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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Planet S.F. and Twister

     Who in the hell is going to read this blog?  I don't know, nor do I care at this point.
     The title refers to the fact that I go to the cafe every day, and I let the world flow through me.
     This is my portal, my nexus.
     That reminds me, I got to get back to EverQuest at some point.  Dang, there isn't time for everything.
     Time, for a smoke... brb.

* * *
     It all doesn't matter.  Not a thing.  Nothing does.
     Sad, huh?
     Yes, it is.
     Haha, just pulling your leg.
     Sadness is funny as long as it isn't happening to you.

* * *

     New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London, Tokyo all have their own scenes.
     San Francisco, however, is its own planet.

     I'm starting to think how the coffee shop I go to is like Babylon 5.  It is a center where humans and aliens can interact peacefully.

     I just talked to my friend.  I showed him the Conan comic I had.  We both agreed that we like the old pencil black and white comics the best.  I would love to get reprints of those.

     Lots of things happen while at the cafe.

     Who knew that The Vorlons were responsible for the disappearance of Jack The Ripper?

     Babylon 5, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and Star Wars all exist in separate sci-fi universes.  There is no way they can all exist in the same universe.  It is incongruent.  It doesn't work.
     Then there is Dune.

     Then there is Rod Serling, who made so much of science fiction possible.

     I am annoyed that they changed the name of the SciFi channel to SyFi.  It is bad English.  It makes no sense, and is stupid.  While appealing to stupid people, it pisses off people who read.
     I never watch the SyFi channel, not since Battlestar Galactica went off the air.
     I found Caprica to be pretty unwatchable.
     They canceled BSG basically to save money.  It was probably getting too expensive to keep paying all the actors.  Easier to bring new people in.

* * *
     Wow, it is 2011, now what?
     Some think the world will end in 2012.  While anything is possible, I find that it is unlikely.  Humans like to focus on nonsense crap.

     Now what?  I am out of school.  I am floating.  I have no focus or direction.  I have nothing I am working on.
     My main concern is to reorganize my Magic cards.

     I wish I could write some kind of teleplay, or script.  Something I could sell.  That would be cool.

     My brother sent me a King Conan comic book.  That was nice of him.  I've been looking at that.  I still like the older comics better.  The new ones are more like television, and less like a book or a story.  I have doubts about comic books.  It's not the same for me anymore.  I read them, and they don't always make much sense.  Slightly bad art, slightly bad writing, lots of leaves me wanting.
     There is also the thing about the artists and writers doing someone else's material.  Well, that is what sells.
     'Conan The Barbarian' is going to sell a lot better than 'Steve The Barbarian'.

     Anyway, now what?  The time is getting late, and I still haven't worked on my original material.

     Time is getting short.

* * *

     It was so nice to read Michael Ventura yesterday.  I am glad he still has a column.  For years, I didn't really know what happened to him.
     If you want to read him, he writes his 'Letters at 3 a.m.' column for the Austin Chronicle.
     For years I used to read his column from the L.A. Weekly.  I used to spend Thursday afternoons doing that.

     Lots of things in my mind, if only I could access them.
     What the hell else was I supposed to write about?  I am not sure.

     I am supposed to be creating marketable items.

     I am going to have to sell myself into slavery at some point or another.  That is not going to be fun.

     I need a resume.  It all seems so phony to me to do that.  I'm just inclined to write my stuff on a piece of paper with a ball point pen, and be done with it.

     I could be a caricature artist.  That makes money. 

     A woman at her laptop just lifted up her ass and farted.  There was an audible 'pffftooot'.

     There was one fart-joke in the movie 'Mom and Dad Save The World' ( 1991 ) with Teri Garr, Jerry Jones, and Jon Lovitz.

     Anyway...oh yeah, I'm supposed to write about Twister.  Basically, the original commercial for that is on youtube.  Go watch it.  There is a cute Mary Tyler Moore kind of chick in it.  She bends over in the commercial.  Sex appeal was definitely used in that commercial.
     Twister is all about bodies.
     I am looking at a newspaper ad with the box cover of Twister.  It features a white boy with an Asian girl and a black girl looking at him, but the white girl in the background has the spinner wheel in hand, with the phallic pointer, so she is the one that gets the dick at the end.
     In any case, there is one boy, and three girls. 
     He is going to have fun at some point if he can get three girls to play Twister with him.

      The problem with Twister is it is only fun if girls are playing.  Not always easy to get girls to play Twister with you.

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