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Monday, December 5, 2011

Crabtree of the mind in the morning

     It is such a pain.
     It is such a pain to bring the laptop set-up to the cafe, set it all up, hook up to the internet, get it all going, and to be writing a blog, and then suddenly...

     avast! Anti-Virus is Ready To Be Updated!

     Okay, so I did all that, and the laptop needed to be restarted, so I went through that whole thing again, and here I am.
     Now I can write freely, thank god.

     I can finally write to my heart's content. 

     Okay.  Whew.

     So anyhow, here I am.  So many things to cover, so I might as well get to it, one thing at a time.
     Okay, it was my birthday yesterday, which turned out to be a pretty insignificant event.
     I had more beer than I could drink.  Beers were bought for me.  I ended up drinking too much.
     I never did make it over to Vesuvio for my weekly gin and tonic and drawing session.  It just didn't happen.
     I was having fun flirting with the local drunk woman.
     I am glad that didn't happen.
     I woke up this morning, and I was just not feeling it.
     Waking up with some woman in my place is pretty terrible.  I don't have the conveniences that a woman needs in order to feel comfortable and right.
     I've pretty much given up with bringing women over. 
     It is no fun.
     The bathroom to the studio is upstairs, so that is a big ordeal, and there is no shower there, so that sucks.
     The warm-up or the come down from a night of sexual ecstasy usually involves the bathroom and shower, and without that, there is no point.
     Things need to be clean when you are exchanging body fluids.
     So it is good nothing happened with the drunk lady.
     That would have been a rude awakening to wake up next to her.
     It was fun flirting with her just to see if she would be up for it.
     I think she was.
     If I did have a better living situation, I might have been drunk enough to bring her home.
     It is good none of that happened.
     It would not have been pretty in the morning.
     For one thing, I was a mess.
     I have to go through a whole ordeal just to wake up.
     I have my morning ritual that I go through.
     It usually involves taking a piss, lighting up a cigarette, getting on the computer and doing stuff on it, drinking some fluids, and somehow managing to get dressed so I can lug myself over to the cafe.
     Lately, I usually do my Clone Wars thing where I just farm for credits mindlessly while my brain is in the process of waking up.
     I go through this every day.
     To have a woman there, well, you have to wait for her to wake up.  Then you have to accommodate her, and make sure she has anything she needs.  This can include any number of things.
     Then it is just the knowledge that someone is there, and you have to be considerate not to wake her.
     You can't really do your own thing with somebody there.
     You are always conscious that someone is there, and I don't feel free in that situation.  I can't even think about stuff I need to do.
     Well, today, I really needed time for myself to think things through.  I needed to figure out what the hell I was doing.
     It takes a while to orient myself to the situation of the new day.
     I barely knew who I was today when I woke up.
     I ended up getting both a Subway sandwich, and a slice of pepperoni pizza to soak up the alcohol.
     The food was real good.
     Mmmmmm.   Yummy.
     I am glad I ate.
     A hang-over is bad enough.
     When I get drunk, I reach a point where I don't want to be drunk anymore, and I start doing things to make myself undrunk.
     Fresh air, water, food, walking around to sweat out and piss out the alcohol so I can be normal again. 
     All that.

     Okay, and then there was the statement by my friend that I usually only say about one funny thing a year. 
     I must bore people to tears.
     That is sad.
     It's always been that way.
     I ought to learn how to perform more in front of people instead of being a stick in the mud all the time.
     I'm trying, it's not easy for me to be the fun guy.
     I usually feel like I need to be writing and drawing all the time.

     Sad, the girl in the white pants left.
     She was sitting to the right of me.
     She was texting on her little device.
     Oh, she had to use the restroom.
     It looks like her session is done.

     A good girl in the cafe is always helpful to increase the zing and zang of the energy.

     The sound of her boots was all business....clock clock clock if it was all serious.

     I felt one way before she showed up, I felt another way while she was here, and I feel yet another way now that she is gone.
* * *
     While I'm thinking about it, the chat box on 'Clone Wars Adventures' sucks so bad.  You can't even say the word 'way' for some reason.  Why did they block out that word?  My best guess is that it is close enough to the word 'gay'.  They have to block all the bad words, or words close to bad words so that word abuse does not happen.  Feelings can get hurt, and kids are bullies to each other doing everything from spam to insults to get under a person's skin.
     'Way' is a pretty standard word, so it is frustrating sometimes to try and navigate my way around that word.

* * *
     Anyway, the girl in the white pants was a nice looking done up brunette with bangs.  She was very pretty, and she knew it.
     I really didn't get too good of a look at her.
     It's just as well.
     I'm not really feeling much of anything right now except to try and pull myself together.

* * *

     I like the look of a long blog entry when I view my own blogs.  It looks cool and impressive that I wrote so many words.
     The blocks of text make a nice visual.
     When I see blogs with short entries that don't seem very thought out, it doesn't impress me.

     I am finding out that it really doesn't matter what I write on these blogs as long as it not spam, and as long as I'm filling up space, and making at least some sense of it all.
     It just doesn't matter.
     Someday it might if I ever get any readers, but for now, I am just putting up tons of stuff so I can get hits.
     Once I get some hits and some readers, than maybe I will work on quality.
     For now, who cares?
     By the time anyone figures out what I am doing, it will be too late.

     I wonder if anyone is spying on my activities, just to see what I am doing, and they never reveal to me that they are watching everything I do?
     If you are a cop, enjoy your coffee and doughnut is all I can say.

     Making lots of Clone Wars videos has definitely increased my visibility on the web.

* * *
     I saw a good video today on youtube.  Something about a failed password for a guy's WOW account.  He couldn't get into his account, and it looks like his roommate was watching him be frustrated, and filming him.
     The guy was so frustrated.
     It was funny to watch, and scary, too.
     The guy was 'raging'...shaking his arms in frustration, shouting bad words, trying again and again to make his password work, and being frustrated, while his roommate was pretending to be calm...the roommate was probably the one who changed the password as a goof, with plans to film him.
     It worked really well; it turned out to be a good video.
     I was laughing.
     The video got two million hits so far.

     ( I was thinking of saying how the roommate 'fucked with the password'.  It is way more satisfying to say things how I normally talk, but I am trying to keep this blog relatively clean.  They say 'fuck' a lot in the video I was watching on youtube.  This whole thing about putting restrictions on profanity is ridiculous.  The only people who seem to care are over-protective moms, who don't really do it to protect their kids, they do it for power, because they have none in their lives.  That is sad.  I hate all these watchdog groups to see if certain programs are suitable...fuck it.  If you don't like the program, don't watch it, lady.  Sheez.  Some people want to ruin it for everybody else.  )
* * *

     Ms. Crabtree was the very sexy and cute teacher on 'Little Rascals'.
     I think the busdriver on South Park uses that name, the fat one who was killed off.  No one cared about her anymore anyhow.
     After I thought about it, Miss Krobopel, Bart's teacher, could be a variant of crab apple, thus referencing Ms. Crabtree in a different way.  It works.
     Ms. Crabtree was hot, and if you were a 'Little Rascals' fan, she was one of the good things.

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