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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday with some mellow jazz

     Good Morning.  'Davi Wan Shinobi' here.  Just kidding.  I came up with the name yesterday.  My bathrobe will work pretty good for the character. 
     I don't know what to do with the character.
     Not yet, anyhow.
     I was thinking of doing a 'Clone Wars News Update' with Darth Maul.  Maybe Darth Maul can be a field correspondent, I don't know yet.

     I woke up at 7, and I was ready to go...well, kind of.  I wasn't feeling up to par, as usual.  I haven't had much get up and go in the mornings lately. 
     I have tried to write and do stuff when I wake up early, but things in my head don't really work too well, and what I produce isn't that great when I am in that state, so why bother?
     I ended up going back to bed, and I had a nightmare where the musicians were coming into my studio and stealing my stuff, and none of them would 'fess up'.  Then my landlady came into my studio and sat on me and said, "There is no sleeping here, and you are late on your rent."

     I usually think it is worth while if I go back to bed and get a dream out of it, because it is like seeing a movie inside my head with free admission.
     The dream was a harsh one.

* * *
     Just so you know, I am always endeavoring to not use the word 'it' too much, except when it is absolutely necessary.  It is a word I try to avoid, but I often can't get around using it.

     'sup' is used as a greeting in 'Clone Wars Adventures' a lot, and I can't stand it.  It annoys me to no end.  I will also endeavor to 'roll with that one' but once used, the dialogue instantly is at the bottom of the barrel.

     I have four brothers and none of them use Standard English much when they write to me.  It is pretty annoying.  They've all got sucked into not using proper capitalization and punctuation.  It is 'lazy english'.
     I am the first to admit that a lot of the computer English has it's charm from time to time.  Unusual spellings and ways of saying things only work to expand the breadth of the English language, which can only be good.
     As a reader, I prefer Standard English.  It is hard enough to figure out what somebody is saying without all of the slacker words.

* * *
     Anyway, I got my coffee, some smooth jazz, and a whole day ahead.
     I was watching 'The Simpsons' season 4, and it just figured with an episode I had never seen before, where Homer meets God, that the dvd got stuck.  The dvd was collaborated in such a way that I could not access individual episodes, so the only way to get to it is to watch all the previous episodes to get to that point, and hopefully it will not die on me again.
     Giving up on that, I started to watch Babylon 5 season 2, so I had a good time watching that, all the while farming on 'Clone Wars Adventures' to get credits so I can build.

* * *
     As an English student in high school, I was a Master of Chaos by that time.  My folders were unorganized, I couldn't find stuff, I often did not have enough other words, I was fucked.  I couldn't get it together.
     I didn't become a better student until later, after I got out of the chaos of the house I was living in.
     Anyway, I am an idiot in this universe.  I am kind of a fool, and a moron.  I work hard, but for what, I don't know.
     I haven't been painting lately, because, what is the point?  I don't know.  I guess one of these days, I'm just going to have to start it up again.
     I have lots of projects to work on.
     I have to get something going.
     If I don't succeed at something, I will surely die, and I don't want to do that.

     I am having fun on youtube.  What I need to do is to make more original material, and have those videos start generating income for me.  That is impossible with the way adsense works, but it is the only thing I've got going.
     It is not in my interest to really work the ballpark anymore.  The pay is bad and the work is hard.  I am a man of many talents, and vending isn't one of them.

     I've come to realize that even a lot of published authors don't have the easiest time of it.  They have to not only get published, but they have to sell a lot of books.
     Who is the audience that reads these books?  I don't know.  E-books seem to be doing well.  Women seem to like their electronic books, where they just download the book and start reading.  One advantage to that is I assume you can make the type bigger, which is nice for those with eye problems.  Or if the vehicle is moving, like on a train, big type is easier.
     It makes me think of all kinds of things, like Braille, the printing press, newspapers, and the history of the printed word.

* * *
     So, I have a couple of videos to make.  What happens is the seeds of an idea come into my head, and things start churning.  Like a magic card on the stack, the next card drawn is the next video.  Every video is a risk, and some of them I don't know if they should be up on youtube, because they are so bad.  They are all part of the creative process, though.  It is worth doing ten bad ones to get the one good one.

     With my art, I don't know what I am doing anymore.  I am on the outside looking in.  I don't know if it is all that great being an artist anyhow.  The pay is bad.
     It is hard to make a living as an artist.  I don't know many artists who make a living doing it, and I don't seem to be too interested in working for a comic book company, or being an illustrator or anything.  I seem to be much more interested in being a 'professional amateur', and just doing what I feel like doing, in a very natural way.  When art becomes too much about work, well, it is no fun anymore.  And if it is no fun, well, what is the point?
     These days, I just try and figure out how to use my art in videos from time to time.  Some of the stuff I can't even put on tube because a lot of my figures are of naked women.  While that is 'mostly fine' there is always going to be someone to complain about it, and even though I often come across some 'soft nudity' on youtube, it is not encouraged.
      I see nothing wrong with expressions of the human body.  I think the whole world should get naked is my opinion, and then everybody will see how normal it is.
     Of course, the problem with a naked world is women end up getting groped when they don't want to, and that is not good.  People can't keep their hands to themselves, so that ends up being the end of that party.  Then naked cops would have to show up and shut the party down, and that would not be pleasant.
     Clothes also act as 'fart absorbers' so that is another good reason for clothes.
     Some people don't like their own nudity.  It is an encumbrance.  I just read the other day how some woman didn't even like being naked in front of her own husband.  Well, that seems like a self-esteem problem to me.

     I guess there are a lot of heavy people in America.  They love to eat.

     I didn't feel like gorging myself with food on Thanksgiving.  I ate some chicken soup, sipped on a beer, and I was happy.

     Nice music here in the cafe today.  They played a 'CS&N' song that I hadn't heard in a long time, and it sounded pretty good with the vocal harmonies.  I didn't know what the hell they were singing about, though, but the sound was nice.
    Then they played 'Eleanor Rigby', though 'Lonely People' is also a common name for the song.
    Just nice and mellow now, I like it.

* * *
     I never had much interest in being a teacher, as I don't really have anything to teach anybody.

     I saw a good lot today on Mustafar that a kid built.  It was pretty good.  I'm impressed with what some of these kids come up with.  Of course, it takes a long time to get the credits to buy the stuff needed, but it is all fun being a part of this building community, and having people being able to wig out with it all.
     The characters are like 6' action figures, and it is amazing to have that world come alive.
     The kids really like Clone Troopers.

     Oh shit, I forgot there should be a new Clone Wars episode that I can watch.  I'll have to see later.

     Let's see, anything else?

     Life is brutal, that is all I know, and I got bills up the yin-yang, so I'm going to have to figure out something.  I'm going to have to cut my hair if I want a job. 
     Long hair is better for my art career, but short hair is better for a job.
     Hair gives me power, though.
     It is past the point of manageability, however.

* * *
     One of these days I will figure out how the English language works.

     One last thing, you can say 'shit' in cwa by typing in '$hit'.  lol.

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