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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sadness is funny

     Well, it is a different kind of day.
     I was just watching a beta gameplay video of Star Wars: The Old Republic.  It looks great, but I won't be playing that game for a while.  I don't have the computer or the cash to even play it.  Also, I have so many games that I haven't even begun to play yet.  I am not done with the past yet.
     I have plenty to do before I start playing TOR.

     I also watched a new trailer for the new Hobbit movie.  It looks like it will be great.
     Peter Jackson bought Bag End and the surrounding lands for $5 million.  It helps to own the set where your next movie will be filmed.

     The cafe was packed when I came in.  There weren't many choices of where to sit.
     I am in a good place, but there are people behind me and to the right that I have to listen to.  That is unfortunate.

     Anyway, I got some good jazz and some time ahead of me.

     Dave's Points of The Day
  •      It's a good day.  It is a beautiful day.
  •      I'm in a place where I can watch people come in and order coffee.  It is especially useful in watching women, which is one of my favorite things to do.
  •      I was outside thinking about Robert Crumb.  It is a high contrast to thinking about Star Wars: The Old Republic.
  •      I did watch a game play video of TOR.  It already has 180,000 hits.  That is amazing for a new video just recently created.  All things regarding TOR are off the hook.
  •      It took over three years to build and design TOR from scratch.  With all the people needed for that task, you need to have a pretty serious bankroll to back you up.
  •      Some lady left her sunglasses on the table.
  •      I need a job.  I don't know what I even want to do to make money, except for what I do on a daily basis.  The problem is that what I do doesn't pay.
  •      I have to believe in all my blogs, and make them work.  I have to do the best writing I can do.  Unfortunately, I have a mixture of quality going for me.  Some of my work is okay, some of it isn't that special.  It is just how it goes.
  •      TOR is sick with all the graphics, the way the ships look, and all the writing that was done for it.  They had people whose only job was to write the text for the game, and to compose all the stories.  It uses elements of 'Choose Your Own Adventure'.  Who knew that would someday be an element of a Star Wars game?  Anyway, the technology is incredibly advanced.  I'm going to miss this boat for a while.  I'm still not done playing EverQuest.
  •      I keep playing Clone Wars Adventures because it is fun.  It is nice and easy, relatively.  The game is still challenging in a lot of ways.  It is not always easy to survive in the Umbara zone for example.  To earn enough money to build anything decent takes hours.  Kids need a lot of attention in the game, and that takes time.  The game requires real money to buy the cool stuff you want, and that takes time to earn the real world money.
  •      TOR has a $13.99 monthly fee to play.  That is normal.  Plus, I'm going to need an uber computer to play it.  The system requirements are massive.
  •      I still just want to play 'Age of Conan'.
  •      I still want to play Dungeons and Dragons Online.  I just have to make the time for it.  I'm always afraid that I will miss something happening on other games.  You can't be everywhere at once.
  •      Some people used to have two monitors to play EverQuest with two characters at the same time.  They would pay for two accounts.  That was sick.
  •      It looks like TOR is more than enough to keep people busy for a while.  The game is almost like an interactive science fiction television show like Babylon 5 or Battlestar Galactica.  I'm sure people are arranging their schedules so they can play TOR all day long.  Some people might not make it through next semester with this game being here.  Who in hell wants to study with so much going on?  I'm glad I finished college when I did.  There is no way I could concentrate on my studies thinking about clone troopers and spaceships all the time.
  •      Life is an Online Game now.
  •      The two people directly behind me are annoying.
  •      I'm waiting for my check that should have been here by now.  I need that check.  Where the hell is it?  Probably sitting in the post office waiting to be delivered.  Good luck around Christmas time.  I am screwed if that check doesn't come soon.
  •      That would be nice to make a video and get 180,000 hits in a month.
  •      My youtube channel isn't particularly popular.  It's going to take a while for me to really connect with people.  I'm going to have to give them what they want, or at least start making videos that are halfway decent.  It ain't easy to come up with good, original material.
  •      This TOR video I watched was over an hour long.  The guy was talking through the whole thing and did a pretty good job.  He was kind of funny.
  •      I want to make another Umbara video.  I made one last night featuring Slayer's War Zone.  I like how the video came out.  It is pretty funny and watchable.  I hope people enjoy it.  But in the new video I want to make, I just want to talk and bulls*** my way through it, and have a good time.  The problem is that I'm not as entertaining a talker as some people.  Maybe I will get better over time, with practice.  Maybe I can plan out more what I want to discuss.
  •      I like video game videos where the person knows what they are talking about.  When good information is given, it is gold.  In this instance it is helpful if you know a lot, so you don't sound like an idiot to the world.
  •      I am a freak.  I haven't solved all of the inherent problems I have associated with this.  Being me hasn't been doing me much good lately, that is for sure.  I have to change, or be doomed.  Or, I just have to become successful, and that is not an easy challenge.
  •      Why do I need a therapist?  I have blogger.  Not a great replacement, but it is something.  At least writing is a productive activity so I've been told.  I can write about anything I want.  I don't need some stranger to listen to me talk for an hour, and do a half-@ss job of interpreting what is going on in my head.
  •      Most of what they teach in school is related to writing, and most kids don't write.  They are into video games and music.  One thing that is good about Online games is that there actually is a lot of text, so they actually do get people to read.  Words aren't dead yet.
  •      My education did not prepare me for today's world.  I am still struggling to keep up with it, which is an impossible task, but I am doing the best that I can.
  •      In other ways, the world is just the same as it was thirty years ago.  You can still live your life without all of the new technological toys.  There are still books to read, and lots of fun things to do, enough to keep anybody busy.
  •      Some kid called me a 'LIAR' on CWA last night because he didn't believe me that I had built a racetrack up in the sky.  Then I showed it to him and he had to 'save face'.  That is a pretty serious accusation.  He jumped the gun on that one.  He never said 'I'm sorry' for calling me that.  He turned out to be a person I didn't like much anyway.  There was nothing to him.  Just yet another bothersome kid who will probably grow up to be a bothersome adult.
  •      So, different droids can give you different abilities on the battlefield.  The mouse droid gives me health regeneration.  The astromech gives me better shooting skills.  I think it helps when you complete item sets.  It gives you powers.
  •      The game was going through a maintenance this morning.  I hope they bring in some good stuff.  The game always gets boring fast, and the only saving grace is they keep bringing in new stuff to keep it entertaining.
  •      'Star Wars' is the franchise to rule them all, it appears.
  •      What am I in this world?  I'm just a lowly human.  What can I do?  I don't know.  I don't know the answer.  I haven't even started my life yet.  It has barely begun.
  •      What can one person do?  I don't know.  I don't even know how I will make a living.  Really, honestly, I have no idea.  It's a mystery with what is going to happen with me.  To be honest, my future isn't looking too bright.  I am going to have to get on it pretty damn fast.
  •      Monty Python.  I can't get enough of 'The Bishop'.  I also love 'The Architect Sketch'.  John Cleese yelling at the top of his lungs with every vein in his head about to pop is just awesome.
  •      I just talked to Marco.  We had our 'shoot the sh**' session talking about Monty Python, Babylon 5, and other items.
  •      The people in Monty Python, they would have writing sessions where they would sit around and try and make the others laugh.  The stuff that worked in the writing room they would develop into the sketches on 'Flying Circus'.
  •      It's that thing where I have to go to the bathroom because I can't think until I go.
  •      Humans are funny, malleable creatures.  We are all made of clay, and we can be molded.
  •      Marco and I discussed a little about propaganda and how they use it to control people.  There is a lot of it going on these days.
  •      The job of advertisers is to make you unhappy so that you will buy stuff in a never-ending cycle.
  •      I feel better.  You have to clear your @ss before you can clear your mind.
  •      Babylon 5 has been a joy to go through all five seasons.  It's taken me a while to go through all the episodes.  I'm still not done yet.  I still have some more to watch, and then I have to re-watch some of the episodes to catch things I missed.  There is a lot of content in B5 to be aware of.  There is also a lot of fist fighting.  Nobody's knuckles ever seem to get hurt, even when punching an alien guy with hard scales on his face.
  •      I don't know what today is about yet, or where this blog entry is going.  It's the same old routine I've been following, where I wake up, pull myself together, go to the cafe, write, go home, and then try and use the rest of the day to get something accomplished.
  •      I like how art is a hammer, and not just a mirror to reflect.  I haven't thought much that art could actually be a weapon.
  •      I am a monster.  At least I have been one at various times in my life.
  •      Life is good.  It is better when you have money to pay the bills, though.
  •      I need help.  I can't do it all by myself.
  •      I have a long way to go.
  •      I have many things to explore.
  •      I want to f*** things up.
  •      Marco didn't like BSG much.  It wasn't his cup of tea.  He doesn't like how they say 'frak'.  I don't blame him.  It does get a little old.  Well, actually, I didn't mind it too much.  It does get frustrating, though, when so many people use the word 'f***' and you can't even put it on a television program.
  •      Between talking to Marco and writing this blog entry, this is all I've gotten done so far at the cafe.  It takes a long time to write.  It takes even longer to write anything even half-way decent.  I'm still trying to wake up my brain, which is one of the side effects of not doing yoga.  Part of me is still asleep, and this is not good.  To be a writer, you have to be awake, and aware, and being a half-asleep bastard isn't going to do me or anybody else any good.
  •      I must start going through all of my blog entries and revising them.  I must try to make them better.
  •      I actually do want hits and clicks.
  •      I want to be popular on the web.  Is that possible?
  •      I'm supposed to be an artist.  I'm just putting that stuff on hold for a bit so I can build up an audience.
  •      I don't have a title for this entry yet.  The best one I've come up with is 'Thursday'.  That isn't too good.
  •      Marco is a pretty funny human being once you start talking to him, and can understand him.  He is a little jaded, but in good ways.
  •      I just want to work on my Magic cards, and I still want to make that 'Nature's Calling' card with the elf pissing at the tree.
  •      Women are pretty dang cute.  There is a cutie in here, again, in those tight black stretchy pants that so many women love to wear.  Those pants are quite form fitting.  I like them because you can really see the form of the woman, and usually, it is quite nice.  Even heavier girls wear those pants, and that isn't always the best choice for them.
  •      Sadness is funny.
  •      It is nice to write a piece like going for a walk in the park, and then returning to where you started from, just like on a Monopoly board.
  •      I could do what Stephen King does, and just write a lot of words that have corporate value.  Maybe I ought to do that right now, just create a list of things, so those words will be in my blog for no reason at all.
  •      K-Mart, McDonalds, Burger King, Muddy Waters, Coffee, Sex, Nudity, Nakedness, Women, Boobs, Tits, ass, dick, vagina, celebrity, skin, Star Wars, Science Fiction, Battlestar Galactica, Football, The Bible, television, mind control, propaganda, Babylon 5, Star Trek, 49ers, Raiders, Magic The Gathering, The Old Republic, EverQuest, Clone Wars, Technology, iphone, ipad, Apple, Fiona Apple, Steve Jobs, religion, god, satan, evil, good, Best Buy, Robot, Doctor Who, X-Files, Twilight Zone, Twilite, Harry Potter, KFC, fast food,...
  •      Always good to have buzz actually works from time to time.

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