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Wednesday, November 30, 2011


     It is nice to just start typing and not know where you are going, like a walk in the park, or a neighborhood stroll.
     I don't really write about anything specifically except for my own entertainment and amusement, and maybe someone down the road will read it and get some enjoyment out of it, I'm not sure.  I never can be about something like that.
     One thing is for sure is that I do no research, I don't take notes of what I what I am going to write about, I just do it.
     The research part of writing takes time.  I just read several articles from The Guardian.  It takes time to read, and it is a must if you want to write.  There are no short-cuts in this department.  You have to read in order to write.
     I think it is time for a smoke.  It helps my brain to reset.

     Anyway, some kid isn't too happy with the food her mom bought for her, but now she is eating it, which is better than her crying right next to me.
     The guy with glasses is writing in very small type.
     I read The Guardian and The S.F. Weekly.
     There is a picture of 1983's "Joysticks".  I actually went to see that movie.  It was pretty bad, but I saw it because of the poster with the two hot babes.  They were nice.

     It is time to go.
     I have things to take care of.
     I don't know if it will be all that nice.


     Well, I'm glad the internet works here at the cafe.  That's good.  At least something works in my life.  That is acceptable.  Now to get other stuff working, and that is not going to be easy.
     I suppose I'm just a monkey at a typewriter, just hoping something will happen with my writing.
     I never stood a chance.
     Anyway, if I can't get through to my bank connection, I have to actually go there myself if I can't make contact through the phone.
     I actually did find some naked pictures of Tasha Yor from Star Trek: The Next Generation on the web.  I discovered she had posed in Playboy, so I knew there was a chance of finding some pictures of her.  In the process, I discovered she was the granddaughter of Bing Crosby.  I did not know that.  Anyway, all I can say is that her bra was stuffed in that first season of TNG.  That is what I liked about her, her big rack and her blond hair in that skin tight outfit.  Unless she had huge implants put in sometime after her shoot, but I don't think so.  I think she was stuffed.  I would put the pictures in this blog entry, but adsense would not approve.  So anybody who reads this will have to go to my other blog, or they will have to find the pictures themselves on the web.
     I like Star Trek women.  The uniforms make them hot, especially with those knee-high black leather boots.

     Anyways, I got problems. 
     My lots on Clone Wars Adventures are going good, so that is something.
     All I want to do is to make cartoons, paint, play video games, and make videos.

     I don't know what my next video will be.  I usually take the path of least resistance, so I'm not sitting there for three hours making a single video.

     Anyways, it is time for a smoke.

     My friend showed up, so we talked about catholic school girls, and how his sister burned her uniform once she was out of theology school.
     Then we talked about backwards music listening, and how one heavy metal band put a message on their album backwards that said, "You are so stupid if you listen to this album backwards".  That is the greatest thing I have ever heard concerning backwards music listening.

     Thank god for spell-check.  It is an amazing little tool to show that you misspelled a word.  It helps me a lot.

     Anyways,...I did more cartoon watching last night, and  had Hulu going for hours while I slept.

     Well, I guess I have no choice but to be successful.  I have to make it happen for myself, because if there is one thing that I have learned in this life is that being poor sucks ass.

     I am making progress with all of my web activities.  It just takes time to do all this stuff is all.

     There has to be a job for me somewhere out there that I can really do.  There has to be.

     I am bound and determined to not have to go back to the ballpark.  It's just not my bag at all.  There are people who are really good at that job, and it ain't me, that is for sure. 

     Lots of things going in my mind right now, I guess I should be excited because my new life is going to begin.  I am thrilled to make some changes, it will be good.

     Happiness is not given, it is won.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Well, I can't think of a title right now. All I know is I have to go.

     Well, that was fun.
     I just stood out there on the sidewalk with my friend.  We talk about whatever comes to mind.  It's pretty creative.
     It's good to just stand out there with a coffee and a cigarette, and come up with ideas.
     We talked about Tom Waits, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Americans, cigarettes, albums, records, t.v. shows, people, and the weather.
     Good to talk about normal, every day stuff.
     I like to stand out there because it is like what Hank Hill does with his buddies, except that we drink coffee instead of beer.
     It's the same thing as what the South Park kids do at the bus stop, they just stand out there and talk, and go over current events.
     It's what guys do.
     In contrast, women like to sit all curled up at a coffee shop or bar, and talk to their friend in a real intimate situation, all hushed up in whispers, and inside jokes, going over all the details that they want to spew out, sometimes in what sounds almost nonsensical to me.
     I guess it doesn't matter what you do as long as you have a good time.

     I want to see the made-for-television remake of 'The Shining' because it is more like the book.  I really want to see that.  I had to be at work, so I missed the whole thing, and it's been years, and I still haven't seen it.
     There's still a lot of Stephen King stuff I want to read.
     That is what we also talked about while standing out there on the sidewalk:  Stephen King.
     We talked about how his movies just have normal people in them, and his books, well, they all just have regular folk.  We both like that.  We like how there aren't usually big names in movies made from his books.  It's just regular folk who happen to be living in a nightmare.  We like that.

     Well, it is 2:00 pm. and it is getting late.
      I have a lot of stuff to do, unfortunately.

     I drew a cartoon of the street corner I look at every day, with the caption of 'I'm doomed' on it.  Maybe I will post it here if I remember.  I took the picture of it.
     Cartoons look better when they are inked.
     People don't want to accept pencil drawings of cartoons.  To me, that is where the action is, but people want the over-produced clean piece of artwork.  They don't want to see all the grit and slime.  They want it all sterilized.  That is how they like it.  They don't want to look at a mess.

     I'm always at a constant war with myself between cartooning and making fine art.  My resolve has been to do both, and then I end up being not so good at either of them.

     A man and woman are talking at the table next to me on my left.  My mind instantly goes in another direction.  I suppose the audio track of this situation is better than two women chatter-boxing away.  Hopefully, the guy will ground her a little, so the talk doesn't get too filled with helium.

     Meanwhile, there was another woman here with black knee-high boots, and a mature black knee-length skirt, with long curly dirty-blond hair.  She was hot.  She was at the height of her womanhood, just before the daily process of getting older was about to kick in.  She was at the peak of her beauty.  She looked nice to me, with all of her curves.  I think of her right now, and I wish I could be drinking some wine with her.

     My friend and I did talk about wine, and we both agreed that wine gives us headaches.  I did point out that it is nice to drink with a woman.
     I brought up the subject of wine because there is a sign at the market across the street for $6.99 a bottle, and the second bottle is for a penny.  Nice, huh?
     It would be nice to drink some wine if there was a woman to go along with it.

     Well, the man and the woman are both on their laptops now, so their conversation has died down.  However, I have to leave soon.  I have things to do, unfortunately.

     The broken clock on the building reads 12:05.  It could mean the afternoon, it could be permanently after midnight.
     At least the clock is right two times a day, as they say.
     Yup, it is time to go.

     Remember AfterM*A*S*H?  That was a bad show, and very sad.  The only bright point seemed to be the return of Radar, who was the only one who was in both the movie version and on the t.v. show.

Hello, it is a beautiful day, and I'm doomed.

     I was really happy to see Peter Griffin go in there and kick the shit out of Lucy.  He performed roundhouse kicks on her face.  He forced her to hold down the football so that Charlie Brown could kick the football.
     Finally, justice has been served.
     Family Guy also had Wile E. Coyote catch the Road Runner, and then was so bored he became a Born-Again Christian.
     They had Elmer Fudd kill Bugs Bunny.  I don't know how I feel about that, which means that they are on the side of Elmer.

     I watched a couple of episodes of The Simpsons from season 23.  Not having seen the show much in years, well, I don't know if it is the same.  The show didn't seem to be about anything.  It's just turned into an entertainment show, which is fine.  That is what the world is.  I liked the episodes, I just didn't laugh as much.  Homer giving a 'Hi-5' to his own soul was funny.  That made me laugh.

     So, basically, I'm doomed, and I have to go to the bank today.  Or, make a phone call.  We'll see what happens.

     In effect, I don't have an art career, I don't have anything going on, and that is sad.

     The girl to the left of me talking on her phone is cute.  Her voice doesn't annoy me.  It has normal sound to it, instead of that tinny female shrill voice that can get sooo annoying.

     There is a girl to the right of me, and behind me by the window, and she has a white cloth on her head.

     The girl to the left said the best thing when she said, "I'm soo excited about this project!" as she took off her green coat and projected her breasts forward.  That was pleasant to see.

     Anyhow, I guess my next question is, "What Now?"

     One thing is for sure, and that is nobody cares about you when you are down and out.

* * *

     So, I spent hours watching Family Guy clips, and also from King of The Hill, and The Simpsons.  I was entertained, but I was also doing research. 
     I also saw some Robot Chicken, I like that.

     It seems that everything I would want to do in a cartoon, they have done.  They are sarcastic, and cruel, and it is all very funny.
     Some of the things I would never do.  I've never even conceived in my mind of a sexual pervert 'giggly-goo' guy, or an old man with a walker who is interested in young boys.
     'Family Guy' gets away with a lot, and the fans love it.  They can't get enough.
     One of my favorite outrageous scenes is when Stewie beats up Brian because money is owed.  The violence in that scene is incredible.  I've never seen anything quite like that.

     The girl to the left departed.  She had a good butt.  She was a good girl. 
     I can think now, but I kind of liked her voice.
     I complained to myself that she was talking too much, and I couldn't think, and now I am sad that she is gone.
     It's just how it works.

     It was fun seeing some 'King of The Hill' last night.  I can't get enough of Hank Hill and his son Bobby.  The show is funny, pathetic, disturbing, and creepy, and I love it.
     Arlen, Texas?  Who cares about what goes on there?  But it is funny to make a show about a fictional town in Texas.
     It's just all so wrong.
     I didn't know until recently that the show went on for thirteen seasons.  That is a lot.  That is success.  Dvd sales of the show will only help to line the pockets of anyone who gets a cut.

     The greatest thing about cartoons is that kids never have to age.  That was always the problem with shows like The Little Rascals, The Brady Bunch, Leave It To Beaver, etc. is that the kids always got older, and suddenly the kids weren't so cute. 

     In South Park, the kids have been in 4th grade for over eleven years.  That is pretty funny.
     It kind of makes it all into some kind of 'Twilight Zone' event, where people are stuck in this time vortex where they never age, and never get old, and never progress beyond their character.

     I like shows with character development.  That is always supposed to be a trademark of a good play or movie, where the characters learn something, and change slightly as a result, but you don't even have to care about that anymore.  Not in television land.  The more two-dimensional the characters are, the better.  That means that they can just stay that way.

     The Simpsons still seems to be a pretty adult cartoon, despite it featuring kids.  It definitely has an adult perspective.
     They even used a bleeped-out 'F' word.  My word! 
     Shocking, even for The Simpsons.
     It's all such a normal word anyway, I don't know why any normal person would get their panties in a bunch over it.

     Anyway, I had a good time watching all these clips.  I was trying to update myself about what was going on in the cartoon world.
     I love all the pop culture references, and things I can relate to, and the social commentary.  I love these shows for taking jabs at b.s. things in our society, and making us laugh at the same time.

     I really care about these characters.
     I don't know why I care about Hank Hill all that much.  He's the most boring cartoon character ever invented just about.  But I love the voice and I love his whole routine, so sure about what he learned growing up applies to the ever-changing world.  Hank is close to being a real person, so I love that about him.
     I don't care about Peggy all that much.  She can be amusing at times, but she doesn't do much for me.  What appeal she does have is she is square in her own way, and thinks she is smarter than she actually is.  I like that.  I seem to have the same problem, so I relate to her on that level.
     I like Leann, but the actress who did her voice died a couple of months after the show ended.  Sucks, so I guess we'll never be hearing from Leann again.  That is sad.
     Bobby is such a creepy messed up little boy, and has some fruity tendencies that Hank doesn't know what to do with.  He is almost a Pugsley kind of character from The Addams Family.  That is kind of funny.

     It's kind of hard to care about The Cleveland Show all that much.  I saw the episode of 'The Cleveland Show Live' and ended up not enjoying it all that much.  It was an episode where they made the cartoon as if it was filmed in front of a live studio audience.  It kind of left me flat, though.  I was really into the idea at first, since it had never been done that way before.  It somehow didn't work by the end of the show.  Something went wrong.
     I do like the black Stewie, though.  I don't know what his name is.  He did a James Brown dance which was awesome, though.

     Anyway, I did all my cartoon research, and it is time to come up with some original stuff, and that is the hard part.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Yet Another Dialogue

 A:    I'm lucky my previous blog entry wasn't lost.  It almost was.  Luckily, I was able to save it, and it was  published.  It was almost an hour or two of work down the tubes.

B:  Yeah, thank god.  Whew, that would have sucked.  Now the blog is saved for all of posterity.
C:  Yeah, now the two people who will eventually look at it will be happy.
A:  Who the hell are you?
C:  I'm a butt-inski.  I'm the type of person who eavesdrops on other people's conversations,
     adds his two cents, and leaves, happy that some disruption has been caused.
B:  Toss off, asshole, we're talking here.
A:  Yeah, just go away.
C:  Whatever, dudes, bye.
A:  Jesus, it is hard to mind your own business in this town.
B:  Yeah, I get interrupted all the time.
A:  Anyway, now I really want to see 'Office Space'.
B:  Yeah, me, too.
A:  At least I can read up on it on wiki.
B:  Yeah, at least there is that.
A:  Yeah.
B:  Well, that was some good reading.  I want to see that movie right now.
A:  It looks like you are getting into movies again.
B:  Yeah, it's been a while, but now that I have a good set-up with my computer and PS2 with flat-screen
     monitor, I can go to town watching movies and playing games.
A:  It sounds like fun.
B:  Yeah, it is, but I can really use a beer.
A:  Yeah, that does sound good.  Maybe some whiskey, too.
B:  Yeah.
A:  The thing about writing is, that there are no smells involved, so people can just read this and not have
      to deal with you.  It works that way in films, too.
B:  Yeah, I read that it was hard being in The Red Hot Chili Peppers because of all the farts.
A:  Yeah, sacrifices have to be made when you want to keep a band going.
B:   I haven't read about any research on the matter, but farts might actually be the cause of the end of many
A:  Yeah, you could be right.
B:  This thinking started with George Carlin's line about 'the fart that ended the marriage'.
A:  He ended up being one of the great ones.
B:  Yes, he did.

Another Day

A:  Hello, I'm doomed.
B:  Tell me something I don't already know.  Well, at least your internet still works.  You can be happy about
A:  Yeah, I guess so.
B:  Always look on the bright side of life.  At least you aren't homeless.
A:  Not yet anyway.
B:  Well, you still have a chance to make something of yourself.
A:  Yeah?  Doing what?  It's not as if San Francisco really has too many job openings for artists, and even 
      then, it sucks having to produce stuff for someone else.  Making art for a job gets to be a real grind in
      about two minutes.
B:  Well, you have no choice.  You have to do something.
A:  Well, I could shave my beard off, but then I got a kiss with it last night.  So the choice is to have long hair
     and a beard and get affection from women, or to cut my hair off and shave, and get affection from other
     kinds of women.
B:  It's a win-win!
A:  Yeah, right.
B:  Well, all I know is I have to do something.  My finances are in ruin.  The money I thought I had is gone.
      So, basically, I'm fucked.
A:  Ooops.
B:  What are you going to do?
A:  I don't know yet.  Just try to work through it.
B:  Too bad you aren't popular, then it would be easy.
A:  Yeah, I know.  But I don't know what having conversations with both sides of my brain is going to do.
     It does help me to think, and it helps me to not write boring monologues that no one wants to read.
B:  That is true.  Well, you got to do something.  You had better get going on it, if I were you.  Maybe you
     could make a comic book or something, and sell a million copies.  Then you would be rich.
A:  That is true.  No one reads comics anymore, though.
B:  Yeah, you are right.
A:  Well, maybe I'll go out and have a cigarette, that always helps.
B:  Yeah, it does, somehow.  I don't know why, but it does.
A:  Well, it helps me to clear my brain, and I often get a mind-change while I am out there standing on the
B:  Yeah, that is true.

A:  Well, that was fun standing out there.  I thought about The Simpsons, and how I am reconnecting with that
      show, thanks to a loan of several dvds.  I have Seasons 1 & 2, but my friend has up until about Season
      12, so I will be busy for quite a while.  Then, some woman walked by, and she coughed because of my
      smoke, but often people do that as their protest whether they need to cough or not.  They do it in a way
      that lets me know that they don't approve of my smoking.  So, anyway, my life is going down the tubes.
      I don't want to work at the ballpark anymore.  It sucks.  I don't like it, scamming customers for over-
      priced items.  There's got to be something I can do.  The plan was to be an artist, but that hasn't worked
      out too well.  No buyers, no art shows, and no nothing lately.
B:  Well, it looks to me like you are fucked.
A:  Yeah, it does.
B:  Well, I just saw The Simpsons episode where Krusty's career is going down the tubes, and at one point,
      considers being a porn star.
A:  I've often thought of doing that whenever my chips are down, hahaha.
B:  I still think of doing that.  The only problem is that now I am old and no one wants me.  Well, they never
     wanted me when I was young, either.
A:  Too bad.
B:  Yeah.  So, has it all come to this?
A:  Yeah, I think it has.
B:  Well, you could always kill yourself when the money is all gone.
A:  Yeah, that is true.  That would be no fun, though.
B:  Yeah, you are right.  There has to be a way, though.
A:  The only solution is to get a job you hate, and suck it up, and try and earn a paycheck.
B:  Yeah, that is true.  But how?  I don't even know where to begin.
A:  I'll be damned if I ever show up to the ballpark again just to make $30.  Fuck it.  I'm done.  I ain't going
B:  Hopefully, you won't have to eat your hat on that one.
A:  Agreed.  Well, anyhow, I have some videos to make.  I was thinking my next one should be, "Clone Wars
     Adventures - I'm quitting the game".  That would be funny.
B:  Yeah, it would.  Then you could say that you are just kidding, and that you will never quit, come hell or
     high water.
A:  Yeah.  Then I could say that I'm going to play even more, just to be annoying to General Ghostz and his
      annoying twat friends.
B:  Yeah.
A:  Don't you love writing?
B:  Yeah, I can say whatever I want here, because the chances of anyone reading this is slim to none.
A:  Yeah.
B:  Anyway, what I want to talk about is that my ex-roommate...well, she looks hot.
A:  What are you talking about?
B:  I'm serious.  She lost weight.  She is trim and lean, and has that cut look to her face.  She is looking good,
     and it was funny to hear her talk.  It is the same person, but she looks completely different.
A:  Wow.
B:  Anyway, it was cool to see her, and to hear her laugh.  I am glad she is doing well.
A:  Yeah, that is nice.
B:  I left on good terms.  I left, and she was happy.  End of story, lol.
A:  Haha.
B:  Anyway, so whatchoo going to do now?
A:  I was thinking of having another cigarette, get some beer and whiskey later on, and get blasted.
B:  That is always a good way to find a job.
A:  Yeah, you never know what can happen.
B:  Yeah.
A:  All I know is that The Simpsons are awesome.  I switched to South Park, but I am ready to return to The
     Simpsons.  I want to see every episode, and know that show inside and out.
B:  Yeah, that would be fun.
A:  Yeah.
B:  Wow, good reading on wiki for both The Simpsons and King of The Hill.  I have a lot of dvds to watch if
      I am to catch up on those two shows.
A:  I don't see anything wrong with 'The Principal and The Pauper'.  So what if Seymour Skinner is an
     imposter?  Who cares?  It's just a cartoon, and it doesn't look that The Simpsons was ever meant to be
     taken all that seriously.
B:  My grandmother never liked The Simpsons much.  She thought it was terrible, as I would sit there laughing
     at it.
A:  Anyway, time to come up with my own cartoon.
B:  Isn't it a little late for that?
A:  Yes, but I have to come up with an idea I can make millions of dollars off of.  I'm sick of being poor.
B:  I hear that.
A:  Otherwise, it is a nice day at the cafe.
B:  Yeah, it is.

A:  I would like to do a cartoon based on the cafe I go to everyday.  That would be fun.

B:  I just spent an hour drawing the cafe lady as a cartoon character.  It takes a long time, especially to do
     a good job of it.  I drew it Simpsons style, and even though it is simple line-work, it was not easy.  That's
     just the pencil version.  To do a ink and color version would take even longer, and that is just one image.
     Imagine doing a whole  twenty-two minute episode, my word.  Animation takes a lot of drawings, more
     than any human to count.  There's a lot of throw-away material involved.
A:  Well, it looks like you missed the boat of the animation revival.
B:  Yeah, I guess I did.  I still have to try, though.  I can never give up.
A:  At least the coffee lady took a picture of the drawing with her phone.
B:  Yeah, that was nice that it wasn't all for nothing.
A:  Yeah.
B:  Well, that looks like it is about it.
A:  Yeah, it does.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Privileged

     Well, it's another day, and I have to pay rent.
     I have nothing more to say, but I think I'll get a beer to help me with the hangover.  That usually helps.  Sounds like it would be fun.  Nothing better than having a beer on a Sunday.
     I'm a slightly disturbed individual, but I don't mean anybody any harm.  I just want to have a good time, play games, and watch movies.
     Nothing wrong with that.
     Well, tonight is another Magic The Gathering session, so I suppose I should get ready for that.

     All I want to do is chillax today.  I don't really have much to say about anything.

     Life is good, and I just want to live.  That ain't a crime as far as I know.

     I'm starting to question the whole 'life, liberty, and justice for all' thing.  It seems to be way more about 'The Privileged' .

     Well, I can tell you one thing, that it is way more fun to be rich than poor. 
     The thing that most people don't realize is that when you are rich, you gotta live poor so all the money doesn't go through the window.
     That is what happens.

     It doesn't take a lot to make me happy.  I just need a beer to sip on, and that's about it.

Well, I got hammered last night.

     Always a good title to a blog.  Lots of people can relate to that.
     Anyhow, I'm at the cafe.  I toyed with the idea of not bringing my laptop to the cafe, figuring I would draw, or read a book, but then I succumbed, knowing that at least I would be able to write some monetized content.
     To draw would mean basically that I would use up all my free time, and nothing would come of it.
     I actually like to draw, though.  It's going to be time to draw up some new comics or something.
     I'm not sick about comics enough to get really good at it.  I used to be, but then I got into art and rock & roll.
     Anyways, it is a nice day.
     General Ghostz made a 'I Hate Dirk Wampaflash' youtube channel.  Wow, that kid is really obsessed with me.  Him and Jacen Shieldbreaker can now be best buds forever, I don't care.  I don't want their drama, or to babysit, I just want to play the game.
     They have made anti-Dirk videos, and to me, it is all just free advertising.
     Ghost did make a video about how I stalk little kids, but actually he stalks me, and spams my youtube home page.  For someone who says I have no life, he sure isn't doing anything himself.
     Ghostz acts like a spurned lover because I didn't want to be his friend.  He was a pain in the ass, and needed constant attention.  He was too much work, so I didn't want to be friends with him.
     I consider him a little bully, and I don't want nothing to do with him.
     I suppose I'll make a Ghostbusters video when I have time, which will be my response to General Ghostz and his stupid little friends.
     It's all good fun.

     It's a nice day today.  I've seen some cutey-pies.
     I also saw a nice brunette last night, with glasses.  She had that secretary look going for her.
     I also saw a nice blond, but she just wanted to go home.

     I have to get my brother to put up that Dirk Wampaflash light saber video.  It should get a lot of hits.

     Well, I have no plans to drink more whiskey anytime soon, but I do have the hair of the dog going for me.
     Not really ideal to be drinking if I want to find a job, but the crushing monotony of reality gets to me, and it is fun to get a little tipsy once in a while.
     A lot of the times that I have gotten laid have been alcohol related.  It seems to help.  It is nice to share a bottle of wine with a woman, and then things kind of start to happen, lol.
     Getting drunk, and getting laid, hey, it's the American Way.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

More Between A and B

A:  Wow, that turned out to be pretty good.  I like writing in dialogue form.
B:  Yeah, it is fun.  You know that all we are doing is...well, the author is being two people.
A:  Yeah, I know.  But who cares?
B:  We are just...actors.  We aren't real.  I don't even know who I am.  I think I am just the letter 'B'.  That's
     all I am.  I am just the person who responds to you.
A:  Yeah, I always start the dialogue, but who knows?  Maybe I'll let you start one of these days.  You have
     to be happy with who you are.  You have to accept and love yourself.  Nobody is going to do it for you.
B:  That is true.
A:  I think our wires get crossed, and sometimes I become you.
B:  That's okay.  That is what seems to happen  with people in real dialogues.  They become each other.
A:  Yeah, that is true.  The more you talk to someone, the more you become them.
B:  Yeah, that is true.
A:  When it is a male and female talking, usually, it turns to mush.
B:  Yeah, it happens that way.  That's just natural and normal.
A:  Yeah, it is.
B:  I like all of my dialogues in small doses, though.
A:  Yeah, me, too.  And I like there to be a point.
B:  Me, too.
A:  Well, we could always go back to creating monologues, but no one likes to read that.
B:  Yeah, no one likes that egotistical shit.
A:  Yeah, no one, unless you are Rutger Hauer at the end of Blade Runner.  That is one of the few
     monologues in film that is any good.
B:  Michael Douglass did a good one in 'Wall Street'.
A:  Yes, that is true.
B:  He performed the whole five minute monologue in one take, and that is not easy.
A:  No, it is not.  It means you have to memorize a lot.
B:  I was never good at memorizing.
A:  Neither was I.  Too much work.
B:  Yeah, just too much.
A:  Yeah.
B:  I never really wanted to be an actor.
A:  Yes, you did, you wanted to be some kind of child actor, and make some money, because you
     realized at a young age that you needed money in order to buy things you wanted, and if you did not
     have money, then you couldn't do jack shit.
B:  Yeah, I realized that it sucked being poor.
A:  Yeah, it does.
B:  At least with this blog, you have a chance.
A:  I do?  Lol.  No one gives a shit about this blog.
B:  Yeah, you are right, you are absolutely right.  Maybe someday they will, you never know.
A:  Yeah, that is true.
B:  There is a whole new crop of humans coming.
A:  Yeah, and they need fucked-up content to help get them through the goddamn day.
B:  That is true.
A:  It is time for a smoke, we never went out for the last one.
B:  Yeah, that is true.  It is so much fun to type, though.  It is really addicting.
A:  Yeah, that is true.

A Dialogue between A and B

A:  Hello.
B:  Hi.
A:  I've been obsessed with creating two person dialogues, but I never get around to it, until I actually just jump
     right in and do it.  Then, it all becomes one big mess, as I just kind of let it rip on the page.
B:  Well, you gotta start somewhere.
A:  I first became aware of dialogues in this form from Andy Warhol.  Who would have known that he could
     make a contribution to my world of literature?   He basically introduced the dialogue form to me, and for that,
     I am thankful.  I later found lots of examples of this.  I guess I am the side of me that talks a lot and can't shut
B:  Yeah, I'll be the listener kind of guy, who then later interprets what is said.
A:  I'm going to go have a cigarette, I'll be back.
B:  Okay.  I'll digest what you have said so far.  I am sure you will cave in my head some more soon.
A:  Probably.   brb.
B:  Okay.

A:  While out there, I thought about what it will take for me to make money.  Adsense is no good.  I need
     a solid way to make money, and I don't know how.  No one wants to buy my art.  A couple of people
     actually want to, but I haven't been able to find the drawings that they want.  I suppose I should look.
     I can't seem to get it together, instead just making a bunch of bullshit videos for my own amusement. 
     I get mixed results from them.  Why am I even here?  I could be at home drinking my own coffee, making
     soup, and drinking beer, having a good time.
B:  Well, you have to take inventory of where you are, and do things that will propel your life forward.  One
     thing is for sure, no one will do it for you.
A:  That is true.  That is very true. 
B:  It might help if you want to get a job to cut your hair, shave, and buy some appropriate clothes.
A:  Yeah, I am just sick of playing the game, though, and I'm done with being somebody's bitch, which I don't
     find fun at all.
B:  Yeah, but you are going to have to suck it up if you want money.
A:  That is true.  Hey, Suzie Q is playing.  I liked that girl who was dancing to that song in 'Apocalypse Now'.
B:  Yeah, she was pretty delectable.  Thinking of her makes me pause and think about her white shorts and
     cowgirl boots.  She's got to be about 60 now, lol, if she is even alive anymore.
A:  Yeah.  But the memory of her is etched in my mind forever.
B:  Okay.  So, anything else you want to talk about?
A:  Not really.  It's been fun talking, though.  It beats talking to someone who doesn't really want to talk to
     which is just about everybody.  I have a tendency to burn people out.  I don't talk a lot, but if you get me
     going, the dam bursts.  I try to control it, but it isn't always possible.
B:  Well, I'm just glad that through sheer force of will you made yourself write a dialogue.
A:  Yeah, it feels pretty good.  I'm basically finding out that I have to rewrite everything I have ever done,
     and put it all on this blog.  I still have tons of typewritten pages laying around but they aren't doing anybody
     any good, but at least with a blog, I can get read if any poor sap happens to stumble upon this.
B:  Yeah, I agree.
A:  Just what is a dialogue anyhow?
B:  An exchange of words and ideas between two people or characters.
A:  What is it for?
B:  Well, it is communication in its purest form.  The Greeks used to write a lot of dialogues like this to teach
     math, science, and philosophy.
A:  That sounds cool.  It would be nice to use the form of the dialogue to talk about things happening now,
     but I don't know who would read it.
B:  Neither do I , but that doesn't matter right now.  What does matter is to just have a good time, and fly to
     the moon and back.
A:  Yeah, I guess so.
B:  Well, we could sit here dicking around in the cafe, or we could go home and screw around playing video
A:  That is true.  Also, I have some ideas for videos that I might want to do.
B:  That sounds like it might be a good idea.  What are you trying to do, enter the entertainment industry?
A:  I don't know.  A good script can sell for a lot.
B:  Yeah, I know.  You have to be a sick fuck to get a good script together, though.
A:  Yeah, that is true.  I don't even know how to write one.
B:  I used to be jealous of my little brother writing scripts, but then when I read them, it wasn't very good, but
     I was jealous that he was in the mindset to write it in the first place.  I could never do that until much later.
A: Yeah, it helps when you have a typewriter.
B:  It sure does.
A:  So, I always just produce a lot of material, and then hope that someone discovers it.  By the time they do,
     it will be too late.  Plus, my material isn't always that great, so I don't know that even if they do discover it,
     that anybody will ever think anything of it.
B:  Yeah, that is true.
A:  It would be nice if you could write something that people would like so you could get a paycheck. 
     Maybe you could write some short stories or something.
B:  I don't know how.  I usually just make up stuff as I go along.  I don't seem to be too good at planning
     out anything.
A:  That is too bad.  Well, if you want to eat, you had better figure out something.
B:  Yeah, you are right.
A:  Time to pull yourself up by the bootstraps.
B:  Yeah, I guess so.  It doesn't help when you are a lazy sod, though.
A:  No, it doesn't.  Not at all.  But look at all this dialogue?  That is a lot of work.
B:  Yeah, it is.
A:  Most people who write scripts, though, are full of shit.
B:  Yeah, I know what you mean.  They always think of the big project, the big money, how it is going to be
     filmed, and how everything is going to be great once they sell the script, which is really unlikely to happen.
A:  Yeah, I'm much more into just doing stuff for its own sake, if you like doing it or not.
B:  Yeah, who cares, as long as you are having a good time?  But on the practical side of things, what would
     you rather do, sweep streets and clean toilets, or write and paint for a living.
A:  You know the answer to that.
B:  Yeah, I do.  The situation is that you have to come up with something.
A:  I don't know what.  It also means that whatever I do has to be well-received.  I can't just do a bunch of
     crap, and expect it to work.
B:  Well, maybe it is time for some elbow grease.
A:  Yeah, you know how I have an aversion to work.
B:  Well, hopefully, you will pull it together.  It's not as if you have a choice.  You have to do it, you must do
     it, otherwise, your life is going to be a living hell forever, and that doesn't seem like it would be all that
     much fun.
A:  Yeah, you are right, it doesn't.
B:  I remember looking at plays in a theater store, and how cool it would be to be a playwright, and craft
     plays to be performed, and then copyright the material, and make money that way.  I thought that was
     pretty cool.  Just put some words on paper, and there you have it.  It all looked so easy.  If they could do
     it, I don't know know why I couldn't.  To date, I still haven't been able to do it.  I haven't been able to
     get into that mode.
A:  Yeah, you have to be into that acting world and immerse yourself into it.
B:  I would rather just be an alcoholic artist, and swim in a bottle and paint at the same time.  That sounds
A:  Yeah, it kind of does.  You can only do that for so long, though.  Eventually, the booze catches up to you.
B:  Yeah, it does.  But I know a couple of people who drink every day, and they have careers as artists.
     Something has to pay for the bartab, you know.
A:  Yeah, I know.
B:  It does sound a little better than going to yoga everyday, and being healthy.  Who cares about that?
A:  It looks like you have returned back to Slackerdom.
B:  Yes, I have, and it feels great.
A:  Hopefully, you won't die.
B:  Yeah, I know what you mean.  Anyway, I think it is time for a cigarette.
A:  I agree.  Maybe it is a good time to end this talk.
B:  Yeah, maybe.  You never know when to end.
A:  Yeah, that is my problem.
B:  Yeah, I know.  Okay, let's smoke.  It's the American Way.
A:  Okay, let's.

Thoughts about Ricky and Lucy

     I was outside thinking about Ricky Ricardo and Lucille Ball, and how they had separate beds.
     In one episode it showed a sunken mattress, with a routine showing Ethel and how she tucked Fred into bed, so they slept in the same bed.
     It wasn't really proper to show Ricky and Lucy sharing a bed, yet, somehow, they produced a baby.
     Ricky was well-known for receiving blow jobs in phone booths, or whatever the hell he did.  He was quite the slut with his 'Babaloo' routine.  He was pretty prolific.
     Lucy would chain smoke all day, so her mouth must have tasted like an ashtray.

     Meanwhile, The Brady parents slept in the same bed, and I would cringe watching them kiss.

     So, there I was, a kid of six years old, watching Ricky and Lucy sleep in separate beds, but The Brady's slept in the same bed, yet they produced no kids of their own.  They must have used protection.
     Well, it was all confusing.

     Now, kids can watch porn if they want, and see naked people on youtube, if their computer is blocked from porn sites.
     To make videos with bikini babes is actually providing a service to people.  I ought to make videos of people about to have sex while they are still clothed.  Some of the scenes can be pretty funny.  If I find a good one, I should film it.

     Basically, people watch what they are ready for.

     I pretty much agree that people shouldn't watch naughty stuff until they are 18 and over, but those that really want to find a way, if there is a will. 
     I don't know what harm it does, unless you watch too much of it.  There is a lot in life to live for besides naked chicks, but I don't know what.  It seems to be the motivating factor why men want to be successful in the first place, so that they can be attractive to women.

     Anyway, my day will be filled with fun and games, and I have some split pea soup to look forward to eating.  That's about all I need today.
     Plus, I have more Babylon 5 to watch.

     I wonder what I will do for a job?  I don't know.
     I have to create something which I can make money from.
     The art business indicates that I have to make a lot of work, that it has to be really good, that I have to be an amazing person and have it all together, and that people will spend lots of money on my art.
     Yeah, good luck.
     I basically have to appeal to the tastes of the upper class if I want to sell expensive paintings.
     Well, there goes the fun out of that.

     People really don't like modern art, I have discovered.  What they like is Impressionism.  They don't like anything new.  They like the familiar.  They like things they know.
     People aren't really into art, and why should they be?  No reason at all.

     I never thought Lucy was attractive until I saw a nude shot of her with long blond hair when she was young.  That is the only photo of her where I thought she was good looking.
     Lucy is annoying to watch in 1940's films, hamming up the dialogue written for her.
     She couldn't sing to save her life, and sometimes she would lip-sync.
     Lucy had people like Buster Keaton coach her.

     I liked Lucy, but I never loved her.
     I just had to say that line, haha.
     Anyway, I grew up on 'I Love Lucy' and really enjoyed it.  Now I can barely watch it, for it way too painful.

     So, here is Lucy, nude and hot as a young woman, with blond hair going everywhere.  Funny that I could just find this on the web.

     Just because it is funny as hell, here is Lucy as a topless doll, lol. 

Saturday with some mellow jazz

     Good Morning.  'Davi Wan Shinobi' here.  Just kidding.  I came up with the name yesterday.  My bathrobe will work pretty good for the character. 
     I don't know what to do with the character.
     Not yet, anyhow.
     I was thinking of doing a 'Clone Wars News Update' with Darth Maul.  Maybe Darth Maul can be a field correspondent, I don't know yet.

     I woke up at 7, and I was ready to go...well, kind of.  I wasn't feeling up to par, as usual.  I haven't had much get up and go in the mornings lately. 
     I have tried to write and do stuff when I wake up early, but things in my head don't really work too well, and what I produce isn't that great when I am in that state, so why bother?
     I ended up going back to bed, and I had a nightmare where the musicians were coming into my studio and stealing my stuff, and none of them would 'fess up'.  Then my landlady came into my studio and sat on me and said, "There is no sleeping here, and you are late on your rent."

     I usually think it is worth while if I go back to bed and get a dream out of it, because it is like seeing a movie inside my head with free admission.
     The dream was a harsh one.

* * *
     Just so you know, I am always endeavoring to not use the word 'it' too much, except when it is absolutely necessary.  It is a word I try to avoid, but I often can't get around using it.

     'sup' is used as a greeting in 'Clone Wars Adventures' a lot, and I can't stand it.  It annoys me to no end.  I will also endeavor to 'roll with that one' but once used, the dialogue instantly is at the bottom of the barrel.

     I have four brothers and none of them use Standard English much when they write to me.  It is pretty annoying.  They've all got sucked into not using proper capitalization and punctuation.  It is 'lazy english'.
     I am the first to admit that a lot of the computer English has it's charm from time to time.  Unusual spellings and ways of saying things only work to expand the breadth of the English language, which can only be good.
     As a reader, I prefer Standard English.  It is hard enough to figure out what somebody is saying without all of the slacker words.

* * *
     Anyway, I got my coffee, some smooth jazz, and a whole day ahead.
     I was watching 'The Simpsons' season 4, and it just figured with an episode I had never seen before, where Homer meets God, that the dvd got stuck.  The dvd was collaborated in such a way that I could not access individual episodes, so the only way to get to it is to watch all the previous episodes to get to that point, and hopefully it will not die on me again.
     Giving up on that, I started to watch Babylon 5 season 2, so I had a good time watching that, all the while farming on 'Clone Wars Adventures' to get credits so I can build.

* * *
     As an English student in high school, I was a Master of Chaos by that time.  My folders were unorganized, I couldn't find stuff, I often did not have enough other words, I was fucked.  I couldn't get it together.
     I didn't become a better student until later, after I got out of the chaos of the house I was living in.
     Anyway, I am an idiot in this universe.  I am kind of a fool, and a moron.  I work hard, but for what, I don't know.
     I haven't been painting lately, because, what is the point?  I don't know.  I guess one of these days, I'm just going to have to start it up again.
     I have lots of projects to work on.
     I have to get something going.
     If I don't succeed at something, I will surely die, and I don't want to do that.

     I am having fun on youtube.  What I need to do is to make more original material, and have those videos start generating income for me.  That is impossible with the way adsense works, but it is the only thing I've got going.
     It is not in my interest to really work the ballpark anymore.  The pay is bad and the work is hard.  I am a man of many talents, and vending isn't one of them.

     I've come to realize that even a lot of published authors don't have the easiest time of it.  They have to not only get published, but they have to sell a lot of books.
     Who is the audience that reads these books?  I don't know.  E-books seem to be doing well.  Women seem to like their electronic books, where they just download the book and start reading.  One advantage to that is I assume you can make the type bigger, which is nice for those with eye problems.  Or if the vehicle is moving, like on a train, big type is easier.
     It makes me think of all kinds of things, like Braille, the printing press, newspapers, and the history of the printed word.

* * *
     So, I have a couple of videos to make.  What happens is the seeds of an idea come into my head, and things start churning.  Like a magic card on the stack, the next card drawn is the next video.  Every video is a risk, and some of them I don't know if they should be up on youtube, because they are so bad.  They are all part of the creative process, though.  It is worth doing ten bad ones to get the one good one.

     With my art, I don't know what I am doing anymore.  I am on the outside looking in.  I don't know if it is all that great being an artist anyhow.  The pay is bad.
     It is hard to make a living as an artist.  I don't know many artists who make a living doing it, and I don't seem to be too interested in working for a comic book company, or being an illustrator or anything.  I seem to be much more interested in being a 'professional amateur', and just doing what I feel like doing, in a very natural way.  When art becomes too much about work, well, it is no fun anymore.  And if it is no fun, well, what is the point?
     These days, I just try and figure out how to use my art in videos from time to time.  Some of the stuff I can't even put on tube because a lot of my figures are of naked women.  While that is 'mostly fine' there is always going to be someone to complain about it, and even though I often come across some 'soft nudity' on youtube, it is not encouraged.
      I see nothing wrong with expressions of the human body.  I think the whole world should get naked is my opinion, and then everybody will see how normal it is.
     Of course, the problem with a naked world is women end up getting groped when they don't want to, and that is not good.  People can't keep their hands to themselves, so that ends up being the end of that party.  Then naked cops would have to show up and shut the party down, and that would not be pleasant.
     Clothes also act as 'fart absorbers' so that is another good reason for clothes.
     Some people don't like their own nudity.  It is an encumbrance.  I just read the other day how some woman didn't even like being naked in front of her own husband.  Well, that seems like a self-esteem problem to me.

     I guess there are a lot of heavy people in America.  They love to eat.

     I didn't feel like gorging myself with food on Thanksgiving.  I ate some chicken soup, sipped on a beer, and I was happy.

     Nice music here in the cafe today.  They played a 'CS&N' song that I hadn't heard in a long time, and it sounded pretty good with the vocal harmonies.  I didn't know what the hell they were singing about, though, but the sound was nice.
    Then they played 'Eleanor Rigby', though 'Lonely People' is also a common name for the song.
    Just nice and mellow now, I like it.

* * *
     I never had much interest in being a teacher, as I don't really have anything to teach anybody.

     I saw a good lot today on Mustafar that a kid built.  It was pretty good.  I'm impressed with what some of these kids come up with.  Of course, it takes a long time to get the credits to buy the stuff needed, but it is all fun being a part of this building community, and having people being able to wig out with it all.
     The characters are like 6' action figures, and it is amazing to have that world come alive.
     The kids really like Clone Troopers.

     Oh shit, I forgot there should be a new Clone Wars episode that I can watch.  I'll have to see later.

     Let's see, anything else?

     Life is brutal, that is all I know, and I got bills up the yin-yang, so I'm going to have to figure out something.  I'm going to have to cut my hair if I want a job. 
     Long hair is better for my art career, but short hair is better for a job.
     Hair gives me power, though.
     It is past the point of manageability, however.

* * *
     One of these days I will figure out how the English language works.

     One last thing, you can say 'shit' in cwa by typing in '$hit'.  lol.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Pee Wee's Big Adventure

     I didn't know what the hell was going on when I first started seeing television commercials for this film, but I knew I had to see it, and I did, several times, in the theater.
     It was just great.
     Well, I think I paid to see it at least twice, taking my young brother the second time.

     Anyway, it's a great movie.

     I want to see it again.

     I wish I had the dvd of it, with all the bonus features. 
     I'll have to buy that someday when I get rich.

Phil Hartman

     Wow, I just read about Phil Hartman on wikipedia.  An amazing life.  Too bad his crazy drug wife shot and murdered him in his sleep, what a bitch.
     You can't trust your wife.  She might murder you.

     Anyway, wow.

     Too bad about him.

     I did not know he was instrumental in helping to create Pee Wee Herman, and that he was Captain Carl in the Playhouse.  Dang.  I had no idea.
     He was also Bill Clinton on SNL, and Troy McClure on The Simpsons.
     Also, he started as a graphic designer, but got bored with that.

     Talented guy, dead because his wife freaked out.

     Well, women don't like the guy to be emotionally distant.  They want to be the center of attention, and he was the star of that marriage, and probably with all the work he was doing, he just wanted to chillax when he got home.
     Instead, he got shot in the head.
     Thanks, wife.

     Drugs fuck you up and make you ugly, is all I can say.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Random Notes

     Hello.  I'm a little out of it.
     I woke up at seven a.m. and was thinking, I woke up at 6 a.m., and I was thinking about making an early start of it today, but then, when I have gone to the cafe early, and have tried to write, if my brain isn't rested enough, I just end up writing a bunch of crap, kind of what I am doing now.

     Anyway, I have my coffee now, that is all that matters.
     It is frustrating to try and communicate in 'Clone Wars Adventures'.  There are things that are impossible to say because of the filter.
     Anyway, I made 50,000 credits yesterday, by turning the sound down on the game, and just watching Babylon 5, while I did some serious credit grinding.  It was the most I ever made in one day.
     The Kysshhyk lightsaber costs 65,000 credits.  That is a little steep.  Not even worth getting the credits for.
     Some kids don't know that I have multiple lots of the same kind, so they think that I've destroyed the old lots in order to build new ones.  Don't worry kids, I still have all of my old lots.
     There was a kid who didn't know a kid was handicapped, so he apologized for being mean in the way that he asked questions about this person.  He didn't know.  He sure felt like a heal when he found out.  I ended up deleting him, and then I accepted him as a friend again after he begged.  He didn't know, so it was forgivable.  He said he didn't want to have trouble with Sony for being on too many people's ignore list.  I don't think that is true.  I don't think Sony cares how many ignore lists you are on.
     Anyway, life is good, I just have to figure out how to get my life going.
     Recently I heard the saying that, "It is not selling out, it is buying in".  I kind of like that.  It beats starving to death and being homeless.
     I don't want to go back to a life of washing dishes.  That would suck.
     I don't know what I'm going to do.
     I have an idea for a Darth Maul dance video that I want to do.  I'll speed it up.  That's what Chaplin did a lot.  He just sped things up a little sometimes, and that made it funnier then what it would have been.
     There is a new movie called, "Hugo".  It looks like it would be good.
     I can't keep up with movies much anymore.  I would rather just watch them on my flat screen monitor and have my video games going on my other screen.
     I am having fun doing my thing on 'Clone Wars Adventures'.  I like to build.  Not even a million credits would be enough in this game.  I can spend 50,000 credits in twenty minutes or less, I found out yesterday.  It's sick.
     It takes way more longer to earn the credits than to spend them.  That is true in real life, too.
     I wonder why girls and women like to spend so much?  I don't get it.  It's a thrill, with sexual connotations.  They are spending their lifeforce, in the same way as an orgasm.  It is a rush, I suppose.  Especially fun for them must be to spend husband's money, while he slobs away for a guy who is micro-managing his life.  That must suck.
     Most of the people on CWA are nice, some are kind of a pain.  The ones that are nasty I just put on my ignore list.

     Watching Babylon 5 is good.  I like Battlestar Galactica better, but you can only watch that so many times.
     I will have plenty to watch.  Four more seasons to go.
     It is a good show.

     In other news, I have nothing going on.  I'm going to have to do something about that.  I'm kind of a loser artist and my life is going nowhere.

     I've been thinking about my sci-fi epic 'Space Journey Battles'.  I want to blog for that today.  That is in fact what I am preparing for right now.  I have to get rid of all the dredge in my mind before I can think clearly for that.
     Too bad I am not good at anything, though.  It is a real shame.

     So, I have my video to film today, which should be fun.

     At least I am making a blog right now that can be monetized.  I don't know if anything will ever come of it.  I don't know, it might take years before anybody notices this blog.  Why would they?  I have no idea.  I could update the design, and make it look more attractive.  A lot of people do that.  What happens is they have a real pretty site, and the content isn't all that good.  I've looked at blogs, and I haven't been too impressed yet.  The technology is there, but the writing isn't.
     Maybe I can write something different, I don't know.

     Girls don't like science fiction much, as a rule of thumb. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Babylon 5

     I never had an easy time getting into this show.  I didn't know what was going on.  I never had time to watch it.
     The couple of times I did watch it, the alien chicks were appealing, especially the bald ones.
     I wanted to like the show but couldn't get into the groove.

     Well, my friend loaned me Season 1 so I could finally watch it.  I've been running that thing off the hook, and enjoying the hell out of it.
     It's a pretty good show, and very enjoyable.

     It's a serious drama, but I find myself laughing.
     It's really funny when they are so serious, saying lines that people wouldn't really say in real life.  It's all part of the fun.
     It really does seem like all the characters had words written for them by one person.

     Meanwhile, there is a little cutie in here, she looks to be about 20, just in the moment of blossoming.  She is really skinny and adorable.
     I slept with a girl like that once, and it was a completely awesome experience.

     Anyway, Tattoo Face is out there smoking when I just heard him talk in the cafe how he quit smoking, except for certain occasions.  I guess it is an occasion.
     He was in my way, when I was going to film, standing in the exact location where I was going to place my camera.
     I had to wait for him to move.
     He finally did move, and I was able to film my video.  It came out pretty good.  It will be on youtube later today.
     I'm still wondering what guy is going to marry the girl with two heads when she comes of age.  They are both separate people from the waist up, but they share the same feelings from the waste down.  Each girl has her own arm, and they had to each pass a driving test.
     What guy is going to sleep with a two-headed girl?  I don't know.
     There were some Siamese twins joined at the hip in The Guinness Book of World Records years ago, and they got married to a guy.  I guess that gave him four breasts.
     Anyway, the girl with two heads is 16 or 17, so it will be interesting to see what happens with them in the upcoming years.
     I'm sure it was a tough situation when the doctor had to tell the mother that her daughter was born with two heads.  I can't even imagine what she must have felt.
     Otherwise, things are pretty normal in that family.  It just so happens that they have a daughter with two heads.
     If you think I am making this up, go look on youtube.
     They've turned down television offers to be interviewed.  They don't want to use this to make money, they just want to live as normal a life as they can.
     However, they could get their college education paid for, and have enough money to live for a while when they move out of the house.
     They could make some serious money.
     They don't want to be subjected to the press, though.  I understand that.
     On the other hand, they might want to make some money while the gettin' is good.  Money doesn't grow on trees, and if they have to pay for an expensive surgery at some point in the future, they will have the money.

     Anyway, I was watching Babylon 5, and I had the sound down on Clone Wars Adventures.  I managed to earn 25,000 credits.  That is awesome.  Since I had something good to occupy my mind with, I was able to earn a lot of credits easily without getting mentally fatigued from it all.

     It was fun last night, drinking whiskey with a friend, and listening to Jimi Hendrix.  It was awesome.

     Nice that I have a Darth Maul video to edit.  lol.

     My plan for the day is to watch Babylon 5, farm for credits, and drink some beer.  It sounds good to me.

Monday, November 21, 2011

A blog entry can take just as much time as making a video or a painting

     Writing these entries on Blogger can be really time-consuming.  I've sat here for a couple of hours just writing a couple of entries.  It takes a while to write what is in my head.  I don't even worry about quality much.  I can worry about that later.  The main thing is to get the thoughts out.
     Being a writer is futile, though.
     Every word has to matter, or why bother to write at all?
     It has to be of quality, because readers expect a lot, and they don't like it when the material is not up to par.
     A lot of young people don't care about writing much, or spelling, or anything.  They just don't care, and they spend a lot of time mocking the English language, mostly, I would guess, because they don't understand it at all.
     I guess it was hard for me to take things seriously when I was a teenager, too, what with all of the chaos at home.  There was always some kid crying, or something.  It is amazing that we all turned out 'mostly okay'.  One brother didn't make it.  He died.  I think he would have loved all the Clone Wars stuff they have now.  He never lived to see Annakin turn into Darth Vader, and that is sad.

     Anyway, I don't know what I'm talking about at this point.
     I was just outside watching people, looking at things, and thinking about videos that I want to make.
     I want to make an art video of this painting I have.  That could be fun.  I really want to do it.
     I have no control over whether or not anybody watches my videos.  Either they watch it or they don't.
     All I have to do if I want to get hits, though, is to film South Park clips.  But I can't just have a channel of other people's stuff.  I have to be original on some level.
     Filming South Park is a service, though, because a lot of people can't watch South Park in their home country, so they depend on youtube for the latest stuff.

     I was looking into making money with blogs last night.  Apparently, there is a lot to it.  In order to become more business-oriented, in order to make money, I should write about products, or things that people actually want to know about.
     I wrongly assume that people would read my blogs to be slightly entertained as they peruse over my material. 
     I suppose I would be horrified if my former teachers read my crap, and saw that my material was not very good.
     I suppose I have to show them, too.
     It's all a magic act, I guess.
     To be a good writer, sometimes you have to do the smoke and mirrors illusionist thing.

     I saw a magic act on youtube last night where the woman magically changed her dress more than fifteen times really quick on stage when the magician would hold draping in front of her.  It was impressive.  She wore several dresses underneath the first dress.  I don't know how she changed into some of them.  It is a mystery.  A lot of the onstage dress changes occurred within less then five seconds.  It was hard to believe what I was watching, but it happened nonetheless.  I had never seen anything like it.  They were very well-practiced and rehearsed.  Their act was executed with perfection.

     A lot of people will describe something that is good as 'tight' as in, 'that is tight'.  I know what they mean.  They use that word because it is cool, and they don't know what else to say.  They say it with emphasis due to a lack of vocabulary.
     They didn't like it when I described other things as 'loose' or 'untight', which, according to their logic, would be suitable.
     It's not my fault I know more words to describe things than just 'tight'.
     That word is over-used too much.  Then if you question them about it, they get mad.
     It gets frustrating to try and communicate with hip-hop people, and for me, it is hard to care.
     It's easier to limit yourself, especially if you don't have a command of the English language.
     You don't have to jump as high if the bar is set low.

     Okay, I've sat here for hours, and I don't know if typing a bunch of **** is going to do me or anybody any good.
     I could be at home doing something constructive, like building my lot on 'Clone Wars Adventures'.

AT-AT's and other s***

     I'm just sitting here.  I just finished writing a blog about Han Solo and other thoughts that came to mind.  It was a fun article to read.  I don't know if it makes sense or not, and I don't care at this point.  No one will read it for quite some time, so there is no point.
     Blogging is pretty useless.  It doesn't do much of anything.  At least it hasn't for me yet.  Maybe someday it will, you never know what can happen in this world.

     Even with actual real book publishing, the only way to make money is to sell a s**tload of books.  Stephen King managed to pull that one off.
     Hack supermarket novels seem to be the most popular books in America, if people even think about books at all.

     It's a nice day.  It was overcast before, but the sun is starting to pop out and shine.

     Same old thing in the Mission today, just people doing their thing.  Every day is a new day, though.

     Dang, I have to pay rent.  I have to take care of that.  Always a pain to do.

     I need an income.  I've been working hard on my own stuff to try and make something happen, but no luck financially yet.  Someday something might happen, you never know.
     Maybe I'll make some naked lady paintings and film it for youtube.  Another artist did that, and he gets lots of hits because basically people want to see naked ladies, and not really the art.  They want to see what is depicted.  His paintings aren't actually all that good.  They are kind of amateur.  He is like a pin-up artist on canvas.  25 million hits on one video of a painting of the backside of a woman.  That is amazing.

     Coffee gets expensive, buying it every day.  That would be nice to blog until kingdom come just to get my coffee bill paid.

     To be an artist?  Good luck.

     I'm not doing great on youtube.  Every hit is a hard-fought war for me.  I'm lucky I've gotten this far, though.

     I'm trying to think if I should buy more coffee, or give up and go home.

     Well, I can't write a g**d**n article unless I f***ing have my friggin' coffee, so I bought another cup. 
     Writers need love if they are right, and most of the time, a hot cup of coffee in a nice cafe is enough.

     I have designated this cafe as my writing location.  I could sit here and draw in my sketchbook, but who would see it?  No one.  It would be like creating in a void, which, as it turns out, that is all I've been doing all these years.

     I would like to go back and read all the old Star Wars comics.  At a certain point, I gave up on the Marvel comics series.  It didn't seem to be that good after a while, when it wasn't about the movies.  They didn't know enough about the Star Wars universe enough back then, and they didn't know how to make it all work.  They do now.  Wookieepedia has so much information now about Star Wars that it is sick just how extensive it has gotten.

     I have some more Clone Wars to play today.  It is going to take me a long time to build my new lot.  This will be the place where I can build a four-legged Imperial Walker to scale.  I am going to do it.  I need all the pictures I can get of the design, though, so I can build it good.
     That is a pretty good picture to work from.  Cool.

* * *

     It takes a long time to become a writer.  Research is involved.  You have to know things in order to write about them, otherwise people think you are stupid.
     Most people expect very little of themselves, just watching t.v. or listening to pop songs for information.  rare is reading a magazine or even a newpaper article anymore.  People just read what is on the web, if at all.

     It takes a long time to write.  The rewards are limited.  Maybe I should go back to painting.  That is limited, too, as not many people care about art.  So, in other words, I am doomed, lol.

     I guess it all doesn't matter as long as I'm having fun.  But in the real world, I need to get paid, *itch. 

     'AT-AT' known mostly as Imperial walkers, stands for All-Terrain Armored-Transport.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Carrie Fisher and other stuff

     Hi, it's Sunday morning, and it is raining.
     I was just watching Carrie Fisher videos at home.  I would love to see her one-woman play on Broadway.  I hope somebody made a dvd of that.  I'd also like to read her writing.
     I did not know that they made a highly detailed sculpture of Slave-Girl Princess Leia with removable outfit.  You can see her ass, and they even painted the areola on each breast.  Carrie has that sculpture on her table, along with other Star Wars stuff around the house.  She even has Star Wars curtains made from the Star Wars sheet and blanket set that a lot of kids had.  She has a lot of the Princess Leia stuff. 
     She came to accept that most people know her from Star Wars, so she kind of just embraced and went along with it.
     Anyway, I was entertained by Carrie this morning.
     I even saw her in bra and panties in a clip from 'Shampoo'.  I'm going to have to see if I can turn that into a 'Star Wars: The Early Years' clip.  It might work with that scene.
     I've spent time trying to find old Harrison Ford footage that might be useful to create new Han Solo footage, but I didn't really find anything that was suitable.
     I might have to get real good at photoshop or something.

     So, I am a loser on the Edge of Eternity.  I never had Star Wars sheets.  In retrospect, I never liked the pattern much, I didn't think it was that good, but it was Star Wars, so I wanted it.

     Anyways, I can't believe how much I am getting into Star Wars again.  It's sick, but I'm having a good time, so I don't know why it matters.

     I had all week to get my Magic cards together for tonight, but I never got around to it.  I'll have to try and do it today.

     If Carrie Fisher couldn't even get one little award for her writing, I don't know what chance in hell I have of ever getting one.
     She is an experienced script doctor, too.  All these people talk about 'pumping up scripts' and I hate that kind of talk.  She was actually the one that could do it. 
     Sure it is easy to take somebody else's work and upgrade it, tweaking it to your tastes.  Making something from scratch is a lot harder, and takes a lot longer.
     That's why original work is so hard to come by.  It is rare to be original, and not easy for it to be good.

     Well, Lucas found something that worked with Star Wars, and people love it.
     Star Wars is great when there is some real emotion or humor going on.  It can get pretty flat when there is badly written dialogue.  Even in the new Clone Wars series there is some pretty corny dialog.  I don't know why they don't hire a genius at writing to go over all that shit with a fine-toothed comb.  They have enough money to create the visuals, so there is no reason why they can't get an awesome writer or word editor.       

     The cafe girl is playing classical today.  It's nice on a Sunday.  I don't know what that kind of music means anymore, or what context it fits into.  I'm trying to imagine film with the music I am listening to right now, and I can't do it.

     Anyway, I worked on my lots on Clone Wars when I woke up.

     This is actually the toy where you can remove the top and see her breasts, and you can push aside her dress in the back and see her ass.  Lol.
     I don't know why I didn't photograph the toy in the video when I saw it.  I was so mesmerized, I didn't even think of taking a picture of it.
     Of course, even though I saw the naughty bits on the toy, I don't know if I am allowed to post it on this blog.  Adsense seems to be a little uptight about that kind of stuff, even though it is a toy.  You have to protect the children of America you know, yeah, like any of them are ever going to see this blog.
     I guess kids might actually see this entry.  I've had kids go onto my 18 and over blog, even though they weren't supposed to.  Lol.
     But we all know that it's more about protecting advertisers then it is to protect kids, that is my gripe.  I can't say I blame them.  I'm sure they don't want to advertise where there is some picture of a dick entering a vagina right next to the ad.
     What is funny about advertisers not wanting adult content, well, it's like barnacles complaining about the ship they've latched onto, or a leech bitching about the neck it's attached itself to.

     All I know in this world is 'Money talks, and bulls**t walks.

     Some guy was talking about having sex with Carrie Fisher back in the day, and how he had a difficult time separating her from Princess Leia.  While he was going at it, he was thinking in his mind, "I'm f**king Princess Leia, I'm f**king Princess Leia!!"
     The appeal of being with her when she was still young was the fact that she was Princess Leia.
     I never thought Carrie Fisher was hot like a fashion model, or especially beautiful, but she had some spunk to her.
     The Slave Girl outfit changed things about how people thought of her.  That's when she became a sex symbol.

     Carrie has had her problems over the years, like most people.  At least she's got a brain, and she is still funny, and charming.
     There's no doubt about it that she's a star.
     I sure would like to read her writing now. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Business of Art

     Nothing going on at the cafe.  This is the first entry I am writing when I am not there.
     I could not think with those guys talking right next to me.  They were so tedious to listen to, I couldn't stand it, so I had to close up shop.
     It was too cold to be there anyway, what with the door open and all the cold air blowing in.
     I just want to be warm now, and make my own coffee, and some chicken soup, which sounds real good.
     It is good to eat chicken soup before you get sick.  Then you don't get sick.
     I've done that for a while now.
     I just love chicken soup anyhow, it is so damn good with some bread.

     Anyway, I was thinking about business while I was outside.  I haven't figured out what I want to do.  The art business doesn't seem to be too lucrative for me.
     It's hard to sell art unless you are a famous artist, and even that doesn't always help.

     Once your artwork gets into the marketplace, then people get in there and try and profit off of your work.  That is how it goes, and the artist kind of gets screwed over.

     Not easy to make original art, and then go through the whole process of getting it into a gallery, and then hope for sales.
     It is all such a pipe dream for me.

     Not only would I have to have tons of original, awesome work, but I would also have to have many people support me in the selling of it.
     That isn't easy, seeing as how I'm not much of a people person.
     I don't really dress for success, all I care about is the art.
     I'm not really ready to put on a big show of my person, in addition to making the art, too.  That is two full time jobs right make the art, and then to be the public persona of David Lovins.
    That is more work than any man can handle.
     Then once you go public, you can kiss your private life good-bye.
     I already have people nosing into my business when I am Dirk Wampaflash on 'Clone Wars Adventures' who is currently, more famous than I am. 

     I have books on the 'Business of Art' that I need to read.
     I really do need to make something happen for myself, or else nothing will ever change for me.
     I need things to change, because my present circumstances are limited.
     Only so much I can do with the resources I have.
     I need more.

     Plus, there is that gaming computer I want, and video games I want to play. 
     I need to sell a lot of art if I am to improve my life.
     I had better get crackin'.

     Thank god for the cafe, though.
     It helps me to clear my mind, and to figure out what it is the hell I am doing that day.