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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Chicken Soup is nice and I had no idea about Vince Neil of Motley Crue

     I'm about all blogged out right now.  I just wrote a long blog for my unmonetized one, and that used up all of my writing mana.
     Man, I need money.
     I saw some city workers sweeping the street. 
     That didn't look like much fun at all.

     God, the worst woman in San Francisco was out there with her walker and her vodka bottle.  Let's just say she needs a bath and some clean clothes, it would just be too disgusting to describe her pants.
     She's come in here with her vodka bottle, and the cops had to be called.
     She is the worst.

     I'm glad that is all over with.
     Now I can go back to bitching about the people in the cafe, like normal.

     Anyway, I've done my work in here.

     Now I need a visit to the ATM, but I need to put more money into my account.  That is a problem.  The only way to do that is with a paid job.

     Members of Hanoi Rocks were homeless for a time as they tried to build a career.
     They were big in Japan for a while.
     The lead singer looked like he could be an anime character is why.  lol.

     Anyway, yet another blog entry, how thrilling.

     I got some chicken soup at home, and that sounds real good.

     I pulled out some money from the ATM.  I'll be able to make rent, barely.  I got to come up with a better life.
     I had better get painting or something. 
     Making videos seems to be better advertising for me, though.

     I was never talented enough to be in a band or anything.

     Wow, Vince Neil from Motley Crue drove drunk on the way to the liquor store with the drummer from Hanoi Rocks, who died in the car accident.  Vince was arrested at the scene. 
     Bad, Vince, Bad!

     That sucked.  It was the end of Hanoi Rocks for a while.

     I don't know how Vince got away with that one.  Drunk driving and getting somebody killed?  Other people would spend twenty years in jail for that.
     Wow, Vince has had quite the history of legal battles, and he has seemed to be able to walk free from all of it.
     I guess it helps to be a celebrity, but he is a repeat offender, sheez.

     Meanwhile, I get to listen to two monotone guys talking next to me.  I don't know what the hell they are talking about.

     It turns out that Vince Neil is quite the business man.  Dang.  And married four times, each one ending in disaster.

     I have kind of had enough of the cafe for today.  I just want to go home and make chicken soup.

    And wow, I did not know that Vince Neil was such a drunken bastard.

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