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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Random Notes

     Hello.  I'm a little out of it.
     I woke up at seven a.m. and was thinking, I woke up at 6 a.m., and I was thinking about making an early start of it today, but then, when I have gone to the cafe early, and have tried to write, if my brain isn't rested enough, I just end up writing a bunch of crap, kind of what I am doing now.

     Anyway, I have my coffee now, that is all that matters.
     It is frustrating to try and communicate in 'Clone Wars Adventures'.  There are things that are impossible to say because of the filter.
     Anyway, I made 50,000 credits yesterday, by turning the sound down on the game, and just watching Babylon 5, while I did some serious credit grinding.  It was the most I ever made in one day.
     The Kysshhyk lightsaber costs 65,000 credits.  That is a little steep.  Not even worth getting the credits for.
     Some kids don't know that I have multiple lots of the same kind, so they think that I've destroyed the old lots in order to build new ones.  Don't worry kids, I still have all of my old lots.
     There was a kid who didn't know a kid was handicapped, so he apologized for being mean in the way that he asked questions about this person.  He didn't know.  He sure felt like a heal when he found out.  I ended up deleting him, and then I accepted him as a friend again after he begged.  He didn't know, so it was forgivable.  He said he didn't want to have trouble with Sony for being on too many people's ignore list.  I don't think that is true.  I don't think Sony cares how many ignore lists you are on.
     Anyway, life is good, I just have to figure out how to get my life going.
     Recently I heard the saying that, "It is not selling out, it is buying in".  I kind of like that.  It beats starving to death and being homeless.
     I don't want to go back to a life of washing dishes.  That would suck.
     I don't know what I'm going to do.
     I have an idea for a Darth Maul dance video that I want to do.  I'll speed it up.  That's what Chaplin did a lot.  He just sped things up a little sometimes, and that made it funnier then what it would have been.
     There is a new movie called, "Hugo".  It looks like it would be good.
     I can't keep up with movies much anymore.  I would rather just watch them on my flat screen monitor and have my video games going on my other screen.
     I am having fun doing my thing on 'Clone Wars Adventures'.  I like to build.  Not even a million credits would be enough in this game.  I can spend 50,000 credits in twenty minutes or less, I found out yesterday.  It's sick.
     It takes way more longer to earn the credits than to spend them.  That is true in real life, too.
     I wonder why girls and women like to spend so much?  I don't get it.  It's a thrill, with sexual connotations.  They are spending their lifeforce, in the same way as an orgasm.  It is a rush, I suppose.  Especially fun for them must be to spend husband's money, while he slobs away for a guy who is micro-managing his life.  That must suck.
     Most of the people on CWA are nice, some are kind of a pain.  The ones that are nasty I just put on my ignore list.

     Watching Babylon 5 is good.  I like Battlestar Galactica better, but you can only watch that so many times.
     I will have plenty to watch.  Four more seasons to go.
     It is a good show.

     In other news, I have nothing going on.  I'm going to have to do something about that.  I'm kind of a loser artist and my life is going nowhere.

     I've been thinking about my sci-fi epic 'Space Journey Battles'.  I want to blog for that today.  That is in fact what I am preparing for right now.  I have to get rid of all the dredge in my mind before I can think clearly for that.
     Too bad I am not good at anything, though.  It is a real shame.

     So, I have my video to film today, which should be fun.

     At least I am making a blog right now that can be monetized.  I don't know if anything will ever come of it.  I don't know, it might take years before anybody notices this blog.  Why would they?  I have no idea.  I could update the design, and make it look more attractive.  A lot of people do that.  What happens is they have a real pretty site, and the content isn't all that good.  I've looked at blogs, and I haven't been too impressed yet.  The technology is there, but the writing isn't.
     Maybe I can write something different, I don't know.

     Girls don't like science fiction much, as a rule of thumb. 

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