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Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Problem with Hollywood

     I moved twenty feet over to the right, and my laptop went from a very low strength internet signal to an excellent one.  Where you position your laptop is important.
     I ran into Hector, and he said, "You going to the game?"
     "No, I'm going to the cafe to write."
     I worked with Hector at the ballpark.  I would much rather be here at the cafe and write. 
     I quit.  I am done working at the ballpark.  I never want to do that job ever again.

     Anyway, it was fun seeing Elvis Christ get arrested with his dopey drugged out and drunken look on his face.  His friend Justin is so dumb, he didn't help Elvis move away from the area where he has a restraining order.
     Justin was a crazy drunken mess last night, drinking in front of the bar.  He's been told a hundred times not to have open containers of alcohol there.  He never listens.
     Anyway, it was a good night.  I made $40 making napkin art.  I met a nice lady.  Her husband was there, too.  They were in town from Marin.  They were staying in a hotel, so they didn't have to worry about the drive home.

     Yeah, there is a football game today.  I don't want to be a vendor anymore.  It is a crappy job.  I would rather write than run around selling over-priced crap.

     Anyway, I got some good tunes, some hot coffee, Crosby, Stills, and Nash harmonizing on the last day of 2011.  What a crazy year it's been.

     Anyhow, I survived.  I am still alive.  That is a good thing.

     Jamming out on a keyboard is awesome.  It is an external USB separate from my laptop.  It feels more like a typewriter.  Plus it looks cool.

     Marco is going to the Haight-Ashbury to go play some music.  He does pretty good out there.  People come from all over the world to see that area, and Marco provides that rock and roll blues thing. 
     They used to come to the bar where I was a doorman, but I was just some Los Angeles dickhead freezing in the cold being rude to people.  I eventually snapped at that job, but that is another story, and not really all that fun.

     I got home and I was pretty happy, and I worked on blogs, played Clone Wars and Lotro, and just chilled out.  I love coming home from the bar and turning the computer on.

     So anyway, here I am at the cafe.  It is a beautiful day, and I got the whole day ahead of me.  Also, I managed to pay my rent, so that was good.  Now I have to pay rent again.

     Yeah, the lady was real nice.  She dropped two twenties my way.  She also gave me a wet, intimate kiss with her husband sitting on the other side of her.  I wonder if she will stroll into town again, this time unencumbered by husband?  That would be funny.

     Some other couple now has an open marriage.  I guess the man wanted it all.  I'm sure the wife just wants to bail on that scene when she can do it financially.

     Wow, I could be here having the time of my life, or I could be working.  I am always glad to see Hector, but he reminded me of my old job too much this morning.  I want to be thinking of other things.

     Youtube is awesome for replays of Howard Stern.  There is this incredible uploader named Shane.  I found a seven hour Best of Stern 2011 video.  I let it run for six hours straight while I slept.  I woke up listening to that.  I love it.  The Stern show has brought much happiness to my life over the years.  I just like the sound of Howard and Robyn together.  It is good that they are often funny.

     Life is good if I can figure out how to live it now.  I guess I am still trying to figure out how to be successful. 
     The problem with Hollywood is that I am an artist.  I want to do everything myself.  I don't want to be stuck doing just one thing.  I want to do it all creatively.  I need a bankroll, though.  Damn.

     Anyway, I brought a painting here today so I could have some company.  I never know if someone will want to buy a painting.  I've sold them at times I've least expected it.

     My friend finally got a job.  He did the 'I will work for free until you put me on the payroll'.  He stuck it out for four months giving them a lot of free labor.  It is for the exact thing he wanted to do, and he really loves his job.  I'm proud of him.

     Anyway, I am completely out of it.  A little cloudy in my head from last night.

     Women like to read.  I will give them something to read. 

     So that is where I am right now.  I'm going out to have a cigarette.  I wish I could just light up here, though, that would be rad, just like in the old days.  Then I wouldn't have to stand outside and have cops give me dirty, filthy looks of disapproval.

* * *
     I just saw the big titted Indian girl go in to her building across the street.  She looks good to me.  She has a good booty, too. 
     She was carrying some black nightclub shoes.

     Nadjat is the star of this cafe.  She is really fast in serving coffee.  She cuts through a long line of people really fast.

     I like what Howard Stern does.  He delivers a lot of crap, but he also cuts through a lot of crap in Hollywood, and gets people to talk.

     I like jamming out on my keyboard.  The words sound like music to me.

     They are playing a classical piece of music right now.  I like it because I can hear myself think.

     I think I would rather be sitting here typing than practicing a musical instrument.

     I like being The Napkin Art Guy at the bar.  It is fun.  I have a good time.  Plus, it works real good.  People like to see the art made right in front of them.
     I like what I do on the napkins, because I combine both text and imagery.
     That would be cool if someday I have collectors of my napkin art pieces.  You never know what can happen in this world.

     My dwarf Daktharr is level 23 in Lotro, and I'm pretty happy just guiding him on grinding kills against wraiths, killing them over and over again.  When I am drunk or hungover, I like to engage myself in mindless activity until I can start to think again.

     I am having fun still on 'Clone Wars Adventures', though the kids are starting to wear me down.  They are a lot of work.
     Talking of work, there was this 40 year old guy wearing a Wolverine shirt, and he was a real loud-mouthed dick asshole, and he didn't even know it.  With a history of amphetimines, he was lucky he was a good looking guy.  But he had this brazen, loud British accent going for him, and he kept touching people, and putting his hands on people as he was talking to them. 
     He did not like when I treated him the same way he was treating everybody else.  He called me an idiot, and then later shook my hand.  I had told him to go home and take a nap.  He was all wound up.
     I don't want to talk about him anymore.  I hope he leaves my memory as soon as possible.

     I was going through my photos last night, and, I have a lot.  I still have photo animations I have never gotten around to.
     Man, I have a lot of work to do with the blogs and the video making, and you know what?  I'm going to put it all up on the web.  It will take me a while, but I am going to do it.
     I am going to show the world that I can do something after all, and maybe, just maybe, I can get paid for it.  For that, I have to be good, damn good, and real good.  I have to show that I am better than the pack.  That is not going to be easy.  It is a long road to the top of that mountain.

     But yeah, at some point during art school, I wanted to graduate with both an art and a writing portfolio in hand.  I've never accomplished that.
     Now I can think on my feet, and do the blog thing, which automatically makes my words look at least somewhat organized, and I can put my art up until Kingdom Come.  I love it.

     The coffee is good and hot here.  I like it.  I am addicted to their coffee.

     I don't even care if people look over my shoulder today, I am in a good mood.

     There is the sound of the police siren.  I hate people who imitate that sound.  It is bad enough with the police car making that sound without some dickhead mocking the sound.  It is so pedestrian of them, and makes it seem that what actually happens on the street is important, and I don't think it is.  In this town, and in L.A. it is waaaaayyyy more about what happens behind closed doors.  That is where the action is, and where the deals are made, to the value of millions of dollars.  $20 transactions on the street, or a fight I could give a duck about.

     Anyway, it is going to be a good day.  I am going to sing all day long.  I will celebrate to some extent the beauty of my life.  That sounds good to me.

     Hey.  Enjoy life while you can is all I can say.  Moments are so fleeting, and they disappear, and all you got are memories that seem as alive as when they happened.  New moments come, and the brain filters out automatically what it wants to remember.  Yes, the brain has an auto-filter function.

     I often have memories that are triggered by the events of the day.  At this point, though, there is a lot that I want to forget.

     I have been having promptings to start writing about Bountiful High.  It is situated about twenty miles north of Salt Lake City.  I had some pretty good times there, but, honestly, those years were filled with a lot of sadness and loneliness.  I was one of the loneliest people at that school.  I didn't mesh in too well.  The school was very white, and 90% Mormon.  There were a lot people who liked to party.  My class was filled with jocks.  I think the class beneath ours was filled with more kids into music.  They were cooler than us.  We sucked in a way.  I don't know what everybody does for jobs that came out of that school, and I don't know who died.

     Some guy was talking loud on his GD phone, and I lost my train of thought.  His voice filled the whole cafe.  God, it is so annoying.

     I was never cut out for Hollywood.  I had no business being there.  I had no plans to work in the industry.  I didn't want to do it.  I just wanted to make art, and that was about it.  I wanted to do my thing.  I was living some kind of fantasy life, and then I ended up washing dishes for four years, and that sucked ass.
     I went a little crazy, too in L.A., but that is a different story.  I will write about those years at some point.  Well, I actually went craziest after my first year in San Francisco.  If I ever write that story, it will be a tale of paranoia.
     My mind was flooded with expanding art ideas and lofty thoughts, and I was not very secure in my living situation, so I mentally slipped until I could figure things out again.
     Going to SFAI was a very intense experience.  I still owe them a *hitload of money, so I am going to have to figure that one out pretty damn soon.

     It would be cool if somebody bought my painting, but I know that a lot of people in this area don't have a lot of money.  It is just how it goes.  I have had some sales, but not many.  Anyway, it is good to have my painting with me to keep me company, and at least it advertises that I am a painter.  Every little bit helps, you know.  You never know what can happen in this world, or who will walk in and out of your life.

     Yeah, it would be cool to write about Hollywood, and my experiences there.  Sadly, I had a lot of problems with my oldest brother there, so that tainted a lot of my experiences.  Now he claims he has ADD.  It explains a lot, like forgetting to look at parking signs.  He got a lot of parking tickets.  But a lot of what he did involved choices that had nothing to do with ADD.  He just wanted to be that way.  He didn't like to work much, or hold down a job.  He just wanted to coast down easy street, but life doesn't work that way.  You have to work your ass off.
     What is the name of that book by Nathaniel West about Hollywood?  'Day of The Locust' I think.  It is a good book, and very well-written.  They made a movie about that.  I still haven't seen it yet.  I would like to.  Maybe a sample is on youtube.  I haven't thought about Nathaniel West in a long time.  He died young from a car crash or something.  I'll have to look it up when I have time. 

     There you go.  I only recently discovered how to put links on my blog entries.  I am glad, because it is a real useful tool, and makes it easy for people.
     Wow, you know what?  That Nathaniel West link I just gave you is good reading.  I did not know that Jews were not allowed in fraternities.  Damn rascist Americans.  Anyway, give the link a try.  It was fascinating to read about him.
     Nathaniel didn't sell a lot of books during his lifetime.

     Now I get to deal with the sounds of a skateboarder outside, and I'm trying to think about Nathaniel West.  Always something, huh?

     So, is literature, the written word, more important than art?  I don't know.  I can't figure it out, so I write and draw to solve the problem.  One is not any more important than the other.  It is all part of The Universe that flows within you.

     Yes, I will eventually write at length about my Hollywood days.  There is a lot to tell, I suppose.  We'll see what happens.

     A girl sat on the left of me, and I have a different vibe now, so maybe it is a good time to end this piece.

     Just think, I could be at the ballpark doing my vending job for a college football game, or I could be here writing and thinking about the works of Nathaniel West.  What would you rather do?  Hang out, drink coffee, write, and look at chicks or run around like a chicken with its head cut-off selling cotton candy?

     Damn, I have to make my life not suck

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Comfortable Chair

     Here I am in front of a local bar.  Somebody put a chair outside in the alleyway.  It was a nice, comfortable chair.
       This dog liked the chair, too.

The Coffee Spill

     "Oh damn, I spilled my coffee!" the man said to us.
     "That's okay, maybe it was a sign that my body didn't need that much coffee, so I'll take it for what it is."

     With that, we finished up our conversation.

The Death of Stacey

     All of a sudden, Stacey had an image flash into her head.  She did not know why.
     It was of a doll hanging from a green piano keyboard.  It made no sense to her at the time.

"Let's Go For A Ride, Stacey"

     "Let's go for a ride, Stacey."
     "Okay," said Stacey.
     "It will be a good time.  We can drive around the city for a bit, and look at the sights."
     "That sounds really wonderful," replied Stacey.
     By this time, Stacey was really excited to be in Johnny's car.  It thrilled her, especially in a car that was vintage.  Everybody would see her, and she would appear to her friends as cool, which was as important to her, as being with Johnny himself.
     He had combed back hair, and wore a clean, white t-shirt.  She really liked him because he reminded her of her father.
     He was a man's man.
     He certainly had good taste when it came to cars.  She liked that.  She liked the muscle of the old cars, and the sound of the engine.
     Johnny was having an influence on her that she would not soon forget.
     She was starting to see the uselessness of electronic portable devices.  She was beginning to see that real contact with real humans was so much better.

     Johnny didn't like girls who said, "Oh my god," so she was trying not to say that.  She began to realize that she just said it automatically, without thinking.
     Johnny wanted her to think more.
     She was starting to see this was a good idea, instead of just being swept by the tides of fashion all the time.

     She liked Johnny.  He made her feel alive.  She liked that.

     "Baby, we're gonna drive until sundown, and then find a place to have a picnic."

     "That sounds real nice, Johnny."

Get on the horse and ride it until dawn...

     Man, it is 11 a.m., and we were having a full on conversation about Star Trek, and then I pulled out my communicator toy, which is a replica from the original series, and the guy talking about Star Trek was O-O  "Wow..hahahahaha.."
     Then he was just going off about how he woke up, and his wife of 23 years told him he had a strange look on his face.
     "Honey, you had better go for a walk and get some coffee."

     Anyway, I am here at the cafe.  It is another day.  It is pretty early for long talks.  It is like last night is still going on.

     Man, if I could only figure out what to do with my Viking friend who has a great way of speaking.  I'm just going to have to record him, and put samples of his speech on youtube.  There is no one else like him.  Who else can talk about saprolings at length?  No one, I tell you, no one.

     Anyway, it is Friday.

     I've been through a lot lately, and still a primary concern is making a living.  This freelance stuff I've been doing is for the birds.

     Lots of activity at the cafe today, my word.  It is Friday, and tomorrow is New Year's, and The Hell of Christmas is over, so I guess people are all excited.

     Thank god I have rent money, but the way I am living is no good.  I gotta fix that a.s.a.p.

     The energy today is intense and lively.  I have to admit that I am a little hung-over.  My mind is ready to start the day, but my body isn't.

     The caricaturist at Specs was doing some good work last night, the best I have ever seen him do.  He is kind of a bone head, but his mind is geared to that work.  I wonder how much he makes on each one?  He uses good materials, and he is professional at what he does.  He went to the Art Academy, I think.
     I just make napkin drawings with a ball-point pen, and I call it a day.  I have to do better, or do I?  I have no idea what I should do or not do at this point.

     Anyway, I got friends at the bar, at the coffee shop, I got a couple of brothers I talk to...I don't feel alone.  I live in a pretty active city where there aren't enough jobs for people, and I need work.  I wonder who will pay for what I do, though?  All I know is I am going to have to step up my cafe.

     I saw a young, pretty, and very skinny skinny girl today on the way to the cafe.  She wore those skin hugging leggings.  A lot of women don't even bother with any kind of a skirt.  They just wear those form-fitting leggings that hug the ass and everything else.  I am quite pleased with this fashion trend.  They are close as they can get to being naked.  Only a millimeter of stretch material separates them from being completely naked, and I love it.

     People gaze at my screen from time to time.  It is annoying, and then I look at them, which must also be annoying.  But I am silent, and I have to listen to them talk, and that is annoying, too.

     We got some good, classical music today.  It is good to write to.

     So I don't know what to do about my friend.  He needs someone around with a laptop at all times so they can write what he says or record him.  That is a big job.  Then to make sense of his stories would not be easy.  All I can do as a writer is just try to remember what he says.

     My other friend doesn't always talk a lot, so it is not always easy to get words out of him, and he isn't even the only person I know like that.  I sure know how to pick them.

     The Viking has a lot of work to do if he is to realize his stories.  I asked him if he was writing, and he said he used to do it more.  Maybe just recording him from time to time is the way.

     We had a full fifteen minute conversation today, and what do I do with that?  I would have liked to have recorded the whole thing, but instead, the conversation is gone forever.  It is a shame, sometimes.  To ask anybody to record them means that they suddenly become aware of the recording device, and that changes everything.

     I am kind of out of it today, and I certainly have my work cut out for me. 

     At least I got coffee, and that is a good thing.

     I am approaching a hundred entries on this blog, and that means I am just getting started.

     I can't wait to see the drunken videos I made at three in the morning.  I hope they are good enough to put up.

     It is going to be one of those days, and I got a lot of work ahead of me.  I got Magic cards to tape up, a room to clean so I can walk.  I got art to make, a canvas to buy, and cafes and bars to go to.  I have drawings of people to do, and I have work that involves getting my art and writing out there.

     What I like about the blogs is I can finally start assembling all the books that I ever wanted to write.  I can finally put them in a good form, which isn't just my typing on a page. 

     I feel so uncomfortable sitting next to this bland couple.  I can't stand to listen to them talk as I am trying to write.  It sounds like kind of a yuppie conversation, and it is hard for me to care.  True, they are not talking about what they are going to buy at IKEA, but they may as well be.

     I can't wait for this couple on the left to me.  They seem so lifeless.  They don't do anything for me.  The two girls talking behind me don't bother me too much.  They talk is lively and happy, I don't seem to mind it.
     There is a girl on the right and she is cute and writing on her laptop, so she doesn't bother me, either.
     Man, what a life it all is.

     One thing is for certain, and that is, to make anything happen in this world, you have to DO THE WORK.  You have to put your labor and time in, and even then, hardly anyone will care.

     Thank god the couple left. So devoid of life, the girl had to nosily look at what I was typing.  So annoying, as if a piece of my soul suddenly departed.  I feel her lifeless clammy skin, and what it must be like to be her.  Just a passenger on a boat, like what a lot of people are.
     Not me, I want to steer the boat, I want to get on the horse and ride it until the dawn.

     I am starting to like The Viking Philosophy.  Rape, pillage, plunder, and increase your fortune for fame and glory.  Naked Valkryies by my side with big, heaving breasts, large cups and horns filled with mead, braided hair, and large legs of meat.  That sounds good to eat dinner on a mammoth wooden table with all of your friends.  Death is a glorious passage to Valhalla if you died in battle.  It sounds good.  I want to start applying these ideas.  I've tried everything else, so why the f not?

     Like I said before, I got my work cut out for me.  I had better get started.

     One more thing.  The constant usage of the phrase 'oh my god' is starting to really annoy me.  Is there no other phrase in The Universe to use? 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Guardians of The Garden

     This is my second most popular blog, behind 'DavidLovins67 Underground Emporium' which is blog with an intended audience for people aged 18 and over.
     This blog is more for a general audience, and therefore has a lot less swearing, and I don't talk about sex things as much.  I restrain myself, because kids might be reading, which I highly doubt anyway.  Kids are busy playing video games.  They don't read text-heavy blogs.
     Uh looks like some old man is going to sit at the table to the right of me.  What a drag.  The whole cafe is empty, and he has to sit right next to me.  Geez.
     Anyway, it is nice to have a blogging day.  I haven't had one of those for three days.
     It's been interesting to work with my other blog, which has over 7600 hits now, and to see people from all over the world reading it, or at least clicking on my stuff.  I don't know if they read it or not, or if it is automated bots.  It's all the same to me.
     Never having blogged before, or taking blogs seriously, well, it's been kind of an adventure.  I'm in uncharted regions.  I don't know what will happen, except I will keep writing, and I will see what happens.
     I know some people are making a living blogging now.  That sounds nice.  I wonder how many hits they have to get?  I have no idea.  And I also don't know why people would read blogs instead of doing other things on the web.  People might like to read blogs on their portable electronic devices, though.  They can't always watch videos on those, but I am guessing they like to read blogs.  All I know is something is happening with all of my written material.  I look at my stats all the time, and there is definitely activity.  Something is happening, little by little.  This can only be a good thing for me.
     I am approaching one-hundred entries on this blog.  I am pretty excited about that.
     You know what?  I have done my research, and I have discovered that one-hundred entries on a blog is not enough.  Once you reach that point, you are just getting started, my friend.  Trust me, this is true.  Plan on doing a thousand entries, even ten-thousand.  All you need is one big-hit blog entry with hits that go through the roof.  The first blog entries you write are just to establish your territory.  It takes a while for your blog entries to come up in searches.  Expect a year to go by before your blog to even gain any kind of momentum.  However, once you do the work, it is on the web forever, and that is a good thing.  Always go through your material, and try to improve it. 
     Luckily, with blogs, you can edit anytime, so take advantage of this feature.  Give people your best work, at all times, if you can.  Take it to the nth.  Do as good as you can.  Entertain people, and make them happy, and you will be rewarded.  They will keep coming back for more.
     I am the kind of person that is doing it the old-fashioned way.  I don't have it in my soul to advertise or promote.  I can't do it.  My job is to write and create the material, and if anybody likes it fine.  If they don't, there is nothing I can do about it, anyhow.
     I am not Earnest Hemingway.  I am not a professional writer.  I do the best I can with what I got, and if you can accept that, then that is cool with me.
     One thing I try to do is to be brutally honest.  I have nothing to lose from this.  It is scary at times to open your soul to people, and to put it on the line every day, but that is my job to do that.  I am an artist, that is what I do, and I am starting to figure out that it doesn't matter if it is with paint or words, it is all the same.  I am exploiting my own personal experiences for profit and gain, so I might as well give people the good stuff.  Like I said, I have nothing to lose.

     It's been a chilly day.  The door is open, so the cold air gets blown in.  It definitely keeps me awake and alert.  This is why this cafe is my blogging location of choice.
     When I woke up this morning, and on the computer, the last thing I am able to do is to write cohesively.  It just doesn't work.  I don't even know who I am at that point in the morning.

     Anyway, I am at Muddy Waters on Valencia and 16th in San Francisco.  It is a great place to be a writer.  Nadjat will serve you up a pretty decent cup of coffee, piping hot.
     I tried to have a couple of art shows here, but they somehow forgot that I was supposed to show.  Ooops.  I would like to show here someday, because I really like the exhibition space.  I like showing in coffee shops more than galleries.  I would rather have people sip on coffee and enjoy my artwork, than being in some stuffy gallery.
     I've been coming here for a couple of years now.
     They used to have more problems with riff-raff street people, but that has calmed down a little, thank goodness.
     Hey, there are some cuties in here now.  Nice.  That is another reason for coming here, girls feel safe at this cafe, and they like it.  Some places can make girls feel uncomfortable, especially if there are creepy guys around trying to pick up on them in the middle of the day.  I do it the opposite way, I let them pick up on me, if they want.  I leave it up to them.  After all, they are The Guardians of the Garden.

     It's odd being an American at times.  I've been influenced by Europe a lot, through art and music, and to be honest....hey, I just saw a girl with an Aubrey Beardsley black and white print on the back of her jacket, was I?  Oh yeah..uh..I get a sense of The Two-Dimensional America.  It is flat in concept and ideas among people.  They work so much and get pretty obsessed with money.  It all just doesn't quite feel right.  Plus, we have a history of genocide killing off all of the natives, and America had a pretty lucrative slave trade going there for a while.  Hmmm...makes you think, huh?

     The girls sat at the table right behind me.  They aren't talking too loud, so that is good.

     There are the kind of people in a cafe or restaurant situation where they either sit by themselves, or they sit near people already there.  It is a strange thing.  Think about what your preferences are and why.  Every once in a while, choose a place different than where you would normally sit.  You'll be surprised when you break out of your routine once in a while.

     Anyway, it is a nice day.

* * *

     'At The Cafe' is still just a working title.  I haven't come up with one that is better yet.  It works and functions for my purposes.
     I believe in the cafe life, though.  It is where the ideas grow and blossom.  The ability to hang out for many hours is a great feature of a cafe.  I can see people come and go.  There is definitely a beginning, middle, and end to any good cafe session.
     I also get to hear people talk, and if don't hear the words exactly, I get to hear the music of their conversation as it blends with the music.  It can be very pleasant.
     Most of what people talk about make no sense to me, though, unless I am in the conversation.
     What I am listening to now is just words and sentences, but I don't know what the context is.
     I often don't know what women talk about.  They are often all over the place in conversation, like an art show that features art pieces that don't correlate with each other.

* * *
     I need ten million hits on this blog, before anything can happen.  That is going to take a long, long time.  A lot longer than it will take with videos on youtube.  They just have more traffic there.

     The Passive Female Thing.  So I've been sitting here typing, and the four girls that were sitting at the table behind me, well, they are gone now.  I guess they talked themselves out.  I turned my head sharply while they were still here, and looked the blond right in the eyes.  I did it with my stone face, unfriendly and unsmiling, which is the way I feel most like myself, where I am just calm.  I feel best that way.  Anyway, she had been looking at what I was doing.  People watch what I do, they've been doing that for years, but they never say a word.  It is annoying.  I'm like a monkey in a zoo, and they watch me like they would a wild animal.  It is all I am to them.  Anyway, I get tired of The Passive Female Thing.  They occupy space but they don't always activate it.  It's all just a big nothing of pretty hair and shoes, talking about stuff that makes no sense to me.  It's easy on the eyes, granted, but there has to be more to human life than just looking good.
     Then, the old man that was near me, when he got up to leave while I was out there smoking a cigarette, I watched him look at my computer set-up with my USB external keyboard propped up by PS1 games so that the angle is more like a typewriter.  He had this puzzled look on his face, and was puzzled by my technology.  Also, he didn't say a word.
     There is something about me that makes people do that.  Looking at me, no one thinks I am capable of anything.
     That is their problem.

     Wow, I just caught another girl looking at my Conan book, and all the things I have here.  Again, not a word.

     Well, I guess I am getting attention, that is something new.  I would guess that people don't know what to think of me, but they are definitely curious.

     Did you know I get more looks from women when they are with a guy?  That is really when girls' eyes are on the prowl.  The guy is oblivious to this, because he is trying to fight off looking at other women, and the girl always gives the guy hell if he looks.  She likes to have the power and be in control.  The guy has to go along with it if he wants admission to the secret garden of earthly delights.

     You know what?  I'm going to have to go into my art studies again, going in from scratch.  I will have to look at cave drawings, and look at art all through history, and try to figure out what the hell I am trying to do.
     Wow, a new girl just sat down at the table to the left.  She had other options, she did not have to sit right next to me, but she did.  I always like to go outside and smoke, and then look to see if they look at my stuff when I am not there, to see what their curiosity is all about.

     It is a different world, and my has it changed.  It is all the same, but we all have so many more toys to play with, and that is nice. 
     I still think that a novel and a sketchbook is more than enough for anyone to carry around, but they like their portable electronic devices a lot.  I can't say I blame them.
     There is a beauty to chicken scratches, pencil, and pen marks, though.  Art school students are privy to this.

     You guys don't know what you are missing sometimes.

     I watched the other day a man watching a college football game.  He was in a gambling pool, and he was going to win the bet.  He was happy about that.
     Gambling and football, what a combination.  It is a national obsession.  I have a tendency that it is more about gambling, and football is just an excuse.

     The girl to the left of me is now wearing a bright yellow sweater.  It is really bright.
     I don't know if she is the calm type, or the nervous type.
     She is also wearing a nice toned-down striped blouse.
     Her shoes are like genie slippers a little.  They are sparkly.
     Her hair is a dark red.
     Her skin is a little pale, and doesn't look like she likes the sun much.

     It is getting to be about that time when I have to go.  It was a good session, though.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Life Day

     I'm just here sitting, and having a good time.  I drew a picture of two lesbians, but they didn't give me any money for it.
     I told them if they liked the drawing, they could have it.  If they didn't then I would take it back. 
     They liked the drawing enough to keep it, so I hope it made them happy.
     They could have coughed up some cash, though.
     However, the method of just giving away the drawing seems to work, and if they want to give me money or not, that is fine.  I accept whatever happens in that situation.  I prefer them giving me money, though.  It is fascinating to watch people walk off with a free drawing.  I don't know how they live with themselves.

     Skateboarders live next to the cafe.  They are always out on the sidewalk practicing their tricks.  They make a lot of racket.  They are entertaining from time to time, so it isn't so bad.  Sometimes when they all get together, they make enough noise to permeate the cafe, and it is difficult to write with all of it going on. 
     I don't think they would care if they knew they were interrupting people trying to write.

     It is time to go.  I got coffee at home, and plenty of stuff to do there.
     If only I had some money today, things would go slightly better for me.  I'll make it until Tuesday somehow.
     I did live it up a little, and didn't budget like I should have.
     Thems are the breaks, kid.

     I have a task to do at home that involves putting together a new Magic deck in order to destroy my enemies.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dream Job - To Be a Pro Blogger

     I just looked at some blog at random.  I don't know why they always send me to some blog done by a Mormon girl.  Are they the only ones that write blogs?  I read some of her crappy, badly-written poetry, and after two minutes, I didn't give a damn.  Then I saw some pictures of her with her Mormon boyfriend, and they were smiling big in every picture, showing every clean white tooth, often in front of some church or temple, and I really began not to care.  I shut it off, I couldn't take it anymore.  I can't see anybody liking that stuff unless they know the people in the blog.  I couldn't get through her prose.  It needed editing.

     My new blog idea is called, "Meat and Potatoes".  I really want to deliver the good stuff there.  I want to put the best that I can do there.  I want to talk about paintings, art, and the things that mean a lot to me.  I want to put my life code there.  I will start this blog when I am able.
     You know, Magic The Gathering has some funny language to it.  The mechanics of the game requires the logic of a lawyer.  It is starting to interest me on that level.  Some of the flavor text is silly, though.  They could do better with some of those sayings.
     Meanwhile, it is just a nice and quiet time at the cafe.  I am starting to run out of time.
     My goal with every blog I have is to get a hundred hits on each one, and then take it from there.  I can do this, I know I can.  I don't even care if they are my hits.  What is important is that number at the top.  That is what people see.  They don't know who gave the hits, and they don't care.  The number speaks.  The higher the number, the more value it has.  Let's face it, a video with ten million hits is more impressive than a video with ten thousand.  That is the god-awful truth.
     It's been a good day in here, but yeah, I am running out of time.  I am starting to feel the pull.  I have a party to get to in four hours, and I need to be there on time.  I need to be ready.  I love to write, though, it is very peaceful for me.
     Thank god all is well with my banking situation.  I was a little distressed yesterday.  Thank god I took care of business.  That was a lot to go through, being in the bank for an hour, and on the phone with people.  Thank god for my drawing pad, it helped me to pass the time.  I go crazy just sitting there with nothing to do.  That is why drawing has been a good friend for me for many years.
     So, it was typical to go to a random blog, and be disappointed.
     I think I have figured it out, though, with blogs.  You have to subscribe to a lot of people before they will subscribe to you.  I have to start doing that.  That is how it worked on youtube.  Once I started to subscribe to a lot of people, that is how people started to subscribe to me.  They returned the favor.  In this world, subscribers equals cash.  I had better get on it.
     Man, do I have work to do.  To be a pro blogger would be awesome.  To sit in the cafe all day and write to my heart's content, drink coffee, and have a good time?  Are you kidding?  That is my dream job.
     I have to be good, though, and I can't disappoint when people visit my blog.  That is going to take some doing.
     I have to buy some new pens.  Some good ones that will work well, and will last a long time.  My pens are always running out.

     Man, there is some guy in the cafe who had knee surgery last month.  He is heavily medicated, talking loud and requiring a lot of attention.  He is also about to fall over.  He has successfully disrupted all of my activities, even though he doesn't seem to intend to do that.  Regardless, he is doing it.

      Happy Holidays to all my friends and even my enemies.  Be good to people.

Random Stuff

     Hi, I am feeling good.  I always make sure to eat after I drink.  It makes the mornings a lot easier.
     I did get pretty toasted last night.  It was awesome selling $23 worth of napkin art.  I'm on a roll with that stuff.  I guess I could do it every night.  It is always good to have money coming in.  However, I don't think getting that drunk on a nightly basis would be good. 
     Anyway, I got my coffee now, it is Christmas Eve, and I am happy.

     It is a party in here.  The troopers are here with their laptops even on Christmas Eve.

     I am still engaged in thinking about last night.  I am still recovering from it.  Hell, I'm hungry.  I wouldn't mind having some nice clam chowder with some hot sauce in it.  That sounds awesome.  Maybe I will do that later.

     I suppose every body in the world is playing Star Wars The Old Republic.  I wonder if my computer can handle it?  It is possible, but I would need to clear out a lot of stuff from my memory to play that game.  Plus, I still want to play Age of Conan.
     The truth is, I have plenty to keep me busy with Lord of The Rings Online.

     It turned out to be a good thing to bring my Good Luck Bear with me yesterday.  He is my friend.

     I like this cafe, because when the counter women get on a roll with their excited and intense dialogue that fills the whole cafe, it is great.  They speak in another language, and I don't know what the hell they are saying, but it is fun to listen.  These women are passionate, unlike your typical American women.

     That is what I like about San Francisco.  There are people from all over the world here.

     The nice counter lady just asked me about my blue good luck bear.  I explained to her how I made it.  She liked it.
     Women love cute things, it is in their programming.
     The woman who just looked at my bear, she is really beautiful inside and out.  She's got spirit.  I don't know what nationality she is.  I would guess she is from India, but I really have no idea.  She's got a nice booty on her, that is for sure, and she is a really lovely person.  I think she is engaged to be married.  I'm sure she will break a lot of hearts when she takes the plunge.

      Now we got a dog barking out there wondering where its owner is.

     I'm looking forward to ham and cole slaw tonight.  mmmm.

     I'm very glad my good luck bear brought me luck.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Move Into Action

     It is a beautiful and gorgeous day.  In contrast,  I talked to a Drazi today, which is an alien from Babylon 5.  He asked me about football.  I told him I wasn't into football.

     My check hasn't arrived from the bank yet.  That means I am screwed.  This is most unfortunate.
     I thought I would be a rich and famous artist by now.  That has not happened.
     It is like I am starting my whole life from scratch now.  That sucks.  I don't know what I am going to do, or how I am going to solve my problems.
     If the check had come in like it was supposed to, I wouldn't be going through any of this right now.
     Perhaps I waited too long to order the check.  Maybe it is my own damn fault.
     Let's just say that it might have been a fatal error to ever invest my money.  It looks like it has turned out that way.
     Surprisingly, a person commented on one of my blog entries.  A complete stranger.  She is only the second person to ever comment on one of my blogs.  It is incredible that somebody actually read what I wrote and commented.
     It is a pinhole of light in my Cave of Abyssal Darkness right now.

     I am wondering if I should get some more coffee right now, or just pack it up and go home to see what I need to do.

     I need coffee, and it is Christmas.

     It is amazing that somebody commented on one of my posts.  It is great news.  It means that what I do mattered to one person, and that is enough to go for a while.  It makes me happy.  It is encouraging.

     To get feedback of any kind is another story, though.  To get somebody who actually reads my work and comments constructively, well, that is like a dog barking at the sky hoping a cloud will give him a dog biscuit.  I'll take what I can get.

     It took a while for anyone to comment on my youtube videos.  Now they do.  It is like they were frightened to say anything, or that nothing I did evoked any kind of emotional response.  That has changed.  I'm starting to break in.  It takes a while.

     I am running out of time, unfortunately.  I must attend to some things, but I also have to write.  It is always a war of what I should and should not do at any given time.  My mind is a battlefield of choices. 
     I am damned if I do, and damned if I don't with some things.
     My mind is all over the place today.  I am a little distressed about my check not being mailed to me.  This event is casting a shadow over my entire life right now.

     One thing that sucks about this cafe is you have to be buzzed into the bathroom just to use it.  This is to prevent non-customers from using it who just walk in from off the street.

     When I stand outside on the street smoking a cigarette, since they don't allow smoking indoors anymore, I get crusty looks from cops.  It is their job, but I didn't do anything. 
     If there is anything I have learned is that cops are not my friends.

     I enjoy music at the cafe that doesn't have words or lyrics.  It allows me to think, and the music gives me a rhythm to go by.

     I have an impending sense of doom.  I'm going to have to make my own money now.  I can't depend on my resources anymore, because they are nearing depletion.  That is sad.  There goes my life down the tubes, back to where I started, with nothing.

     It seems to be against the law to make a living.  They make it seem that way.  Just to get a job, they background check you on everything.  They investigate and interrogate.
     "Dude, I just want a job."
     "No, you have to be scanned and searched anally.  One sec, I have a rubber glove right here.  Pull down your pants and let me dig into you.   In the case that you are carrying contraband, I will have to take you into the parking lot and have you shot."

     So, that seems to be where things are today in 'America', also known as the U.S.A.  People from South America think we are crazy, because all people in North and South America are 'Americans'.  We've adopted the name to imply that it refers to people from the U.S.  It is convenient for us to do that, and it also serves us as a propaganda tool.  'America' is used at a lot at sporting events to evoke a sense of patriotism.

     I will be in a heap of trouble if I don't get my check soon, that is all I know.  It's not looking pretty for me.  In fact, it looks pretty desolate.
     A barren wasteland is coming my way unless I can get my s*** together.
     That is like asking a leopard to change its spots.
     I thought I was a special case for a long time, because I was an artist who would actually sell art from time to time, but my sales in the last year have been negligible.  That is not a good thing if I actually want to survive in this world.

     I don't want to end up homeless, so I guess I ought to do something about my life.

     I was hoping to be a cartoonist, or some kind of artist with a steady gig, but my activities are all over the place, and I am not a professional at anything.  I was into the idea of being 'a professional amateur' at many things.
     It was my dream to have both a writing portfolio and an art portfolio.  This would give me a double weapon to go out and make it happen.
     Instead of that s***, I just do it, and make it happen, posting my work all over the web.

     I still have a long way to go to become popular, which is needed in order to make anything happen on the web.
     To invent myself as a 'Player Character' and to develop my powers is not easy.  It is surprisingly similar to what occurs on an online game.  There are many similarities, and it is ironic that it all turned out to be that way.  Who knew that online games could be such an influence?  It all makes sense, though.
     To be uber in a game, you have to have a high level, and lots of wicked and cool equipment.  You must also have awesome housing. 
     The same goes for real life, and I am at a loss for words.

     Art reflects life, and now, the computer games are the art form.
     If there is anything the games teach, it is to have a hell of a good time while you are playing.  If you are not, just log off.

     Unfortunately, I can not log out of my life for even a day.  It is a 24-7 online game, this life is.  I have no interest in canceling my subscription to Life anytime soon, but I have to do something, or else bad things will happen.  I don't want those things to happen, so I have to do something.  What that is exactly, I don't have much of an idea about that, sadly. 
     I'm going to have to sell a hell of a lot of art in order to improve my life, and there ain't any chance of that happening any time soon, unless I really start kicking ass.
     I had better start to make it happen, or else I am *ucked.

     I need a plan.  I need one right now.  I have six minutes until 2:00 p.m. hits, and then I have to move into action to change my life forever, or else the universe will cave in on itself into an impending orchestra of doom.

     I will go outside and think to see what happens, and what I will come up with.

     Some girl sneezed, when she was with her guy about to cross the street.  I thought my resolve will be to go home, to see if my check has arrived, and to look around my studio, and to *uck all, and go for it.  I will get on my computer for a bit, have a cigarette, get my *hit together, jump on my bike, and go to the bank, and then to Cafe Prague for a beer, and then see what happens.
     Hey, it is Friday. 
     My life is about to begin.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Dilithium Falcon

     It's another day.
     I was just outside, talking with Marco. 
     We talked about the German's use of amphetamines during WWII.  Sometimes the soldiers would take doses four times a day.  No wonder they were all screwed up.  Then, attacking Finland was a big mistake, as was attacking Russia.  Hard to attack people in snow territory if you don't have proper boots and gloves.  Plus, your artillery guns freeze up.  Hard to shoot when your guns are frozen.
     We also mentioned Babylon 5 and Monty Python as we smoked and drank coffee.

     I got buzzed into the bathroom, but some guy was on the can.  That was the first time that happened.  I forgot to knock.  Ooops.  I was in a hurry to go, the coffee goes right through me.

     There is a cute blond talking to some guy on the right of me.  She has a nice doll face.  She is out of my league, though.

     So, it is my job to become popular on the web.
     "Good Luck With That," the voice of reason says to me.

* * *

     Some kid has a Luke Skywalker X-Wing pilot action figure in here.  I am drooling with jealousy.  I used to have one of those.


     Anyway, it is 2:06 p.m. already.  It takes a while to smoke and talk with Marco, but we both get a lot of ideas shooting the sh**.  That is how ideas come.
     We talk about technology, movies, computers, and rock & roll.

     'Rock & Roll is about sex and drugs to save my soul,' the man thought to himself.
  •      It is hard to think with all of the people around me.  This often happens in the cafe.  Sometimes it is an awesome place to write, at other times it is not so good.
  •      It is better to have life around you then death.
  •      I'm going to have to become a hustler-smuggler of hot art, flying around in my Dilithium Falcon.  That would be awesome.
  •      I watched on TOR some footage about the smuggler class.  It was pretty cool, I guess.  Who doesn't want to be Han Solo?
  •      Lots of people want to be jedi, but I'm not into it that much.  I want to be a craft-person, and make stuff.  Then, I want to sell my wares to people all around the galaxy.
  •      Yes, it is hard to think with some heavy set black guy talking to this guy from India.  They are having a good time talking, but it is getting in the way of my writing.  All it means is it is getting to be that time to leave.  However, when I go home, I often will not get around to writing a blog entry for the rest of the day.  Maybe today will be different, I am not sure.
  •      If the two guys had a computer with them, they could just look up Taiwan on the web, instead of conjecturing about it.  Get with the times, guys, and get some real information.
  •      I just read the enitre article about Star Wars on wikipedia.  It basically shows how Star Wars was made up as he went along.  Also, Alan Dean Foster wrote the novelization of Star Wars, but it was credited to Lucas.  I always wondered about that, since Lucas was never a great writer, so how in hell could he write that novelization?  It all makes sense now.
  •      Episodes VII, VIII, and IX should be made some day.  What happens after episode VI has been worked out, so why not?
  •      Lucas came up with the name 'Mace Windy' before Episode IV came out, in a draft.
  •      Wow, so many fun facts.  
  •      Tolkien worked in text, Lucas in film.  Both are creators of Legendary Worlds.  Both borrowed heavily from other sources.
  •      It's serious.  There is money involved.
  •      In an alternate universe of Star Wars, I would have Darth Vader not be Luke's father.  Annakin would appear as a blue ghost to Luke in Episode VII.  
  •      Basically, I can write out all nine movies like they are supposed to be. 
  •      Episode I should open with a history of The Star Wars Universe, in much the same way Lord of The Rings does it.  The Old Republic will be mentioned.  The introduction will make the whole series make sense.  There are too many holes.  Who was the first jedi?  How were lightsabers invented?  Why do things in The Old Republic look more advanced than in Epidodes IV-VI?  It drives me nuts.
  •      I'm also fascinated by the lack of interest in Star Wars after Episode VI.  Everybody was sick of it, because I think we were all let down a little bit.
  •      George Lucas almost quit Star Wars several times, but he needed the money, especially after his wife wiped out his fortune in a massive divorce settlement.  I'd like to know more about that.  She was some kind of photographer chick he met, I'll have to look her up.  She scored big time by being married to him,
  •      The Star Wars Universe is supposed to be like The Big, The Bad & The Ugly.  A dirty place where people struggle to survive, and people get killed with a lot of lawlessness.  Clint Eastwood was the original Han Solo, it turns out.
  •      Han Solo wanted Lucas to kill off Han Solo, because he was sick of being him as an actor.
  •      "The Empire Strikes Back" was the Star Wars version of "Gone With The Wind" with all the mushy romance stuff and the movie poster reminiscent of GWTW".
  •      It is funny to put reverse history rules on old things.  The past becomes modified by the present.
  •      In today's world, Luke Skywalker could have found out that he was Darth Vader's son just by looking on the web.  Duh.
  •      It makes me uncomfortable when Star Wars caters to kids too much, and glosses over the side effects of war, and sanitizes things.  There isn't much blood in Star Wars, but all wars are ugly when it is real.  Limbs get lost.  Heads get chopped off.  Women get raped.  That is a fact of war.
  •      Any piece of art can be modified to fit into The Star Wars Universe.  I had better get to work.
  •      The kids on Clone Wars are padawans to me.  They are younglings, and must be guided.
  •      Life is good, and I have my work cut out for me.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Cafe is The Place For Intense and Heated Discussions

     That is always what I thought a cafe was, a place where artists could argue about a bunch of crap, piss off each other, and then go home and paint.
     Ideas are dangerous, and they are weapons.
     You know, a lot of artists stopped inviting Picasso into their studios, because then he would just rip off all of their ideas.

     Picasso was pretty poor until he ran into Gertrude Stein.

     Anyway, I was always excited to grow up, and go to the cafes where I could have heated discussions, and argue over philosophy.  It hasn't happened yet.  Oh well.  I guess I can always argue with myself.

* * *
     I could write out an argument right here, but I already had one over the weekend, and it wasn't that much fun.  It was just a drain on me.  It was pretty pointless.
     It's getting to be about that time to leave.  I need more time at home today to do all the things I need to do, and then not get them done by midnight, where I will have to wait until tomorrow to get it done.
     Star Wars: The Old Republic looks like a pretty serious game.  Wow, I just read that the development costs are around $135 million dollars, just for a video game.  They have a staff of twelve writers, and god only knows how many game designers, computer people, programmers, concept artists, public relations, and others have been involved.  In addition you have all the fans obsessed with Star Wars, who because of all of their financial support are able to make all this happen.  Plus, Dark Horse made some Old Republic comic books, and there are is global madness for Star Wars, which is bigger than ever.
     It is impressive.

Sadness is funny

     Well, it is a different kind of day.
     I was just watching a beta gameplay video of Star Wars: The Old Republic.  It looks great, but I won't be playing that game for a while.  I don't have the computer or the cash to even play it.  Also, I have so many games that I haven't even begun to play yet.  I am not done with the past yet.
     I have plenty to do before I start playing TOR.

     I also watched a new trailer for the new Hobbit movie.  It looks like it will be great.
     Peter Jackson bought Bag End and the surrounding lands for $5 million.  It helps to own the set where your next movie will be filmed.

     The cafe was packed when I came in.  There weren't many choices of where to sit.
     I am in a good place, but there are people behind me and to the right that I have to listen to.  That is unfortunate.

     Anyway, I got some good jazz and some time ahead of me.

     Dave's Points of The Day
  •      It's a good day.  It is a beautiful day.
  •      I'm in a place where I can watch people come in and order coffee.  It is especially useful in watching women, which is one of my favorite things to do.
  •      I was outside thinking about Robert Crumb.  It is a high contrast to thinking about Star Wars: The Old Republic.
  •      I did watch a game play video of TOR.  It already has 180,000 hits.  That is amazing for a new video just recently created.  All things regarding TOR are off the hook.
  •      It took over three years to build and design TOR from scratch.  With all the people needed for that task, you need to have a pretty serious bankroll to back you up.
  •      Some lady left her sunglasses on the table.
  •      I need a job.  I don't know what I even want to do to make money, except for what I do on a daily basis.  The problem is that what I do doesn't pay.
  •      I have to believe in all my blogs, and make them work.  I have to do the best writing I can do.  Unfortunately, I have a mixture of quality going for me.  Some of my work is okay, some of it isn't that special.  It is just how it goes.
  •      TOR is sick with all the graphics, the way the ships look, and all the writing that was done for it.  They had people whose only job was to write the text for the game, and to compose all the stories.  It uses elements of 'Choose Your Own Adventure'.  Who knew that would someday be an element of a Star Wars game?  Anyway, the technology is incredibly advanced.  I'm going to miss this boat for a while.  I'm still not done playing EverQuest.
  •      I keep playing Clone Wars Adventures because it is fun.  It is nice and easy, relatively.  The game is still challenging in a lot of ways.  It is not always easy to survive in the Umbara zone for example.  To earn enough money to build anything decent takes hours.  Kids need a lot of attention in the game, and that takes time.  The game requires real money to buy the cool stuff you want, and that takes time to earn the real world money.
  •      TOR has a $13.99 monthly fee to play.  That is normal.  Plus, I'm going to need an uber computer to play it.  The system requirements are massive.
  •      I still just want to play 'Age of Conan'.
  •      I still want to play Dungeons and Dragons Online.  I just have to make the time for it.  I'm always afraid that I will miss something happening on other games.  You can't be everywhere at once.
  •      Some people used to have two monitors to play EverQuest with two characters at the same time.  They would pay for two accounts.  That was sick.
  •      It looks like TOR is more than enough to keep people busy for a while.  The game is almost like an interactive science fiction television show like Babylon 5 or Battlestar Galactica.  I'm sure people are arranging their schedules so they can play TOR all day long.  Some people might not make it through next semester with this game being here.  Who in hell wants to study with so much going on?  I'm glad I finished college when I did.  There is no way I could concentrate on my studies thinking about clone troopers and spaceships all the time.
  •      Life is an Online Game now.
  •      The two people directly behind me are annoying.
  •      I'm waiting for my check that should have been here by now.  I need that check.  Where the hell is it?  Probably sitting in the post office waiting to be delivered.  Good luck around Christmas time.  I am screwed if that check doesn't come soon.
  •      That would be nice to make a video and get 180,000 hits in a month.
  •      My youtube channel isn't particularly popular.  It's going to take a while for me to really connect with people.  I'm going to have to give them what they want, or at least start making videos that are halfway decent.  It ain't easy to come up with good, original material.
  •      This TOR video I watched was over an hour long.  The guy was talking through the whole thing and did a pretty good job.  He was kind of funny.
  •      I want to make another Umbara video.  I made one last night featuring Slayer's War Zone.  I like how the video came out.  It is pretty funny and watchable.  I hope people enjoy it.  But in the new video I want to make, I just want to talk and bulls*** my way through it, and have a good time.  The problem is that I'm not as entertaining a talker as some people.  Maybe I will get better over time, with practice.  Maybe I can plan out more what I want to discuss.
  •      I like video game videos where the person knows what they are talking about.  When good information is given, it is gold.  In this instance it is helpful if you know a lot, so you don't sound like an idiot to the world.
  •      I am a freak.  I haven't solved all of the inherent problems I have associated with this.  Being me hasn't been doing me much good lately, that is for sure.  I have to change, or be doomed.  Or, I just have to become successful, and that is not an easy challenge.
  •      Why do I need a therapist?  I have blogger.  Not a great replacement, but it is something.  At least writing is a productive activity so I've been told.  I can write about anything I want.  I don't need some stranger to listen to me talk for an hour, and do a half-@ss job of interpreting what is going on in my head.
  •      Most of what they teach in school is related to writing, and most kids don't write.  They are into video games and music.  One thing that is good about Online games is that there actually is a lot of text, so they actually do get people to read.  Words aren't dead yet.
  •      My education did not prepare me for today's world.  I am still struggling to keep up with it, which is an impossible task, but I am doing the best that I can.
  •      In other ways, the world is just the same as it was thirty years ago.  You can still live your life without all of the new technological toys.  There are still books to read, and lots of fun things to do, enough to keep anybody busy.
  •      Some kid called me a 'LIAR' on CWA last night because he didn't believe me that I had built a racetrack up in the sky.  Then I showed it to him and he had to 'save face'.  That is a pretty serious accusation.  He jumped the gun on that one.  He never said 'I'm sorry' for calling me that.  He turned out to be a person I didn't like much anyway.  There was nothing to him.  Just yet another bothersome kid who will probably grow up to be a bothersome adult.
  •      So, different droids can give you different abilities on the battlefield.  The mouse droid gives me health regeneration.  The astromech gives me better shooting skills.  I think it helps when you complete item sets.  It gives you powers.
  •      The game was going through a maintenance this morning.  I hope they bring in some good stuff.  The game always gets boring fast, and the only saving grace is they keep bringing in new stuff to keep it entertaining.
  •      'Star Wars' is the franchise to rule them all, it appears.
  •      What am I in this world?  I'm just a lowly human.  What can I do?  I don't know.  I don't know the answer.  I haven't even started my life yet.  It has barely begun.
  •      What can one person do?  I don't know.  I don't even know how I will make a living.  Really, honestly, I have no idea.  It's a mystery with what is going to happen with me.  To be honest, my future isn't looking too bright.  I am going to have to get on it pretty damn fast.
  •      Monty Python.  I can't get enough of 'The Bishop'.  I also love 'The Architect Sketch'.  John Cleese yelling at the top of his lungs with every vein in his head about to pop is just awesome.
  •      I just talked to Marco.  We had our 'shoot the sh**' session talking about Monty Python, Babylon 5, and other items.
  •      The people in Monty Python, they would have writing sessions where they would sit around and try and make the others laugh.  The stuff that worked in the writing room they would develop into the sketches on 'Flying Circus'.
  •      It's that thing where I have to go to the bathroom because I can't think until I go.
  •      Humans are funny, malleable creatures.  We are all made of clay, and we can be molded.
  •      Marco and I discussed a little about propaganda and how they use it to control people.  There is a lot of it going on these days.
  •      The job of advertisers is to make you unhappy so that you will buy stuff in a never-ending cycle.
  •      I feel better.  You have to clear your @ss before you can clear your mind.
  •      Babylon 5 has been a joy to go through all five seasons.  It's taken me a while to go through all the episodes.  I'm still not done yet.  I still have some more to watch, and then I have to re-watch some of the episodes to catch things I missed.  There is a lot of content in B5 to be aware of.  There is also a lot of fist fighting.  Nobody's knuckles ever seem to get hurt, even when punching an alien guy with hard scales on his face.
  •      I don't know what today is about yet, or where this blog entry is going.  It's the same old routine I've been following, where I wake up, pull myself together, go to the cafe, write, go home, and then try and use the rest of the day to get something accomplished.
  •      I like how art is a hammer, and not just a mirror to reflect.  I haven't thought much that art could actually be a weapon.
  •      I am a monster.  At least I have been one at various times in my life.
  •      Life is good.  It is better when you have money to pay the bills, though.
  •      I need help.  I can't do it all by myself.
  •      I have a long way to go.
  •      I have many things to explore.
  •      I want to f*** things up.
  •      Marco didn't like BSG much.  It wasn't his cup of tea.  He doesn't like how they say 'frak'.  I don't blame him.  It does get a little old.  Well, actually, I didn't mind it too much.  It does get frustrating, though, when so many people use the word 'f***' and you can't even put it on a television program.
  •      Between talking to Marco and writing this blog entry, this is all I've gotten done so far at the cafe.  It takes a long time to write.  It takes even longer to write anything even half-way decent.  I'm still trying to wake up my brain, which is one of the side effects of not doing yoga.  Part of me is still asleep, and this is not good.  To be a writer, you have to be awake, and aware, and being a half-asleep bastard isn't going to do me or anybody else any good.
  •      I must start going through all of my blog entries and revising them.  I must try to make them better.
  •      I actually do want hits and clicks.
  •      I want to be popular on the web.  Is that possible?
  •      I'm supposed to be an artist.  I'm just putting that stuff on hold for a bit so I can build up an audience.
  •      I don't have a title for this entry yet.  The best one I've come up with is 'Thursday'.  That isn't too good.
  •      Marco is a pretty funny human being once you start talking to him, and can understand him.  He is a little jaded, but in good ways.
  •      I just want to work on my Magic cards, and I still want to make that 'Nature's Calling' card with the elf pissing at the tree.
  •      Women are pretty dang cute.  There is a cutie in here, again, in those tight black stretchy pants that so many women love to wear.  Those pants are quite form fitting.  I like them because you can really see the form of the woman, and usually, it is quite nice.  Even heavier girls wear those pants, and that isn't always the best choice for them.
  •      Sadness is funny.
  •      It is nice to write a piece like going for a walk in the park, and then returning to where you started from, just like on a Monopoly board.
  •      I could do what Stephen King does, and just write a lot of words that have corporate value.  Maybe I ought to do that right now, just create a list of things, so those words will be in my blog for no reason at all.
  •      K-Mart, McDonalds, Burger King, Muddy Waters, Coffee, Sex, Nudity, Nakedness, Women, Boobs, Tits, ass, dick, vagina, celebrity, skin, Star Wars, Science Fiction, Battlestar Galactica, Football, The Bible, television, mind control, propaganda, Babylon 5, Star Trek, 49ers, Raiders, Magic The Gathering, The Old Republic, EverQuest, Clone Wars, Technology, iphone, ipad, Apple, Fiona Apple, Steve Jobs, religion, god, satan, evil, good, Best Buy, Robot, Doctor Who, X-Files, Twilight Zone, Twilite, Harry Potter, KFC, fast food,...
  •      Always good to have buzz actually works from time to time.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Woman in The Doorway and Other Items

     A blog about sitting around in a cafe isn't all that special.
     Yet, I have chosen this place so that The Universe can flow through me.
     I am human, and we are all connected; therefore, this blog has value.  Unless of course, you don't value life; then, this blog has no value at all.  Don't read it if this is your opinion.  Trust me, I don't need you.  I will find somebody else to read this blog, or not.  It isn't up to me anyhow.
     All I can do is to choose the name and location of the blog, and write articles that are a compromise between myself and potential readers.  Those readers don't exist at this time, but maybe they will someday.
     You never know what can happen in This World.

     One thing is for sure, and that if I do nothing, Nothing Will Happen.
     If I do Something, nothing will probably happen, but it increases the chances of Something Happening.
     That is what I am going for, and I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

     My friend is out there.  He is my conversation connection.  We both have an interest in music, Monty Python, and Magic The Gathering.

     Anyway, I got my coffee, and that is all that matters right now.

     I will address other issues during the day.

* * *
     I did something different today, instead of just waking up and turning on a video game.  I turned on the blog, and started to write.
     I am no stranger to waking up at any hour and begin pounding away at the keys on a manual typewriter, but to do it on a blog is new to me.
     I was groggy, and out of it as I slowly came out of dream mode.  There were residual events and images still in my mind, and I wrote about them.  The last I remember was that I was in a college I had never been to before, but the art department was the one from art school.
     It was the typical dream where I was in a college class, but I was in the wrong one, and I didn't belong there, so I left to go find the class I was supposed to be in, and then I was just kind of lost walking around.
     I guess the dream happened because I watched a Quentin Tarentino interview where he was talking about how he dropped out of school, and realized later that he might have enjoyed college.

     Anyway....time for a smoke.

* * *

     So, I talked to my friend about the events of the day.  We both enjoyed the story of the power outage at Candlestick Park between the 49ers and Pittsburgh.  We thought it was funny.
     We also came up with a Magic The Gathering card called, "Call of Nature" or "Nature's Call" which features an elf pissing at a tree.  Target creature leaves the battlefield and the game, and comes back at end of turn.  I am going to have to draw up that card.
     We discussed 'Platinum Rich Zones' and the fact that I am now Level 44 due to my recent birthday.
     I blathered on about The Orange Wizard blog, Star Wars: The Old Republic, video games, pop culture, and all of my other bulls***.
     Just a normal day, I also talked about Babylon 5.
     He completed watching all of the Monty Python dvds I loaned him because "Once you start with one, you have to watch them all."
     That is exactly what he did.

     Anyway, I am just sitting here now.  I just saw a beautiful woman in high waist jeans.  A lot of women are wearing those.  They look good.  The jeans are like some from the 70's which were popular then.  The past is always useful as a source for new trends.  Like in MTG, you just cycle them.

     There have been lots of crime, violence, and theft in San Francisco recently.  People steal on the bus system.  This is bad.  Also, too many people have guns in this town.

     Another thing I am thinking about is what it will take for me to be a PRO BLOGGER.  The idea is ridiculous, but there are actually people making money with blogs, and the only way to do it is to just keep writing more and more articles.
     Man, I just saw a cutie in leggings that really showed off her little booty, and clinged to the front of her too.  She had the coveted gap between the legs, so when she stood facing me, I could see light right under her cooch and between her legs.  Guys love that.  Her ass was heart-shaped, and guys love that, too.

     'On This Day in History' was my favorite little thing in 'The Examiner Today'.  The past informs the present, and guides towards the future.

     So yeah, I am going to start my art career over.  Why the hell not?  Nobody knows who the hell I am anyway, so I might as well start with a new slate.

     I have some videos to make today.

  •      Nice.  I've never used 'points' in a blog today.  I do this in writing all the time in my sketchbook.   
  •      This is awesome.  I can write in point bulletin form all day long.
  •      What is nice about using points is you can just do one subject after another.
  •      What is also nice is it does not have to be in order.  They can just be thoughts.
  •      You can pick up where you left off.
  •      Each statement can stand on its own.
  •      This will help me in my quest to be a Pro Blogger.
  •      What I am really doing is trying be a professional writer.  I just happen to use blogs.
  •      No one wants my writing in any publication, and I don't blame them.  I suck.
  •      There is no reason why I can't have the time of my life anyhow.
  •      I've read a lot of dead authors, long gone by the time that I get a hold of their books.
  •      Book companies is what they had before movie companies.
  •      The Smoking Man.  X-Files.  I still need to see all of the episodes.
  •      Scully and Mulder.  People don't care about them much anymore.
  •      It is a new day.
  •      Is it a Brave New World?  I don't know.
  •      I am The Outsider looking in.
  •      'A Catcher in The Rye'.  I still don't exactly know what the title means.
  •      Gulliver's Travels is a good book.  Jonathan Swift is a good writer.  They never make movie adaptations of the second half of the book where he is small.  It is an injustice to that book.  The whole point is that he is big like a Titan in the first half, and then he goes to a land where he is small enough to be put into a canary cage.  Then he returns home to normal size people.
  •      Babylon 5 has its charm.  I like that show.  I'm not liking Sheridan and Delann being married in season 5.  It is getting a little mushy.  Also, there are all of these new characters to contend with.  I still like G'Kar and Londo, though.  They are great.
  •      Some guy just asked me about my USB external keyboard, so I told him all about it.  He also asked me about my Playstation 1 games, so I showed him that I had a Portable PS1 that still works.
  •      I would like to put a coffee cup filled with piss in the trashcan because transient people are always digging in there for left-over coffee.  I think it would be funny.
  •      The Russian girl is here with that sometimes dopey look on her face, but she is happy and minds her own business, living in her own private world, so who cares?
  •      The season 5 replacement for Ivanova is attractive and pretty.  It is hard to accept that she is Sheridan's ex-wife, though.  They did it in Star Wars where everybody became related, and they had to do it here, too.  I go throughout the day without running into anybody that I am related to.  Why in hell in the middle of the universe are you constantly going to run into people you are related to?  It makes no sense.
  •      It might have been a mistake to make Darth Vader into Luke and Leia's father.  He was a better enemy when nobody knew who he was.
  •      I saw a curvy girl in a gold, shiny dress.  She had some caboose on her.  She filled out that dress rather nicely.
  •      I am a pro blogger now, whether anybody reads my stuff or not is out of my control.  I'm just the content creator.
  •      I can't really talk about sex much on this blog, because adsense does not support blogs with 'adult content'.  Too bad.  It basically means I can only peripherally talk about sex, but never go into the details.  I can only suggest, and not describe.  I don't want this blog to lose its ability to be monetized.  I have another blog for that.
  •      I am seriously going to have to figure out what I am going to do for money.  I am not qualified to do anything.  I have no skills.  I don't like mundane or manual labor.  I am not working class in mind, but I am in actuality.  I am not even good at working class jobs.  I get bored doing useless stuff.  Janitorial, cleaning, construction, painting...I hate all that normal stuff.  Other people are better at it than me.
  •      To be a professional artist, well, I have to make stuff, and present it in a way where people want to buy it.  The funny thing is that the easiest way to make a piece of art presentable is to just paint it on a canvas.  People don't even care if you frame it, as long as the painting is good, who cares?
  •      I put up a 'napkin art' on the wall.  I tried to do it yesterday, but the napkin tore, so I took it home, and taped it up this morning.  I brought it back, and I brought some thumbtacks with me.
  •      Wow, a cutie just walked in.  Nice.  I am at a good vantage point.
  •      To be a writer is so romantic.
  •      I would love to do the Bukowski thing where I write about booze and women.  That is what people really want to read.  They want the real stuff.
  •      I make art for myself, and if anybody else likes it, fine.  If they don't like it, it isn't my problem.  A lot of people don't have open minds, and I can't be bothered with people like that.  Let them watch football, I don't care.
  •      Where I am sitting allows me to watch the women in profile walk by the open door.  I don't care about the guys that walk by.  They are boring.  Girl and women give me sunshine, and guys just bring me something that is in the way of all of the pretty girls.
  •      Women like to wear tight pants, but then they have big leather bags covering their asses so no one can look at their butt.  It's all part of the 'Try to see my cute butt, but you can't because a big bag is blocking it' thing that is sweeping the nation.
  •      My new hobby is watching beautiful blond women text with their thumbs.
  •      I need to find a site that shows sex pictures that people take with their phones.  Hahaha.
  •      I am very happy about the point form of writing.  It is a lot of fun, and is so nice and easy to do.
  •      I love literature.
  •      I have my 'Conan The Barbarian' book with me.  It has all of the original Robert E. Howard stories.  He was a genre writer, and wrote stories of the old west, and all that kind of pulp fiction stuff, but most people only care about his Conan stuff, if they care at all.  After that, they like his King Kull stuff.  I don't know if anybody cares about his other work.  I don't have much interest in his other work, because, hey, it ain't Conan.
  •      There is a new girl that came into the cafe.  She ain't bad.  She's kind of an older broad, but she isn't older than me.  From my perspective, she is a younger woman.
  •      Women haven't had much interest in me lately, and why should they?  I don't care, either, so why should they care?  I am nothing to them.
  •      Little by little, my friend Marco is becoming a San Francisco celebrity.  It takes time.  He earns money playing guitar.  People photograph him, and video tape him when he is playing all the time.  Maybe someday he will benefit from all of this.  Hey, it is free publicity.  People like to see other people doing stuff, because most people don't do much at all.
  •      I am looking at this woman with her face in profile.  Normally, I would just draw her.  Well, I just tried to draw her, but she moved at a critical point in the drawing, so that is the end of that.  Maybe I should just go outside and have a smoke.
  •      I'll be lucky on the day when this blog entry makes a penny with adsense.  Personally, I think I should be paid more, but you gotta start somewhere.  Maybe all of my hard work of writing in the past will pay off.  I certainly have no shortage of words.
  •      Sometimes women look at me.  I peak their interest sometimes, but most of them ignore me, with good reason.  I don't blame them.  I am not what they want, nor am I what they want to look at.
  •      I am fascinated by competition between women.  They try and outdo each other.  Sometimes it is friendly, sometimes not.
  •      The person that wins is the one who has the most love, toys, and money at the end.
  •      It is all a game.  In any case, it is more fun when it is.
  •      I love women, I really do.  I like to look at them, and think about them.
  •      Given the choice between playing video games or having a full-time girlfriend, I would rather play video games.  I wouldn't mind seeing a woman one time a week, though, to hang out.  Then it would all become a mess pretty dang quick, and I am sure the drama would ensue.
  •      What is Art?  I've been thinking about that a lot, lately.
  •      'Monopoly Millionaires' is a game I've been enjoying on facebook lately.  I grew up loving Monopoly, and it is really comforting to play it as an adult.  It connects me with my past, and the game has stood the test of time.  The way it is set-up on facebook is really cute.  I love all the Monopoly imagery.  I don't know why they don't make a movie or a cartoon about the game.  It is possible, if they would do it right, but they would probably muck it up.
  •      I've been looking at this woman with the white head scarf.  She is cute.  I was just able to take a picture of her standing in the doorway.  I like this big wallet that she has stuffed in her back pocket.  I wish it was my hand, lol.  I could use some good ass grab bout now.
  •      Let's see, what else is there?  I don't know.  This woman is just standing in the doorway, and she looks really cute standing there.  She is dressed in dark clothes, and there is a red carpet on the floor.  It all looks good.  I like it.  My identity enjoys the form of her womanly beauty.
  •      Should art be beautiful?  Sometimes, but not always.  Sometimes it is important just to show there is intelligence to the art.  It can be ugly, and still be very appealing.
  •      You never know what people will like in this world.  That much is true.  The trick is to find what they are willing to pay for.  One thing is true, and that is they will shell out a lot of money for anything that has to do with Star Wars.
  •      There are two new girls in the cafe.  They are dressed like music chicks.  It looks like they are doing this for fun.  The blond is very pretty.  I haven't seen the other one yet, but she has Freddy Kreuger from 'A Nightmare on Elm Street'...oh, it isn't a is a gay, black man.  His voice was very nasal and high, and he said, "Omg, I left my coffee up there."
  •      Women like to hang out with gay dudes.
  •      The woman attempted to take a picture of the poster with a photo of a young Black Sabbath.  It is for a Black Sabbath cover band.
  •       It is getting to be that time when I could use a second cup of coffee.  I will either have one here, or at home.  I have not decided yet.
  •      I have things to do at home.
  •      Well, see how it goes.  I am still waking up.
  •      I have pretty much quit yoga for the meantime.  I haven't been able to make it out of bed in time anyhow.  It is a big interruption in my day at this point.  I have to focus on how I will make a living.  I have to get my life in order, you know.  To be honest, I have a long way to go.
  •      What should the title of this blog entry be?  I have no idea.  Maybe something will come of it.
  •      Man, that blond is pretty nice looking.  She got her friend to take the picture of The Young Hot Black Sabbath.  "They look so young and cute," she said.
  •      'That's what she said,' is a common phrase that seems to work in all kinds of situations.  The phrase indicates to me that what one female will say, another will also say, so the 'she' in the phrase can apply to the 'female consciousness in general'.  It works is all I know.  That is all that matters, right?
  •      There is a whole generation of people below me that are completely lost, as they are engaged in their daily video game playing.  What are they going to do, read a book or play video games?
  •      Dr. Seuss was pretty decent.  He mad a contribution.  Did you know it could take a year for him to write and draw just one children's book?  It takes a long time.
  •      Man, this woman in the doorway, she sure likes standing there.  I would have to assume that she knows that I am looking at her.  I wonder what the hell she is looking at ?  I have no idea.
  •      A cop just walked in.  He is a bike cop.  He left his bike at the parking meter.  I hope no one steals it.
  •      I wonder what that woman is looking at?  I have no idea.  She has been standing in the doorway for some time.
  •      'At The Cafe' is a lame title for this blog, but it was the most basic and functional thing I could come up with at the time.
  •      Lawyers have to read a lot.
  •      The woman in the doorway squatted down to pet a dog.  I saw the crack of her ass.  It was really nice.  She is an older lady, but she still looks good, and appeals to me.  I bet I could make her feel young.
  •      It is a beautiful day today.
  •      I could look at this woman in the doorway all day long.  She is very entertaining to me.  Formally, it is a very nice visual.  I get to see all sides of her.  I am getting to know her visually.  It is all very goddamn interesting.
  •      'The Woman in The Doorway' just became the title of this blog.  There has been no other notable event that has happened during the writing of this blog that is more significant.  What am I going to call it, 'The Bike Cop who came in for two minutes'.
  •      She seems to be aware that she might be the center of attention.  I was looking at her while she sat at the table, but two people sat in between her and I so I couldn't look at her anymore, and she couldn't watch me looking at her.
  •      That's just the thing.  I look at her, and she looks at me looking at her.  She certainly isn't looking at me.  She is looking at what I look at.
  •      She is taking pictures of herself.  Now she is having other people take pictures of her.
  •      Wow, it is a full house in here now, nice.
  •      I saw her talk to a young hipster kid.  He said, "It was nice to meet you.  He didn't seem that interested in her.
  •      My final image of the woman was walking across the street, with big shopping bags in tow.
  •      I don't think she would be into a guy like me.  I don't think she has any interest whatsoever of me.  I walked by her to get outside to smoke, and I felt nothing as I passed her.
  •      It wasn't as if I was in love with her or anything, she just looked like an interesting broad.