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Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Business of Art

     Nothing going on at the cafe.  This is the first entry I am writing when I am not there.
     I could not think with those guys talking right next to me.  They were so tedious to listen to, I couldn't stand it, so I had to close up shop.
     It was too cold to be there anyway, what with the door open and all the cold air blowing in.
     I just want to be warm now, and make my own coffee, and some chicken soup, which sounds real good.
     It is good to eat chicken soup before you get sick.  Then you don't get sick.
     I've done that for a while now.
     I just love chicken soup anyhow, it is so damn good with some bread.

     Anyway, I was thinking about business while I was outside.  I haven't figured out what I want to do.  The art business doesn't seem to be too lucrative for me.
     It's hard to sell art unless you are a famous artist, and even that doesn't always help.

     Once your artwork gets into the marketplace, then people get in there and try and profit off of your work.  That is how it goes, and the artist kind of gets screwed over.

     Not easy to make original art, and then go through the whole process of getting it into a gallery, and then hope for sales.
     It is all such a pipe dream for me.

     Not only would I have to have tons of original, awesome work, but I would also have to have many people support me in the selling of it.
     That isn't easy, seeing as how I'm not much of a people person.
     I don't really dress for success, all I care about is the art.
     I'm not really ready to put on a big show of my person, in addition to making the art, too.  That is two full time jobs right make the art, and then to be the public persona of David Lovins.
    That is more work than any man can handle.
     Then once you go public, you can kiss your private life good-bye.
     I already have people nosing into my business when I am Dirk Wampaflash on 'Clone Wars Adventures' who is currently, more famous than I am. 

     I have books on the 'Business of Art' that I need to read.
     I really do need to make something happen for myself, or else nothing will ever change for me.
     I need things to change, because my present circumstances are limited.
     Only so much I can do with the resources I have.
     I need more.

     Plus, there is that gaming computer I want, and video games I want to play. 
     I need to sell a lot of art if I am to improve my life.
     I had better get crackin'.

     Thank god for the cafe, though.
     It helps me to clear my mind, and to figure out what it is the hell I am doing that day.

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