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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ready for a Road Trip in The Twilight Zone

     Good morning.  It is a good one.
     I watched Babylon 5 and played 'Clone Wars Adventures'.
     I think some woman was just giving me the eye.  I was at the counter and there was this uncomfortable moment, so I shrugged my shoulders and said hello. 
     Then I sat down, and she was leaning forward, and I could see some stuff hanging, and that was nice.
     All I am saying is she stood there and took a look.
     She seemed interested in something.
     It might not have been me at all.
     Or maybe it was.

     Meanwhile just before that, some girl was riding her bike, with her butt in the air and sticking out, so I was looking at that.
     Then, in a futile attempt, she attempted to pull a short shirt over her butt, and it just wasn't going to happen.

     Okay, so that is my intro for this day...Babylon 5, Clone Wars Adventures, and Women.

* * *

     I was outside, and some black guy didn't ask me for a cigarette.  But he did try and sell me three packs of hot batteries for $7.
     I was offended.
     For me, it was bothersome that he interrupted my thought processes with a disturbance of his stupid s**t.
     This kind of thing happens all the time.
     Now I get to write about him, though.
     After watching Babylon 5, it all kind of fits in.

     Now I get to listen to a woman on her cell phone in the cafe talking about some kind of landlord problem. 
     It isn't always like a library in here.
     Her choice of her cell phone call was in the middle of the cafe, so everyone could hear her.

     I hope it isn't one of those days.

     Okay, anyway, I was watching disc 2 of season 2 of Babylon 5.  It is good stuff.
     The actors are pretty funny.  They did one of the best episode commentaries I had ever heard.  They were really funny.
     The actors on Babylon 5 had a good time.
     Too bad the show only lasted five years.
     I never watched it when it was on.  I didn't know what was going on with that show anyhow.

     Anyway, I am trying to write while this woman is blathering on.  It just goes on and on like a run-on sentence with no end in sight.
     I am trying to plan out my day, and she ain't helping.

     Anyhow, I read up on Twilight Zone, Billy Mumy, Avatar, MadTV, and a couple of other things on wikipedia.  It was good reading, and part of my research.

     What the hell was I supposed to be writing about today? 

     The woman is going on and on about her husband who has AIDS, is on medications, filing police reports, problems, stress...she is up to her neck in it.  It's always about what somebody else has done, never about her choices of how she got into this mess.
     It is hard for me to care, it is not my problem.

* * *
     So, who is going to read this blog?  I don't know, and I don't care at this time.  It is not my concern.  The main thing is to crank out a lot of entries, and see what happens.
     There may be a time when I will have to abandon this blog for a while, and let it stand on its own.
     We'll see what happens.

     So, Babylon 5 is a good show.  The lines are pretty wordy.  Also, a person can not leave the room without saying one more thing.  It is a trademark of the show.  I've never seen anything like it.  It is really funny after a while.

     Let's see, I also watched some clips from 'Gone With The Wind'.  I am very interested in doing a video making a change on the 'Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn' line. 
     I saw a really funny variation on that line, something to the tune of 'Frankly, my dear, your vagina smells like soggy cardboard'.  That is pretty funny.
     My variation for my character is 'Frankly, my cunt, I don't give a flying fuck'.
     I am a crass person.

     Am I allowed to use foul language on this blog?  I guess I will find out.  As long as I don't overdo it, it will be okay.

     Someone let out a fart over there in the cafe.  It was audible.

     A police car honked its loud horn.  It sounds like the equivalent of a car fart.

     Well, after watching Chaplin films growing up, I should have been very mistrustful of cops.  But then the Mormon influence kind of made it that cops were your friends, because Mormons are good and right people, and they never have any need to be afraid of cops.
     Then I eventually learned that cops were not your friends.
     I learned the hard way.

* * *
     Anyway, my coffee is hot.
     The day is a little cold.
     I made a new video last night.
     The sound of a skateboarder screwing around outside.
     The sound of the blues music coming through the speakers.
     'Egg and cheese bagel,' she said.
     Sitting at the cafe with a laptop on a Tuesday.
     Too much of a pain to go to yoga anymore.  I don't have the time or the resources.  It is such a pain to bicycle over there now.  It takes a good chunk of the day to do all that.  To fight through traffic is no fun.
     But meanwhile, I have to get my life together.
     Art?  I haven't been doing much of it.  I am going to have to figure out what I am doing with that.
     Art doesn't matter, who cares about art?  No one.
     It was good to read up on The Twilight Zone.
     It turned out to be a costly mistake for Rod Serling to sell the rights to his show.  D'oh!  Nobody knew what would happen with syndication at that time.

* * *
     I still have not made my first edit on wikipedia.  I'm looking forward to it.  When I come across an error that I can fix, I am going to try and fix it.
     I have come to love and appreciate wikipedia.
     Encyclopedias can get pretty boring to read, at other times, they are very exciting.  It depends on the article.

* * *
     Babylon 5 capitalized very well on out of work actors who needed jobs, reviving careers of many.
     Bill Mumy does an awesome job as 'Lennier'.
     I don't think I've ever seen a full episode of 'Lost in Space'.  To us, it was boring, and Robby The Robot sucked, and the show was inferior to Star Trek, so we didn't care.

* * *
     It is weird to take myself out of the artworld zone, and put myself back into the popular culture bubble.  T.V., movies, celebrities, and all that.
     I don't know if there is much of a reward in it for me, but yeah, art?  Who cares?  Hardly anybody.
     Yet, when you do something cool in art, people really like it. 
     Sometimes, they even make purchases.

     I don't know where I am with my art, or if it even all matters anymore.  I'm famous as my character of 'Dirk Wampaflash' on 'Clone Wars Adventures'.
     That would be cool to make my own show using the characters.  Too bad I can't find anyone else to do a voice.  I need multiple voices.  Otherwise, it would just be me doing all the voices, and that would suck.  Who wants to hear me do all the voices for different characters?  Nobody.
     Well, as always, I'll try and do my best using what I got.

* * *
     Well, I was trying to get an early start on the day, and it took a while to get going, and here I am, and now what?
     I don't know, we'll see.

     And one more thing...I don't know where I am going, and I don't care.  I got the blues, I got coffee, and I'm ready for a road The Twilight Zone.

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