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Monday, January 9, 2012


     Some guy just left.  He was working on his pink laptop, and made a cell phone call in which he said, "Maybe working as a host in restaurant as a host would be good.  People have told me I would be good at that."
     Being a host in restaurant isn't the same as doing the work of a chef or a dishwasher.
     I looked at him, and listened to him, and I didn't think he would be a good host unless it was in a gay restaurant.  In other situations, it would be annoying.
     "Hi, welcome to Denny's.  How many people are in your party?  I love parties."

     So, it was cool that my ex-girlfriend and her sister liked my Drunken Facebook Postings during the weekend.  I had fun writing them.  I let loose.

     I was just outside smoking a cigarette, and I looked at the word 'INTERCEPTOR' below a license plate on a three-wheeled parking attendant mobile.  I was...'wtf...what is that?  A TIE Interceptor like in Star Wars'.
     Metaphorically, it is.

     Space Journey Battles, my epic science fiction adventure is starting to make more and more sense all the time.

     There is a new art show here with large figurative paintings, but they could be better.  She has kind of copped out with the painting part of the paintings through use of collaged wall paper.  It is kind of cute, but her drawing and painting skills could be improved a little.  It is what I call 'getting into the nitty-gritty'.  Her work isn't good enough.  It is kind of a let down.  I give her a 'B'.  I don't think she'll be getting into the galleries anytime soon.

     A lot of women, as they age, they get nosier and nosier.  Their eyes gaze more and more into other people's business, but they never say anything.  Instead, I get these 'prune-face looks of skepticism.'

     Jeff liked the napkin drawing portrait I did of him.
     "That's the best thing I've ever seen you do."
     That's a comment I've heard for over twenty years.

     Anyway, it was fun  playing Magic and getting my painting work done all at the same time.

     Okay, if I could have any job I wanted in the world, what would it be?  Well, it would be to sit in the cafe to write, and then go home to paint.  I can do this all day long, every day.  No problem.
     However, the problem is, "How in hell do I get paid?"  I don't know.  I have to be really successful with my writing, cartooning, and painting in order to make a living at it.
     So what is my next choice?
     I never minded too much relatively to work in crowded cafes and restaurants and make a little scratch money doing that.  At least I could get lost in those environments, and disappear.

     Basically, I wish somebody would give me a break in this world, but so far, it ain't happening.  I wonder what I have to do to make it happen?  I don't know.  I'll have to go public or something, a prospect I'm not entirely pleased with, but maybe it will be fun.
     Yes, I have to go all the way if I expect something to happen.

     Otherwise, it is pretty quiet in the cafe today.  Everybody is at work.

     My final napkin drawing/painting of the night last night I sold for $3.  The drawing was of a young couple.  It wasn't my best work.  I needed more time.  The bar was closing.  The guy liked it enough to give me something for it, so it was cool.

     Francisco and his ex-girlfriend lost the paintings that I made of them, or they were stolen.  They were nice pieces.  All that work for nothing.

     I'm just working on a comic book page right now.  I don't know if it is any good.  All I am doing is firming up some lines and the text with a ball point pen to make the text and images more legible.  When I am done, I will photograph it, and make a video.  Then I will post it all on a log, and the video will go on youtube, and we'll see what happens.
     With my comic book work on youtube, I hardly get any hits.  Maybe that will change someday, but for the most part, the kids watch my Clone Wars Videos, and that's about it.  I have found much of an art audience yet.  It can happen, but it will take a while.

     In the time it takes for anybody to notice anything I'm doing on the web, I could be dead.  That would suck.

     Ideally, I will put lots of comics and paintings and artwork on the web, and I can get some sales and notoriety.  It can happen. I don't see why it can't if the work is good.

     Anyway, it is a mostly quiet Monday here at the cafe, and yes, I have my work cut out for me.

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     Cops seem too interested in my business, even at times when I am just standing there.  I don't trust them.

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