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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wow, I have 5 hits on this blog now and LoTR is my new Bible

     It doesn't matter what I title these blog entries, or what I write about.  All that matters is that my numbers eventually go up, which will lead to more hits.
     When I get more hits, then I can get even more.
     All these hits will lead to maybe a penny or two from adsense.
     Well, if I get a couple of pennies, then I can more after that.

     Anyway, I really wanted to come to the cafe.  I've got a window facing the north.  I need my Northern Light.  It's the best for painting, which reminds me that I have to paint in here again.  Since I started going laptop crazy again, I haven't been painting or drawing much.
     I'm on the computer ALL DAY LONG.
     I'm just trying to make something happen, and it ain't easy.
     Not at all.

     It was fun yesterday doing some dancing for youtube, and speeding up the dancing.  I've never really done that before.  The results were pretty good.  It makes me want to do more.  I could even do some choreography.

     I haven't done much dancing lately, so it is nice to do something with it.  I spent some time learning it, might as well use what is available to me.

     I'm kind of interested in silent film again from the twenties.  I know I'm interested in Chaplin and Keaton, and then I'll go from there.
     Anyhow, it is a brand new day.

     I'm actually having problems figuring out how I'm going to make a living.  ( laughter from the audience )

     Anyhow, I'm going to step out for a smoke.

     Funny when I go out there.  I get a head change, and think about things that are completely different than what I was thinking about at the table.
     The first notable thing I thought about was how I replaced The Bible with 'The Lord of The Rings'.  That is the book that is on my bedside now.  I've been reading it and falling asleep to it every night.  It is really nice.  It gives me a reason to go to bed, and something to do in bed.  God knows there isn't anyone else there.
     Anyway, The Bible was a way to preserve The English Language, most notable The King's English, across the American Frontier.  Often, it would be the only book that people would carry with them in their travels.
     Well, I certainly don't trust The King's English now.  For one thing, The Bible isn't written especially well.  It is filled with contradictions and loopholes.  Some parts of it are so boring that it is a complete chore to read.
Other parts are really beautiful and poetic.  Some parts are violent and even deeply sexual.  Other parts are about the business of sheep.
     Anyhow, I find it does me no good to have my mind stuck in ancient records with which to guide my life by.
     'The Lord of The Rings' on the other hand is written rather well with a mastery of The English Language on every page.
      The Bible has problems with consistency and plot.
     With LoTR, I get well-written sentences.  I need that if I am ever going to be a successful writer.  The Bible isn't going to do me much good at this point.
     Christopher Lee has read 'The Lord of The Rings' once a year since it was published, and if it is good enough for him, it is good enough for me.  He is a fine actor.
     He was actually in 'Return to Witch Mountain' with Bette Davis.  It was a terrible story, where the little witch twins were pitted against each other, since the boy was under their control.  It's just a bad movie no matter how you look at it.
     In watching the first one, 'Escape From Witch Mountain' in the last year, the final third of the movie is incredibly tedious.  I remember falling asleep during that in the theaters, or at least being really bored with the car chase at the end, which went on way too long.  As an adult watching the same movie, I had the same reaction to the film thirty-five years later.  The end went on for too long.
     Disney had a good thing going with those Witch Mountain movies.  My attention was engaged, and my imagination captured.  Then bad writing led to a crash with a franchise killing second movie.
     Disney revived the series a year or two ago.  I didn't go see it.  No point in doing that.
     Disney has made a lot of hack live-action movies.  They are cheaper to make than animation.
     Also, Disney is still the lowest-paying studio in the business.  Working for Disney means you are making minimum.

     Thank god I got my coffee.  What a relief.  I need to be here if I want to write anything decent.  I just can't do it at home.  It's more set up for video games.
     I still blog there once in a while when I get an idea, but that isn't often.
     I don't find that switching gears from video game mode to text mode is easy or interesting for me.
     I have found that I love to do text here, though.
     It's been normal to do my writing on my sketchpad, where I write about my tedious events of the day.
     Here, I can generate a lot more words using two hands than I can with a pencil or pen.
     The thoughts flow more smoothly here.
     It is nice.
     I still like to write by hand though.
     I've noticed over the years that different tools that you use lead to different thoughts.
     A pencil is a medium, in the magic sense of the word.  It is a conduit for words to appear, or images, where previously there was none.
     Who knew it, but a pencil is a magic wand.
     With a pencil, you can make anything happen on the two-dimensional world of paper.

     Is it a good time to end this blog?  I don't know.  Things just turn to mush after a bit, or things get syrupy.

     I wonder if anyone will ever notice my work?  Also, I wonder, if they do notice it, will anything ever beneficial happen to me as a result?  In other words, is this all pointless?  Probably, so I might as well have a good time, and party until I drop.

     I've been having fun playing BurnOut Revenge.  It is an awesome game.  Making videos of that game has been a blast.  I might make another one today, which is another activity which will net me no money at all.   I'm going to have to work on that.

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