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Monday, November 28, 2011

Another Day

A:  Hello, I'm doomed.
B:  Tell me something I don't already know.  Well, at least your internet still works.  You can be happy about
A:  Yeah, I guess so.
B:  Always look on the bright side of life.  At least you aren't homeless.
A:  Not yet anyway.
B:  Well, you still have a chance to make something of yourself.
A:  Yeah?  Doing what?  It's not as if San Francisco really has too many job openings for artists, and even 
      then, it sucks having to produce stuff for someone else.  Making art for a job gets to be a real grind in
      about two minutes.
B:  Well, you have no choice.  You have to do something.
A:  Well, I could shave my beard off, but then I got a kiss with it last night.  So the choice is to have long hair
     and a beard and get affection from women, or to cut my hair off and shave, and get affection from other
     kinds of women.
B:  It's a win-win!
A:  Yeah, right.
B:  Well, all I know is I have to do something.  My finances are in ruin.  The money I thought I had is gone.
      So, basically, I'm fucked.
A:  Ooops.
B:  What are you going to do?
A:  I don't know yet.  Just try to work through it.
B:  Too bad you aren't popular, then it would be easy.
A:  Yeah, I know.  But I don't know what having conversations with both sides of my brain is going to do.
     It does help me to think, and it helps me to not write boring monologues that no one wants to read.
B:  That is true.  Well, you got to do something.  You had better get going on it, if I were you.  Maybe you
     could make a comic book or something, and sell a million copies.  Then you would be rich.
A:  That is true.  No one reads comics anymore, though.
B:  Yeah, you are right.
A:  Well, maybe I'll go out and have a cigarette, that always helps.
B:  Yeah, it does, somehow.  I don't know why, but it does.
A:  Well, it helps me to clear my brain, and I often get a mind-change while I am out there standing on the
B:  Yeah, that is true.

A:  Well, that was fun standing out there.  I thought about The Simpsons, and how I am reconnecting with that
      show, thanks to a loan of several dvds.  I have Seasons 1 & 2, but my friend has up until about Season
      12, so I will be busy for quite a while.  Then, some woman walked by, and she coughed because of my
      smoke, but often people do that as their protest whether they need to cough or not.  They do it in a way
      that lets me know that they don't approve of my smoking.  So, anyway, my life is going down the tubes.
      I don't want to work at the ballpark anymore.  It sucks.  I don't like it, scamming customers for over-
      priced items.  There's got to be something I can do.  The plan was to be an artist, but that hasn't worked
      out too well.  No buyers, no art shows, and no nothing lately.
B:  Well, it looks to me like you are fucked.
A:  Yeah, it does.
B:  Well, I just saw The Simpsons episode where Krusty's career is going down the tubes, and at one point,
      considers being a porn star.
A:  I've often thought of doing that whenever my chips are down, hahaha.
B:  I still think of doing that.  The only problem is that now I am old and no one wants me.  Well, they never
     wanted me when I was young, either.
A:  Too bad.
B:  Yeah.  So, has it all come to this?
A:  Yeah, I think it has.
B:  Well, you could always kill yourself when the money is all gone.
A:  Yeah, that is true.  That would be no fun, though.
B:  Yeah, you are right.  There has to be a way, though.
A:  The only solution is to get a job you hate, and suck it up, and try and earn a paycheck.
B:  Yeah, that is true.  But how?  I don't even know where to begin.
A:  I'll be damned if I ever show up to the ballpark again just to make $30.  Fuck it.  I'm done.  I ain't going
B:  Hopefully, you won't have to eat your hat on that one.
A:  Agreed.  Well, anyhow, I have some videos to make.  I was thinking my next one should be, "Clone Wars
     Adventures - I'm quitting the game".  That would be funny.
B:  Yeah, it would.  Then you could say that you are just kidding, and that you will never quit, come hell or
     high water.
A:  Yeah.  Then I could say that I'm going to play even more, just to be annoying to General Ghostz and his
      annoying twat friends.
B:  Yeah.
A:  Don't you love writing?
B:  Yeah, I can say whatever I want here, because the chances of anyone reading this is slim to none.
A:  Yeah.
B:  Anyway, what I want to talk about is that my ex-roommate...well, she looks hot.
A:  What are you talking about?
B:  I'm serious.  She lost weight.  She is trim and lean, and has that cut look to her face.  She is looking good,
     and it was funny to hear her talk.  It is the same person, but she looks completely different.
A:  Wow.
B:  Anyway, it was cool to see her, and to hear her laugh.  I am glad she is doing well.
A:  Yeah, that is nice.
B:  I left on good terms.  I left, and she was happy.  End of story, lol.
A:  Haha.
B:  Anyway, so whatchoo going to do now?
A:  I was thinking of having another cigarette, get some beer and whiskey later on, and get blasted.
B:  That is always a good way to find a job.
A:  Yeah, you never know what can happen.
B:  Yeah.
A:  All I know is that The Simpsons are awesome.  I switched to South Park, but I am ready to return to The
     Simpsons.  I want to see every episode, and know that show inside and out.
B:  Yeah, that would be fun.
A:  Yeah.
B:  Wow, good reading on wiki for both The Simpsons and King of The Hill.  I have a lot of dvds to watch if
      I am to catch up on those two shows.
A:  I don't see anything wrong with 'The Principal and The Pauper'.  So what if Seymour Skinner is an
     imposter?  Who cares?  It's just a cartoon, and it doesn't look that The Simpsons was ever meant to be
     taken all that seriously.
B:  My grandmother never liked The Simpsons much.  She thought it was terrible, as I would sit there laughing
     at it.
A:  Anyway, time to come up with my own cartoon.
B:  Isn't it a little late for that?
A:  Yes, but I have to come up with an idea I can make millions of dollars off of.  I'm sick of being poor.
B:  I hear that.
A:  Otherwise, it is a nice day at the cafe.
B:  Yeah, it is.

A:  I would like to do a cartoon based on the cafe I go to everyday.  That would be fun.

B:  I just spent an hour drawing the cafe lady as a cartoon character.  It takes a long time, especially to do
     a good job of it.  I drew it Simpsons style, and even though it is simple line-work, it was not easy.  That's
     just the pencil version.  To do a ink and color version would take even longer, and that is just one image.
     Imagine doing a whole  twenty-two minute episode, my word.  Animation takes a lot of drawings, more
     than any human to count.  There's a lot of throw-away material involved.
A:  Well, it looks like you missed the boat of the animation revival.
B:  Yeah, I guess I did.  I still have to try, though.  I can never give up.
A:  At least the coffee lady took a picture of the drawing with her phone.
B:  Yeah, that was nice that it wasn't all for nothing.
A:  Yeah.
B:  Well, that looks like it is about it.
A:  Yeah, it does.

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