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Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Dialogue between A and B

A:  Hello.
B:  Hi.
A:  I've been obsessed with creating two person dialogues, but I never get around to it, until I actually just jump
     right in and do it.  Then, it all becomes one big mess, as I just kind of let it rip on the page.
B:  Well, you gotta start somewhere.
A:  I first became aware of dialogues in this form from Andy Warhol.  Who would have known that he could
     make a contribution to my world of literature?   He basically introduced the dialogue form to me, and for that,
     I am thankful.  I later found lots of examples of this.  I guess I am the side of me that talks a lot and can't shut
B:  Yeah, I'll be the listener kind of guy, who then later interprets what is said.
A:  I'm going to go have a cigarette, I'll be back.
B:  Okay.  I'll digest what you have said so far.  I am sure you will cave in my head some more soon.
A:  Probably.   brb.
B:  Okay.

A:  While out there, I thought about what it will take for me to make money.  Adsense is no good.  I need
     a solid way to make money, and I don't know how.  No one wants to buy my art.  A couple of people
     actually want to, but I haven't been able to find the drawings that they want.  I suppose I should look.
     I can't seem to get it together, instead just making a bunch of bullshit videos for my own amusement. 
     I get mixed results from them.  Why am I even here?  I could be at home drinking my own coffee, making
     soup, and drinking beer, having a good time.
B:  Well, you have to take inventory of where you are, and do things that will propel your life forward.  One
     thing is for sure, no one will do it for you.
A:  That is true.  That is very true. 
B:  It might help if you want to get a job to cut your hair, shave, and buy some appropriate clothes.
A:  Yeah, I am just sick of playing the game, though, and I'm done with being somebody's bitch, which I don't
     find fun at all.
B:  Yeah, but you are going to have to suck it up if you want money.
A:  That is true.  Hey, Suzie Q is playing.  I liked that girl who was dancing to that song in 'Apocalypse Now'.
B:  Yeah, she was pretty delectable.  Thinking of her makes me pause and think about her white shorts and
     cowgirl boots.  She's got to be about 60 now, lol, if she is even alive anymore.
A:  Yeah.  But the memory of her is etched in my mind forever.
B:  Okay.  So, anything else you want to talk about?
A:  Not really.  It's been fun talking, though.  It beats talking to someone who doesn't really want to talk to
     which is just about everybody.  I have a tendency to burn people out.  I don't talk a lot, but if you get me
     going, the dam bursts.  I try to control it, but it isn't always possible.
B:  Well, I'm just glad that through sheer force of will you made yourself write a dialogue.
A:  Yeah, it feels pretty good.  I'm basically finding out that I have to rewrite everything I have ever done,
     and put it all on this blog.  I still have tons of typewritten pages laying around but they aren't doing anybody
     any good, but at least with a blog, I can get read if any poor sap happens to stumble upon this.
B:  Yeah, I agree.
A:  Just what is a dialogue anyhow?
B:  An exchange of words and ideas between two people or characters.
A:  What is it for?
B:  Well, it is communication in its purest form.  The Greeks used to write a lot of dialogues like this to teach
     math, science, and philosophy.
A:  That sounds cool.  It would be nice to use the form of the dialogue to talk about things happening now,
     but I don't know who would read it.
B:  Neither do I , but that doesn't matter right now.  What does matter is to just have a good time, and fly to
     the moon and back.
A:  Yeah, I guess so.
B:  Well, we could sit here dicking around in the cafe, or we could go home and screw around playing video
A:  That is true.  Also, I have some ideas for videos that I might want to do.
B:  That sounds like it might be a good idea.  What are you trying to do, enter the entertainment industry?
A:  I don't know.  A good script can sell for a lot.
B:  Yeah, I know.  You have to be a sick fuck to get a good script together, though.
A:  Yeah, that is true.  I don't even know how to write one.
B:  I used to be jealous of my little brother writing scripts, but then when I read them, it wasn't very good, but
     I was jealous that he was in the mindset to write it in the first place.  I could never do that until much later.
A: Yeah, it helps when you have a typewriter.
B:  It sure does.
A:  So, I always just produce a lot of material, and then hope that someone discovers it.  By the time they do,
     it will be too late.  Plus, my material isn't always that great, so I don't know that even if they do discover it,
     that anybody will ever think anything of it.
B:  Yeah, that is true.
A:  It would be nice if you could write something that people would like so you could get a paycheck. 
     Maybe you could write some short stories or something.
B:  I don't know how.  I usually just make up stuff as I go along.  I don't seem to be too good at planning
     out anything.
A:  That is too bad.  Well, if you want to eat, you had better figure out something.
B:  Yeah, you are right.
A:  Time to pull yourself up by the bootstraps.
B:  Yeah, I guess so.  It doesn't help when you are a lazy sod, though.
A:  No, it doesn't.  Not at all.  But look at all this dialogue?  That is a lot of work.
B:  Yeah, it is.
A:  Most people who write scripts, though, are full of shit.
B:  Yeah, I know what you mean.  They always think of the big project, the big money, how it is going to be
     filmed, and how everything is going to be great once they sell the script, which is really unlikely to happen.
A:  Yeah, I'm much more into just doing stuff for its own sake, if you like doing it or not.
B:  Yeah, who cares, as long as you are having a good time?  But on the practical side of things, what would
     you rather do, sweep streets and clean toilets, or write and paint for a living.
A:  You know the answer to that.
B:  Yeah, I do.  The situation is that you have to come up with something.
A:  I don't know what.  It also means that whatever I do has to be well-received.  I can't just do a bunch of
     crap, and expect it to work.
B:  Well, maybe it is time for some elbow grease.
A:  Yeah, you know how I have an aversion to work.
B:  Well, hopefully, you will pull it together.  It's not as if you have a choice.  You have to do it, you must do
     it, otherwise, your life is going to be a living hell forever, and that doesn't seem like it would be all that
     much fun.
A:  Yeah, you are right, it doesn't.
B:  I remember looking at plays in a theater store, and how cool it would be to be a playwright, and craft
     plays to be performed, and then copyright the material, and make money that way.  I thought that was
     pretty cool.  Just put some words on paper, and there you have it.  It all looked so easy.  If they could do
     it, I don't know know why I couldn't.  To date, I still haven't been able to do it.  I haven't been able to
     get into that mode.
A:  Yeah, you have to be into that acting world and immerse yourself into it.
B:  I would rather just be an alcoholic artist, and swim in a bottle and paint at the same time.  That sounds
A:  Yeah, it kind of does.  You can only do that for so long, though.  Eventually, the booze catches up to you.
B:  Yeah, it does.  But I know a couple of people who drink every day, and they have careers as artists.
     Something has to pay for the bartab, you know.
A:  Yeah, I know.
B:  It does sound a little better than going to yoga everyday, and being healthy.  Who cares about that?
A:  It looks like you have returned back to Slackerdom.
B:  Yes, I have, and it feels great.
A:  Hopefully, you won't die.
B:  Yeah, I know what you mean.  Anyway, I think it is time for a cigarette.
A:  I agree.  Maybe it is a good time to end this talk.
B:  Yeah, maybe.  You never know when to end.
A:  Yeah, that is my problem.
B:  Yeah, I know.  Okay, let's smoke.  It's the American Way.
A:  Okay, let's.

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