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Monday, January 2, 2012

The 100th post

     Like I said before, I'm just getting started.  Also, I don't know what I am doing yet on this blog.  I don't know why it is important, I don't know why anyone should look at it, and, I am more than a little bit crazy. 
     Maybe I should do yoga again, that seemed to help, but it was taking up so much of my time, and besides, my funds are running low.
     Anyway, this is the first Monday of 2012, and I don't think the world will be destroyed this year, as some would have you believe.  Those people are crazier than I am.
     Anyhow, it was a good night of Magic last night.  I finally won a game on the final game.  It was a brutal death match.  I kept getting my @ss kicked.
     Anyway, I am here now, and I got my coffee, and some fresh air.
     Nadjat is here as always.  She is everybody's favorite coffee lady.  She is all business, but she has a good time working here, too.
     Thank god, the guy who was jamming out with his headphones is gone.  He wore a Milwaukee Brewers baseball cap, and he kept quivering his legs back and forth.  He was a distracting presence to me.
     Anyhow, it is the start of a new week.  I pulled myself together, and got dressed, and dragged myself here.
     I don't know what I am doing.  I am a little confused.
     I conceived of a blog entry entitled 'Depression', but I haven't written it yet.  I was kind of down on myself yesterday.  Alcohol is a depressant, and I got bombed on New Year's Eve.  So, following, I was deflated the following day.
     I only had a couple of hits of pot, but that s**t f**cks me up.
     Nothing better than a good sneeze.
     Anyhow, I don't have much to fall back on, and I don't have much of a safety net.
     I have to buy a large canvas today for Cafe Prague, and take it there today.  This will require another trip into town.  I've been going into town almost every day for a week now.  Man, it wipes me out going there on my bike, and fighting traffic.  It isn't far, in as much that it is just work.  Always something to different to see, and things happen on the way and back, though.  There is only one easy way to get across town, and that is on Mission Street.  Other routes are congested with traffic, so I have to take the same way over and over again, and usually I am not that kind of bike rider.  I like a variety of paths.
     It isn't easy to write cohesive blog entries.  They need editing.  I always say I will go over my entries later and fix them, but then I never get around to them.
     All I know is that things need to be written and rewritten.

     I watched two episodes of The Simpsons last night from Season 23.  I was waiting to laugh.  I did a couple of times.  It is still a good show, but I don't know what it is supposed to mean anymore.  I've basically missed Seasons ten through twenty-two.  I have a lot of catching up to do.
     I was surprised, though, that the show is still not really intended for kids.  They had a lot of sex stuff in it, all implied of course.  It is funny when it is in a cartoon, it seems more real when cartoon characters have sexual urges.  Joan Rivers did a cameo.  She did a good job.  Anyway, that was my Simpsons experience.

     So now it is a new week, a new Monday, and a new life.
     I brought a painting with me.  It is just there on the bench.  I'll put the photo up when I get the chance...oh no, I forgot.  It features a naked lady, and adsense doesn't like those kind of images, even though it is just some figure painting I did in a painting class years ago.  I don't want to risk having this blog not be monetized.  I will have to put it on my 18 and over blog.  I learned the hard way that adsense doesn't like naughty bits shown.  Other people do it, and they get away with it, but somehow, I always seem to be caught or targeted, so I really just need to keep things rated PG here all the time.  It is strange and bizarre that I have to do this, but it is just how it goes.

     There was a ship from WWII, and it had a logo of a topless woman painted on the bow.  They ended up painting a bra on herf.  But then, women can breastfeed in public.  It drives me nuts.  Who gets offended is what I want to know?  Does it really make people feel uncomfortable?
     The mermaid on the Starbucks coffee cup used to feature two little dots for the breasts until enough women got offended.  Lighten up, ladies.  They resolved this by putting hair over the breasts.  So deep are people's feelings about nudity in art, that they go *ucking ballistic.  Sheez.

     I guess there are a lot of people that want to make every thing family friendly.  That is just a bunch of bull.

* * *

     I just talked to my friend from Africa.  He is a really nice guy, and reads a lot in the cafe.  Nadjat and he are good friends.  He is a benefit to this cafe.  Anyway, he liked my painting, so we were talking about it, then he discussed his lady friend who was an artist who became an art teacher, and he was saying about how many stories she had about teaching.  I told him she should write those stories down, then I decided that I should write the stories down that I had, and I guess that is what blogs are for.  I do have one for art school stuff.  I haven't done much with it yet, but someday I will, when I feel it is the time to do so.

     Well, that is about all I have to say about the essence of now for this 100th blog entry.  The reason why I mention it is that some lady was saying how she wrote 100 entries for her blog, and not much was happening with know why?  Because you have to do more than that.  You gotta put in lots of keywords, you gotta reach out to people to make a blog happen, you gotta subscribe to other people, and interact with them, and you gotta plan on 10,000 entries.  To reach a 100 entries is the equivalent of reaching level five on EverQuest.  With all the writers in the world, baby, you gotta do more.

* * *

     So, I have no back up plan to how I will make a living.  My main plan for work right now is to Not Show Up when my ball park job starts up again.  I don't want to do it.  I don't belong there.  It was fun while it lasted, but I see no reason to continue to work for peanuts.  I gotta come up with something better than that.

     Yes, the last thing I want to do is become an art teacher.  *uck it.  I don't want to do it.  I would much rather make art, and not teach it.  What the hell am I going to teach?  Nothing.

* * *

     There is the writing I do before going to the bathroom, and then the writing I do afterwards.  This is the afterwards part.  I only mention it because there is definitely a difference in my writing.  See how clear I am writing now? 

     Anyway, I've been thinking about depression a lot, and what that means, and madness might be a good theme, too.
     "Tales of Ordinary Madness" by Charles Bukowski is a highly recommended book.  It is really good.  I've read it twice.  If you have never read Bukowski, this is a good book to start with.  You will see that the guy really knows how to write.

* * *
     Okay, good times, talking about graffiti and how useless it is, alcoholism and getting laid, and The Window of Opportunity where the guy is drunk enough to be charming to women, who are also drunk, thus increasing the chances of coital activity.
     Just another day of conversation at the cafe.  See why I come here now?

     You got the yoga broads who take their class, and then they down a cup of coffee.  It's that yoga-coffee tweak thing that is so appealing.  I wonder who pays the bills while the girl is off having a good time in class and at the cafe?  Then again, who is paying my bills while I have a good time sitting at the cafe writing? 

     Thanks, Grandma.

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