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Monday, November 14, 2011

A.A. People

     Okay, I'm at the cafe, just sitting here minding my own business, and there are two ladies doing their little A.A. meeting.
     Well, why did they drink in the first place?  Maybe they really liked booze.  Maybe they wanted to get drunk because reality sucked.  Maybe they wanted to get laid.  Maybe they wanted to drop their inhibitions so that they could find some hot guy at the bar they wanted to sleep with.
     Then maybe after years of drinking, when the guys didn't want them as much, and their life was falling apart that maybe they decided that being involved in A.A. was a good idea.  It was a way where you could be social and people have to listen to you, so it is the same as being in a bar, except there is no booze involved.
      Basically, A.A. is a way to bond.
      Okay, this is my opinion.  I still like to drink.  When I got home, I could have walked up the street to get some beer, but you know what?  I didn't feel like it.  I felt that I had enough for the night.  So I didn't drink anymore.  That is the difference.  I exercised some self-control.  I can always drink today if I wanted. 
     If there is one thing I've learned is that there is always time to drink.  You don't have to do it all at once, all in one day.  You can pace yourself, and have a good time.
     Without booze, there would not be a way to get laid.  I look better to women when they are a little tipsy and want some company so they can blab their little mouths off.  That's what women mostly want.  Not sex, but someone to listen to their first-person narrative.
     There was this girl at the bar last night.  She was from Chicago.  She was a real bar floozy.  Later, she told me she was a lesbian.  She was heavier than she needed to be.  I liked her bangs, she was kind of interesting looking.
     When I first saw her, she kind of gave me that look as if she was interested in meeting me.
     Later, it was revealed that she wanted to smoke some pot.  I don't really smoke pot, so I wasn't able to help her much.
     Anyway, she didn't seem like she was the brightest girl I ever met.  She didn't know what a 'wing woman' was, so I explained that to her, on the premise that we both liked girls.
     The wing woman basically accompanies the man into a bar, and she is paid to chat up women in the bar, who then tells the women that the guy she is with is just a friend, and is interested in meeting the women.  The wing woman is a go-between.  They actually have a wing woman service in New York City.

     I've learned that if you are a guy or a girl looking for a woman, that it is difficult.  I've met lesbians who say that 'women are a pain in the ass' because it is so difficult and so much work to get them into bed.
     Yup, it ain't easy.

     Anyway, back to Alcoholics Anonymous people.
     The first and only time I've ever really been to an A.A. meeting was in Los Angeles where it meant something to a friend of a friend if I showed up, and showed some support.  It was a big therapy session.  Many of the people still talked with a slurred voice, and it really did seem that it was a good idea that A.A. existed for those people.  They really needed A.A.  It was the thing that was saving them. 
     The thing I didn't like was that it was all connected with god and jesus, and they rammed that down all the suckers throats.  I see no reason to tie it into religion. 
     The alcoholism has to be replaced with learning, developing hobbies and interests, and meeting people from all walks of life.  In other words, you have to find some meaning to your life.  You have to create it, and A.A. isn't going to do that for you when all you have to do is to look inside.
     It seems easy for me, since I never became an alcoholic.  I'm no stranger to alcohol, that is for sure.
     I ain't never going to an A.A. meeting, I never want to.  Therefore, I will never become an alcoholic.
     It is true, though, that I've been more successful having interactions with ladies when I am drunk than when I am sober.
     The alcohol seems to create a playful fun feeling within me that women find charming when I am slightly hammered at the right amount.
     The risk when you drink is going over the line when you are somewhat charming to that area where you become 'a big pain in the ass who should probably go home'.

     The A.A. woman dressed in black said earlier that she has a daughter.  She is an interesting looking woman.  She is almost an attractive MILF.  She just needs some yoga classes to lose the weight. 
     Ah, there we go, she has a wedding ring.
     Now that I've been an adult for over twenty years, the wedding ring doesn't always matter when it comes to hook-ups.  If the woman is in a different zip code from where she lives, then she might not consider it to be cheating.  Also, a woman might not consider it cheating if she just gives oral sex to a man.
     For women, kissing becomes very personal, and they usually like to reserve kissing for that one special person.  However, they might fuck you, but they might not kiss you.  That's personal, and sometimes you might get fucked without getting a kiss.

     Damn, I just had to listen to Tattoo face have a conversation with the owner.  I couldn't even hear what the A.A. people were saying at the next table, but I sure as hell could hear Tattoo Face talk in his normal tone.  He is across the room.
     Some people need a lot of attention, and they need everybody to hear them.  I can't say that I am the biggest fan of those people.

     Anyway, the MILF lady kind of looked like she would be interesting to photograph in the nude, or to draw. 
     I saw an art photo of an older woman just sitting there in a chair, and it was really beautiful.  She was just there, and it was very natural, normal looking, and the scene was lit well.  It was a good photograph, and didn't really seem to me to be sexual in any way.  She just happened to be a naked lady sitting there in a chair.

     Meanwhile, I was looking at professional photographs of naked women last night, and it showed everything, even where the sun doesn't shine.  Those photos were very beautiful, too.  They were very sexy.  They actually were slightly pornographic, and I felt urges within my loins.  I don't like getting off just from photos when I have videos available on redtube 24-7 if I want.

     Anyhow, this A.A. woman looked interesting to me.  Making art from her would be really cool.  I wish I had a better studio to bring people over, though.  I also need money to pay my models.
     I need to get professionally set-up business wise, though.  It ain't easy to get all the paperwork together, and to find clients to keep the business going.  Then there are business license fees, and all that nonsense.  Then you need financial backing, and right from the start, someone owns a piece of you.  Sucks.
     Anyway, someday I hope to get it all together.
     I don't even know what my art is about anymore.  I'm going to have to work on that.
     It's at the point where for me to get attention on my youtube channel that I have to make South Park videos and stuff that I know people will watch, and then maybe, they will watch some of my content.  That is about all that I have going these days.

     Wow, I sure do produce a lot more words typing then I do writing.  I generate way more words.

     I used to go to this English class, and I would write a 3000 word paper every week.  I was lucky to get a checkmark on my paper that I had completed the assignment.  I never really got any critical feedback.  I don't know if what I was writing was any good or not.  I couldn't tell.
     It probably wasn't too good.  I would like to go through some of those papers, and read them with some perspective.  Then I could pick out the good stuff and rewrite what was needed.

     In the blog world, it doesn't even matter if the material is good or not, especially if the only things looking at your blog is automated bots in Russia.
     If you have good titles and good keywords then you have a dang good chance of getting hits.  Also, if you talk about sex, that is a good way to get hits, and that is the kicker.  The sex stuff is what people actually want to read.  That's the only thing that is really important to people.  All they think about is themselves, and their perspective, and not even Jesus can change that.  Ironically, adsense doesn't want sex talk on their monetized blogs.  It makes the advertisers feel....uncomfortable.
     Well, I have studied a lot about advertising, and I've watched ads with a keen eye for a long time.  So, basically it is okay for advertisers to use any sexual thing they can get away with, but I can't, since I am an individual.  I seem to notice something wrong with that.  One recent example is an ad I freeze-framed where the aeriola of the breast was cgi-ed onto the sweater, so that on the left breast you could actually see...( o ).
     This was on a professional ad, and it was done in a way to completely manipulate the viewer.  A woman doesn't care because the commercial is funny, and she doesn't even care about the subconscious messages.  I care because I have to sit and watch that crap just to get to my cartoon.
     This idea that advertisers don't want to latch onto adult content is completely incorrect.  People have advertised on Howard Stern since the 80's, and that was public radio.  South Park features a lot of sex talk and innuendo, and advertisers can't wait to attach themselves like a barnacle or leech to that show.  So there are mature shows that advertisers latch onto.
     Adsense is a little bit screwed, though.  I haven't seen a penny for all of my hard work yet.  I hope someday I will. 
     Art materials ain't cheap you know.

     Anyway, I will report more on A.A. people in upcoming blogs.  This cafe is an A.A. hub.

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