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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thoughts about Ricky and Lucy

     I was outside thinking about Ricky Ricardo and Lucille Ball, and how they had separate beds.
     In one episode it showed a sunken mattress, with a routine showing Ethel and how she tucked Fred into bed, so they slept in the same bed.
     It wasn't really proper to show Ricky and Lucy sharing a bed, yet, somehow, they produced a baby.
     Ricky was well-known for receiving blow jobs in phone booths, or whatever the hell he did.  He was quite the slut with his 'Babaloo' routine.  He was pretty prolific.
     Lucy would chain smoke all day, so her mouth must have tasted like an ashtray.

     Meanwhile, The Brady parents slept in the same bed, and I would cringe watching them kiss.

     So, there I was, a kid of six years old, watching Ricky and Lucy sleep in separate beds, but The Brady's slept in the same bed, yet they produced no kids of their own.  They must have used protection.
     Well, it was all confusing.

     Now, kids can watch porn if they want, and see naked people on youtube, if their computer is blocked from porn sites.
     To make videos with bikini babes is actually providing a service to people.  I ought to make videos of people about to have sex while they are still clothed.  Some of the scenes can be pretty funny.  If I find a good one, I should film it.

     Basically, people watch what they are ready for.

     I pretty much agree that people shouldn't watch naughty stuff until they are 18 and over, but those that really want to find a way, if there is a will. 
     I don't know what harm it does, unless you watch too much of it.  There is a lot in life to live for besides naked chicks, but I don't know what.  It seems to be the motivating factor why men want to be successful in the first place, so that they can be attractive to women.

     Anyway, my day will be filled with fun and games, and I have some split pea soup to look forward to eating.  That's about all I need today.
     Plus, I have more Babylon 5 to watch.

     I wonder what I will do for a job?  I don't know.
     I have to create something which I can make money from.
     The art business indicates that I have to make a lot of work, that it has to be really good, that I have to be an amazing person and have it all together, and that people will spend lots of money on my art.
     Yeah, good luck.
     I basically have to appeal to the tastes of the upper class if I want to sell expensive paintings.
     Well, there goes the fun out of that.

     People really don't like modern art, I have discovered.  What they like is Impressionism.  They don't like anything new.  They like the familiar.  They like things they know.
     People aren't really into art, and why should they be?  No reason at all.

     I never thought Lucy was attractive until I saw a nude shot of her with long blond hair when she was young.  That is the only photo of her where I thought she was good looking.
     Lucy is annoying to watch in 1940's films, hamming up the dialogue written for her.
     She couldn't sing to save her life, and sometimes she would lip-sync.
     Lucy had people like Buster Keaton coach her.

     I liked Lucy, but I never loved her.
     I just had to say that line, haha.
     Anyway, I grew up on 'I Love Lucy' and really enjoyed it.  Now I can barely watch it, for it way too painful.

     So, here is Lucy, nude and hot as a young woman, with blond hair going everywhere.  Funny that I could just find this on the web.

     Just because it is funny as hell, here is Lucy as a topless doll, lol. 

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