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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The New Girl

     Well, she has curly auburn hair, she has a pleasant face, and she looks good in a dress.

     Anyway, eleven customers in the front part of the room, including myself.

     The Druid said he would be here at 11:00 a.m.  It looks like a no-show.

     I didn't make it to the bar last night to paint.  Instead, I had an extended nap, and I wound up doing a lot of necessary work to help get images and video off of my desktop computer at home.
     My job is to clear out as much memory as I can so I can make room for video games.
     A lot of photos have been sitting on my computer for years, and it is time to make use of them.  They aren't doing me any good just laying dormant.

     263,000 hits on youtube.  My hits come in slow but steady.  It is better than nothing.  I am starting to really dream about having some successful videos.
     141 subscribers.  This number has been really hard to build up, and it is something I don't have much control over.  It is completely up to other people.
     It is my second youtube channel.  The first one is called 'kirkindysolospock', and it has 310 videos on that one.  I started the second one when I found out there were at least twenty-eight David Lovins in the U.S.A., so I wanted to make claim to own name.  I will have to check how that channel is doing, then I can add up my total hits.
     511,208 hits from channel #1.
     263,642 hits from channel #2.

=   774,850 my total hits on youtube.  That isn't very good for over 1500 videos total, in comparison to what other people have been able to achieve.  One woman has 200 million hits.
     On the otherhand, for a complete unknown such as myself, it is pretty good.  To compete with myself is the way to look at it, and to always do better.  I am pretty sure I have the most number of hits out of my siblings.  They don't do the youtube thing much. 
     I was a late-comer to youtube.  I started in 2008, and I really did not know what was going on.  I barely knew how to work my digital camera or how to make videos.
     The first channel's majority of hits have come from Marianne Faithfull and William Shatner videos that I made.
     Music videos are probably the #1 thing people watch on youtube.  People also like video game videos.
     People will watch anything, so my recommendation to anybody reading this is to always do your best on youtube, because those videos will be up there for a long time.
     On the other hand, you can't always concern yourself with what other people think.  Especially considering that many of the youtube watchers are teen-agers, it is better to please yourself before you try to please them.
     The other hand of that is the majority of youtube users are teens because they have the time to watch videos, so the solution is to to make all different kinds of videos for all different kinds of people.
     You can't please them all.

     The Waiting Game is often the most difficult game of all.  Let's suppose you made an awesome video, and, nobody notices it.  You can wait for months before you even get a hundred hits.
     You never know what can happen on youtube, though.
      I just make as many videos as I can, and let Hell sort them all out.  There's nothing I can do to make every body happy.

     There was a jogging girl in jet black leggings and I wanted to photograph her, but it wouldn't have been polite.

     The Mexican workers just left.  I don't understand Spanish.  I hear the rhythms of their speech, and I am glad they are gone so I can hear my own thoughts and the music.
     It is such a pain to deal with prolific talkers in the cafe.  Sometimes it really caves my head in.

     The jogging girl was initially on her phone, and I had not much choice in where I was going to sit today, so I endured her for the first five minutes here.  It was hard to listen to.  Thank god she quit talking.
     She isn't even here anymore.

     There are five people here with a dog.  One guy has a laptop with a 'Veterans for Peace' sticker on it.
     Good luck with that.  The U.S.A. has plans to always be at war, or to prepare for war.  It is a business.  It is nothing personal.  Americans like to fight, and they like those government contracts.  War will never end.
     A lot of people actually want to join the military because video games makes war look cool.

     So, now I am stuck listening to the people, and have the visual distraction of the dog, who seems bored to tears.  The dog is on a short leash and has a very limited range of movement.  The dog is bored as all hell.
     A new girl just walked in.  She is blond with a blue hoodie.  She has black pants on.  No socks.  Flat shoes.  Her hair is like Talia Winters from Babylon 5.  She is a nice looking young girl, just minding her own business.  She wears a white plaid shirt underneath her hoodie where the shirt extends from underneath the hoodie to cover her groin and buttocks region.
     She just left.

     The new counter just walked, or should I say, flew gracefully by in front of me, like a pixie, to go downstairs.  That was a sight to see her body glide diagonally across the space of the room.
     I have x-ray vision, so I can see and imagine everything.  That is what art school did for me.

     I am watching the dog be really frustrated.  The dog wants more room to move around in.  The dog is incredibly bored.  I just want to tell the owner to let out his leash a little bit more.  The dog doesn't have enough room in which to move.

     Time for a smoke.

* * *

     I watch a lot of people parallel park when I am out there smoking.  The majority of people aren't good at it.  There are three main parts of parallel parking.  The back up and turn the wheel to the left once you pass the car that will be parked in front of you, the turn the wheel sharply to the right and begin to pull in, and the final adjust the wheels and glide in.
     Most people don't turn the wheel sharp enough as they are moving to get the most out of the mechanics of the turn.
     Without a doubt, there are videos and information on how to scientifically perform the best parallel parking available on youtube and the web.  I don't have a car anymore, so there is no need for me to look.
     The biggest trick is to not nip the car ahead of you with the front end of your car.
     Also, if there is traffic behind you, the pressure can get intense to perform.
     The worst is when some @sshole does not acknowledge your blinking turn signal and steals your space.  I've seen people get livid over this.

     The five people with the dog and their boring, tedious, monotonous conversation left.  I think it took them an hour to decide to have dinner at six and a presentation at seven.

     It is just another day at the cafe, and now I have the whole front room to myself.  Sometimes it takes a while for the room to die down just so I can work.

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