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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Carrie Fisher and other stuff

     Hi, it's Sunday morning, and it is raining.
     I was just watching Carrie Fisher videos at home.  I would love to see her one-woman play on Broadway.  I hope somebody made a dvd of that.  I'd also like to read her writing.
     I did not know that they made a highly detailed sculpture of Slave-Girl Princess Leia with removable outfit.  You can see her ass, and they even painted the areola on each breast.  Carrie has that sculpture on her table, along with other Star Wars stuff around the house.  She even has Star Wars curtains made from the Star Wars sheet and blanket set that a lot of kids had.  She has a lot of the Princess Leia stuff. 
     She came to accept that most people know her from Star Wars, so she kind of just embraced and went along with it.
     Anyway, I was entertained by Carrie this morning.
     I even saw her in bra and panties in a clip from 'Shampoo'.  I'm going to have to see if I can turn that into a 'Star Wars: The Early Years' clip.  It might work with that scene.
     I've spent time trying to find old Harrison Ford footage that might be useful to create new Han Solo footage, but I didn't really find anything that was suitable.
     I might have to get real good at photoshop or something.

     So, I am a loser on the Edge of Eternity.  I never had Star Wars sheets.  In retrospect, I never liked the pattern much, I didn't think it was that good, but it was Star Wars, so I wanted it.

     Anyways, I can't believe how much I am getting into Star Wars again.  It's sick, but I'm having a good time, so I don't know why it matters.

     I had all week to get my Magic cards together for tonight, but I never got around to it.  I'll have to try and do it today.

     If Carrie Fisher couldn't even get one little award for her writing, I don't know what chance in hell I have of ever getting one.
     She is an experienced script doctor, too.  All these people talk about 'pumping up scripts' and I hate that kind of talk.  She was actually the one that could do it. 
     Sure it is easy to take somebody else's work and upgrade it, tweaking it to your tastes.  Making something from scratch is a lot harder, and takes a lot longer.
     That's why original work is so hard to come by.  It is rare to be original, and not easy for it to be good.

     Well, Lucas found something that worked with Star Wars, and people love it.
     Star Wars is great when there is some real emotion or humor going on.  It can get pretty flat when there is badly written dialogue.  Even in the new Clone Wars series there is some pretty corny dialog.  I don't know why they don't hire a genius at writing to go over all that shit with a fine-toothed comb.  They have enough money to create the visuals, so there is no reason why they can't get an awesome writer or word editor.       

     The cafe girl is playing classical today.  It's nice on a Sunday.  I don't know what that kind of music means anymore, or what context it fits into.  I'm trying to imagine film with the music I am listening to right now, and I can't do it.

     Anyway, I worked on my lots on Clone Wars when I woke up.

     This is actually the toy where you can remove the top and see her breasts, and you can push aside her dress in the back and see her ass.  Lol.
     I don't know why I didn't photograph the toy in the video when I saw it.  I was so mesmerized, I didn't even think of taking a picture of it.
     Of course, even though I saw the naughty bits on the toy, I don't know if I am allowed to post it on this blog.  Adsense seems to be a little uptight about that kind of stuff, even though it is a toy.  You have to protect the children of America you know, yeah, like any of them are ever going to see this blog.
     I guess kids might actually see this entry.  I've had kids go onto my 18 and over blog, even though they weren't supposed to.  Lol.
     But we all know that it's more about protecting advertisers then it is to protect kids, that is my gripe.  I can't say I blame them.  I'm sure they don't want to advertise where there is some picture of a dick entering a vagina right next to the ad.
     What is funny about advertisers not wanting adult content, well, it's like barnacles complaining about the ship they've latched onto, or a leech bitching about the neck it's attached itself to.

     All I know in this world is 'Money talks, and bulls**t walks.

     Some guy was talking about having sex with Carrie Fisher back in the day, and how he had a difficult time separating her from Princess Leia.  While he was going at it, he was thinking in his mind, "I'm f**king Princess Leia, I'm f**king Princess Leia!!"
     The appeal of being with her when she was still young was the fact that she was Princess Leia.
     I never thought Carrie Fisher was hot like a fashion model, or especially beautiful, but she had some spunk to her.
     The Slave Girl outfit changed things about how people thought of her.  That's when she became a sex symbol.

     Carrie has had her problems over the years, like most people.  At least she's got a brain, and she is still funny, and charming.
     There's no doubt about it that she's a star.
     I sure would like to read her writing now. 

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