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Friday, November 18, 2011

I have no

     I don't really care.  It would be nice to have followers, and to have people anxiously waiting for me to write my next blog to see what I will say next, but to have something like that happen could take years, if what I know about blogs is true.
     As a writer trying to figure out a balance between what I like to write and what others like to read, well, it all takes time, and a lot of experimentation.
     I was laughing this morning thinking about putting the amount of work required of me to write an essay for school, with all the references and quotes and research necessary to write that kind of stuff.
     I don't think anybody would read essays like that. 
     I have a hard enough time getting people to read the crap that I write.

     I am happy writing whether I have followers or not.  It doesn't really affect the amount of material I produce on a daily basis.

     One thing is for sure...if I had some stupid job that I had to go to, entries like this might not exist.
     Some people might think that might be a good thing, since all of my work is of questionable quality.

     Funny to think that these blog entries will sit here in cyberspace forever.  It will be amusing to look at some of the entries years from now.
    I'm sure I will think when I read the stuff that I am writing now, that I will say out loud, "WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?"

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