come up with something better than that.

     Yes, the last thing I want to do is become an art teacher.  *uck it.  I don't want to do it.  I would much rather make art, and not teach it.  What the hell am I going to teach?  Nothing.

* * *

     There is the writing I do before going to the bathroom, and then the writing I do afterwards.  This is the afterwards part.  I only mention it because there is definitely a difference in my writing.  See how clear I am writing now? 

     Anyway, I've been thinking about depression a lot, and what that means, and madness might be a good theme, too.
     "Tales of Ordinary Madness" by Charles Bukowski is a highly recommended book.  It is really good.  I've read it twice.  If you have never read Bukowski, this is a good book to start with.  You will see that the guy really knows how to write.

* * *
     Okay, good times, talking about graffiti and how useless it is, alcoholism and getting laid, and The Window of Opportunity where the guy is drunk enough to be charming to women, who are also drunk, thus increasing the chances of coital activity.
     Just another day of conversation at the cafe.  See why I come here now?

     You got the yoga broads who take their class, and then they down a cup of coffee.  It's that yoga-coffee tweak thing that is so appealing.  I wonder who pays the bills while the girl is off having a good time in class and at the cafe?  Then again, who is paying my bills while I have a good time sitting at the cafe writing? 

     Thanks, Grandma.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bitter Moody Sad Bastard

     Hi, I am in recovery mode.  It was a pretty drunken night for me last night. 
     "Thank God for coffee," is about all I can say right now.
* * *
     Man, I really piled on the condiments on my pizza slice last night.  Some guy was watching me put tomatoes black olives, hot sauce, jalepenos, and we exchanged some words.  I was drunk and hungry, and it turned out to be an awesome piece of pizza.

     I just want to go home right now and play Clone Wars.  That sounds like a good idea.  I don't really have much to write about today like I normally do.
     Tonight is another night of Magic The Gathering coming up.

     There doesn't even seem to be much going on at the cafe today, at least nothing I care about.  Just a bunch of people that I don't know hanging out.

     It was nice to see both Matt and Marco at the bar last night for New Year's.  It was a good time.  We were all pretty hammered.

     Man, I've got nothing going on, which I guess, has always been my problem.

     I could come up with something right now, but I don't know what.

     All I want to talk about so I can sort it out for myself is my problems with low self-esteem and self-image, and how I seem to myself to be on the lowest tier of the totem pole.
     With all of my accomplishments, I just feel like a dork sometimes, and the only way I can make it through the day is to be in denial of my faults, and just continue on with my work.

     Wow, this is my 99th entry on this blog, and I don't even know what it all means.  I cranked out a lot of entries pretty damn quick, and I don't know what for.  I don't know where this blog will go, or what purpose it will serve.  Mostly, it has been an exploratory type of blog.  I guess we'll have to see what happens.

     I need somebody to talk to, but there is no one here.  Dang.  That is sad.

     The other cafe lady is here, who also works for Muddy Waters.  I love to listen to the two women have intense discussions in a language foreign to me.  It's a very warm kind of talk, the kind that a lot of Americans aren't privy to.  They don't make those kind of sounds with their language, they don't have that kind of flow, and you know what?  It is all about the flow.

     Man, I don't know what I am going to do with myself.  I have good days and bad.  I have minor set-backs all the time, and it is very difficult to get my art career going at all.  Progress is very slow.  The problem is making the art, and then getting other people to even look at it is not easy.

     It is pointless to put up bad art on the web.  Most people don't get why I would do that.  I often do that just to *uck with people.  I don't know if it does any good.

     Man, I am out of it.

     I don't know why I don't write pages of lyrics.  I guess I don't have that much interest in it, but I often think of getting on a roll with it, and taking a drive with it.  I don't know why I don't get around to it.  I don't understand a lot of things about myself.

     I just want to eat.

     It doesn't seem like I am doing my best work right now, so I don't see any point of writing more on this entry.  I feel a little down about myself, when in fact, I should feel elated and excited about life.  I guess I cold use a 'happy hug' about right now.

     Sometimes, it is just a good idea to stop.

     I am certainly not getting much in the way of inspiration coming my way.

     Yes, maybe I should just go home, and lick my wounds so I can live to fight another day.

     I lost the war today so far, but there is a battle tonight.

     There are still a lot of peripheral things on my mind, but I am going to let things stew for a while, I suppose.

     I am an odd kind of person, and not the type to impress too many people.  I guess I should work on that, and try to improve myself, working with what I got.  People with less often go farther then people with more talent who don't put the work in.

     I do have this blog which is my best friend at the cafe right now.

     I am kind of feeling a little bit alone right now.  Maybe I should just pack it up and go home.

     Of all the days, Monopoly Millionaires on facebook is shut down for maintenance.

     Maybe a Sunday afternoon nap would do me good.

     There is a Richard Serra drawing show at SFMOMA.  I suppose I should go see that, and then write about it.

     I need more money for all the things I want to do.

     I need to get my foot in the door somewhere for my career, and not just for a job.  Or, I could just sell a crapload of art, which actually sounds like it would be a lot more fun.
* * *
     "Don't be moody or sad," she said to me.  "Cheer up, raise your head up, and walk proud.  I will always be with you."
     "Okay, Elf lady from Lord of The Rings...let me know when you want to help me get a leg over."