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Friday, December 16, 2011

Potato Soup and Bread

     It is another day.  I got my coffee.  I got my laptop here at the cafe.  I got time.  I got my books and drawing pad with me, and life is good.
     That would be rad to be a Professional Blogger.  The most encouraging thing I heard was on The Howard Stern Show where it was mentioned that a blogger made $24,000 in a year.  That is amazing and incredible.  How did he do it?  To me, sitting in a cafe all day, writing about what ever you want seems like the most awesome job in the world, it really does.  If the money is coming in, it would pay for coffee and food and rent.  That sounds awesome to me.
     I don't know if this particular blog has much appeal to people, and for me right now, it all doesn't matter.  All I know is that it is working.
     Little by little, I am getting hits.
     Entries that I have written are starting to find their way onto the web.  That is all that matters to me.
     With the fact that I can edit the posts at any time to improve them gives me an unprecedented ability with my writing.
     It is like writing an article for a magazine two years ago, and being able to change what was published.
     It is the wow factor.

     I am preferring blogs to websites by far.  My art website isn't doing much of anything.  Why would anybody waste their time there?  No reason.  Plus, I don't feel it really represents me as an artist, whereas the blog does for anyone who wants to dig into what I am about, which I admit isn't much of everything, but I have a good time, so what does it matter?

     It is hard to think when there is a song with words in it.  I was doing fine when the classical music was playing.  Now I have to think about what the singer has to say, and it isn't much of anything.  It sounds good, but it just sounds like the girl is swooning over her cat or something, or how fun it is to shop.

     It basically costs $2.00 for each cup of coffee here, so I'm really interested in generating income.  Some days I drink two cups if I am on a roll, and that often happens.

     Some blogs I've seen have a lot of pictures, and maybe a line of type under each picture.  It is rare to find both good pictures and good writing on a blog.

     There is something I think about as far as the web goes, and that is there is such a huge under-age audience, that it is good to provide content intended for kids.  Let's put it this way...most of my hits on youtube comes from either music videos I have made or with videos relating to 'Clone Wars Adventures'.
This has helped a lot with the visibility of some of my other videos.

     My brother Mike has a website for his comic book work, and it is really difficult to explain to him that just having a website isn't enough.  I hate to see nothing happen, but it looks like to me that is how it is going to go for him.
     It is hard to explain to anybody how to be successful on the web.  It takes a lot of work and dedication.  Plus, doing it once a week isn't enough.  You have to do it every day.
     A little every day is better than a ton of stuff once a week.

     I don't have to worry much about my brother Mike finding out that I just wrote about him.  No one in my family really keeps up with what I do on the web.
     One of these days, they will be the last to know.
     It would be funny if somebody went up to one of my siblings and said, "Hey, are you David's brother?  Yeah, he's the guy with 1500 videos on youtube."

     "Hey, you've got to hide your love away."
     I've always liked that song.  It sends chills down my spine, and seems to be such a simple song.  It's just arranged well.
     I'm still not crazy about John Lennon's drawings, but he knew what rock and roll was about.  Overall, he was a true artist.
     Too bad he's gone.
     He probably would have died of natural causes by now if he hadn't of been shot.

     It's a quiet day in here today, and I am thankful for that.  I've actually been able to think in here today, which isn't always the case.
     Sometimes people go out of their way to be annoying in here.
     Polite is the person who keeps their talk volume at conversation level.
     Inconsiderate and Rude is the person who has to let everyone know they just walked into the cafe and force everybody to listen to them.

     I guess I could start a joke blog about religion, but I think I would get bored after two entries.

     I am trying to think of other blogs I could create.  I seem to be doing well with the ones I got.

     I wish I could have websites that to monetize, too.  I am not good with building websites. 

     There are things that I am not doing to be successful on the web.  Little tricks I haven't realized yet.
     My main purpose with buying a computer was to someday earn enough money on the web to pay for it.  I still have not done it yet, and it has been nine years.
     All I want to do is to sit at the cafe and at home and do some work that is useful to someone and get paid for it.  That isn't too much to ask.

     Also, I am starting to realize that one good thing to do on the web is to just go for it, with what ever you want to do.
     No one can toot your horn except you.

     Also, I am a nobody.  I mean that in the sense that I haven't really convinced anybody of my talent yet.  I've been doing art for twenty years, but who cares?  People would rather look at a girl in stormtrooper gear than they would my art.

     To be an artist doesn't matter to anyone, not with stupid movies like 'Twilite' making $500,000.  That is just sick.  I hear those movies aren't even any good, but the kids like that **it.
     ( Yes, it is amazing that I can't say the S word on this blog, but it is just how it is.  Blogger doesn't like it for monetized blogs.  Amazing, but true.  The S word is an adult word, though I have heard kids say it since the third grade. )

     I guess I was a little bastard as a kid.  I thought my way was the only way, because that is all I knew.

     The philosophy of my mother turned out to be a let down.

     I guess I come from a pretty conservative family, but I don't feel any of that at all in terms of being relevant to anything.
     A square peg fitting into a round hole?
     There came a day when I didn't fit into their peg board.

     Even now, I find that I am still mind-washed by Mormonism.  Some things I can not undo.  It is hard-wired into me pretty severely.  It is who I am, to have all of these residual effects.  They aren't doing me much of any good.  It kind of creeps me out knowing that the religion I was raised in just isn't true at all.  Just because a person believes something doesn't make it true.

     Time for a smoke.  Some guy is talking loud, and I don't want to hear him.

     The musician guy just walked in.  He wears boots.  He needs people to hear him with every step.  He talks across the cafe.  Meanwhile, I've heard him play.  He sucks.  He is a poser.  He'll never get anywhere.

     Anyway, I was thinking more about stuff outside.  I saw a black Impala.  It is a beautiful car.  This was one looked shiny new.  It was gorgeous.  I took a picture.  My laptop doesn't load too well from my 2.0 camera anymore, so I gave up.

     I've begun getting serious about blogging at home again instead of being on a video game all day long.

     While at the cafe, I allow myself time to play Monopoly Millionaires.  That is the only one I play while I am here.  The internet is slow here, so it isn't much fun to even do facebook games.
     It is an ideal situation to get me to blog, though.

     I guess I haven't even started to explore what I can do with blogs yet.  There are lots of format options.
     I have seen some pretty fancy blogs and websites with astounding window dressing, only to get disappointed by the actual content.  People get sucked into all that stuff.  I admit it is appealing.  However, what I am offering is Potato Soup and Bread.  It is really plain and boring.  Sometimes, if you give it a chance, it is the most awesome thing you've ever eaten in your life.

     I love to drink booze periodically.  There are always those days, though, where a simple glass of water is the best drink of all time.  This is what I am talking about.

     Same goes for an apple.

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