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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Well, I can't think of a title right now. All I know is I have to go.

     Well, that was fun.
     I just stood out there on the sidewalk with my friend.  We talk about whatever comes to mind.  It's pretty creative.
     It's good to just stand out there with a coffee and a cigarette, and come up with ideas.
     We talked about Tom Waits, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Americans, cigarettes, albums, records, t.v. shows, people, and the weather.
     Good to talk about normal, every day stuff.
     I like to stand out there because it is like what Hank Hill does with his buddies, except that we drink coffee instead of beer.
     It's the same thing as what the South Park kids do at the bus stop, they just stand out there and talk, and go over current events.
     It's what guys do.
     In contrast, women like to sit all curled up at a coffee shop or bar, and talk to their friend in a real intimate situation, all hushed up in whispers, and inside jokes, going over all the details that they want to spew out, sometimes in what sounds almost nonsensical to me.
     I guess it doesn't matter what you do as long as you have a good time.

     I want to see the made-for-television remake of 'The Shining' because it is more like the book.  I really want to see that.  I had to be at work, so I missed the whole thing, and it's been years, and I still haven't seen it.
     There's still a lot of Stephen King stuff I want to read.
     That is what we also talked about while standing out there on the sidewalk:  Stephen King.
     We talked about how his movies just have normal people in them, and his books, well, they all just have regular folk.  We both like that.  We like how there aren't usually big names in movies made from his books.  It's just regular folk who happen to be living in a nightmare.  We like that.

     Well, it is 2:00 pm. and it is getting late.
      I have a lot of stuff to do, unfortunately.

     I drew a cartoon of the street corner I look at every day, with the caption of 'I'm doomed' on it.  Maybe I will post it here if I remember.  I took the picture of it.
     Cartoons look better when they are inked.
     People don't want to accept pencil drawings of cartoons.  To me, that is where the action is, but people want the over-produced clean piece of artwork.  They don't want to see all the grit and slime.  They want it all sterilized.  That is how they like it.  They don't want to look at a mess.

     I'm always at a constant war with myself between cartooning and making fine art.  My resolve has been to do both, and then I end up being not so good at either of them.

     A man and woman are talking at the table next to me on my left.  My mind instantly goes in another direction.  I suppose the audio track of this situation is better than two women chatter-boxing away.  Hopefully, the guy will ground her a little, so the talk doesn't get too filled with helium.

     Meanwhile, there was another woman here with black knee-high boots, and a mature black knee-length skirt, with long curly dirty-blond hair.  She was hot.  She was at the height of her womanhood, just before the daily process of getting older was about to kick in.  She was at the peak of her beauty.  She looked nice to me, with all of her curves.  I think of her right now, and I wish I could be drinking some wine with her.

     My friend and I did talk about wine, and we both agreed that wine gives us headaches.  I did point out that it is nice to drink with a woman.
     I brought up the subject of wine because there is a sign at the market across the street for $6.99 a bottle, and the second bottle is for a penny.  Nice, huh?
     It would be nice to drink some wine if there was a woman to go along with it.

     Well, the man and the woman are both on their laptops now, so their conversation has died down.  However, I have to leave soon.  I have things to do, unfortunately.

     The broken clock on the building reads 12:05.  It could mean the afternoon, it could be permanently after midnight.
     At least the clock is right two times a day, as they say.
     Yup, it is time to go.

     Remember AfterM*A*S*H?  That was a bad show, and very sad.  The only bright point seemed to be the return of Radar, who was the only one who was in both the movie version and on the t.v. show.

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