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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Non-canon dialogue between Kirk and Spock

     I am still not done with this blog yet today.  There are still ideas that I am trying to get out of my head before I go back home.
     "But...what...are..they...Spock?" Kirk said.
     "Unknown, Captain.  There is not enough information," Spock replied.

     I enjoy writing in the voices of Kirk and Spock.  It is fun.  They are great characters.
     I've thought about writing a non-canon dialogue with them for some time. 
     I guess I might as well do it now.

* * *
Kirk:       Hello, Spock.
Spock:    Hello, Captain.
Kirk:       Where...are...we?
Spock:     I believe it is possible that we are in text form right now.
Kirk:        Text form?
Spock:     Yes.  Our consciousness is alive, but only in the form of words.
Spock:     Well, Captain, we are fictional characters.  We don't exist in real space and time.  To be blunt, we
                are made-up.  Someone else created us.  But as fictional characters, we can live forever long after
                the original actors who played us are dead.
Kirk:        I see.
Spock:     McCoy is alive, but the actor who played him is dead.  So are the actors for Scotty and Nurse
                Chapel, among other casualties.
Kirk:        What...other...casualties?
Spock:      As far as we are concerned, our so-called 'god' is dead.  Gene Roddenberry is indeed dead.  It
                 will not affect us much, however.  We will still be able to live indefinitely.
Kirk:         That is good to know, Mr. Spock.  So, what do we do know?
Spock:      All we can do is to keep on existing.  That is what fictional characters do.  Often, they never age.
Kirk:         That is good to know that we can survive...
Spock:      As long as we are alive in the minds of people, we will still live.  There is no need to fear, Captain,
                 for quite some time.
Kirk:         Thank you, Mr. Spock, but...where...are....we?
Spock:      We are inside an author's mind right now.
Kirk:         I see.  How did we get here?
Spock:      He summoned us.
Kirk:         Okay, Spock, that makes no sense to me, I think I need some Romulan Ale right now.
Spock:      That might be a good idea, Captain.  I will join you.  There is no logic to any of this, so in that
                 instance, I will have a drink, too.
Kirk:         Won't that be out of character for you, Spock?
Spock:       It matters not, Captain, as I may later reveal.

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