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Tuesday, January 3, 2012


     Hi, it is another day.
     I just got finished working on my 18 and over blog.  Sometimes what I have to do is get all that stuff out of my system, so that then I can write for a PG audience.
     I hate all these rating systems designed to 'Protect The Children'.  It drives me nuts.
     Censorship has a history that is as long as art making itself.

     One funny moment from Mel Brook's 'History of The World Part 1' is the caveman artist makes a painting on the wall. 
     Then, the caveman art critic played by Brooks looks at the painting, and shows what he thinks about the painting by pissing on it.  lol.  I still like that scene, it is fierce.

      Dang, I forgot to write about what I watched last night, but I can't write about it here.  Sorry, folks, I don't want to offend anyone, or get my monetization taken away from this blog.  Sucks, huh?  Man, they got me by the balls.

      The ironic thing is that many PG movies in the past have featured scenes of topless women.  Yet, if I put up the photo of a woman from a PG movie on this blog, I risk losing the advertising for this blog.  Kind of screwed up, huh?
      So, Hollywood can get away with it, but I can't.
      That sucks, but it is just how it is.

      Anyway, it has been a good day at the cafe.  I did some painting and some writing.
      I have this commission painting that I am working on.  I will be glad when it is done.

      'Tattoo Face' just walked in, so I exhaled a pronounced 'F' word when he came in.  His nasal voice annoys me.  Plus, he's got a tattoo line around his lips, and he is bothersome to look at.

     Anyway.........time for a smoke.

* * *

     Some guy I was painting a picture for at the bar last night asked me "How do you make a living."
     I didn't want to talk about that with him.

     Okay, time to go home, soon.

     It's been a good session, and I got my work done.

     Time to clean up my hell and go home.

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