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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

time to go soon

     I'm here at the cafe again.  It is where I do my best writing.
     I am awake and alert when I come here.  I have nowhere to go, and nothing to do except to sit in this chair.
     I got my coffee.
     A T-shirt idea is a black t-shirt with white lettering that says, "WHEN IS IT MY TURN?" or "IS IT MY TURN YET?"
     Apparently, you can design stuff, and some company will print it out for you, and then they pay you depending on how much of it gets sold.

     Meanwhile, I am talking to Matt Skyrunner in chat.  He's a good person.

     One thing I have to do today is make some new videos.  I have filmed them, now all I have to do is to post them.

     I haven't touched my paints in a while.  I've been working on other things.

     I have lots of Magic cards at home to tape up.  It takes a while to do, but it is worth it for me.  I like putting clear packaging tape on Magic cards.  It protects them, and they are easy to pick up off the table.  I've noticed that shuffling even a couple of times starts to damage them.  I don't like the card sleeves they have.  I would rather just tape them up and be done with it.

     More blues music today in the cafe.  The cafe lady likes to play the blues. 
     It is a little different than writing to jazz.

     I like coming to the cafe.  I never know what music they will play.  It definitely influences my writing.

     Eventually I am going to have to get back to art, though.  The problem is that nobody seems to care if I make art or not.  They like my videos, though.  The videos are the best thing I have going on the web so far.  Maybe things will change, and I will figure out some different things.

     I'm certainly jealous of anyone who can make a living off of the web.  I've been trying to do that for years.  I don't know how I will do it, but I will keep trying.  I will never give up.  I will keep trying every day.
     One thing is for sure is that anything you do on the web takes time, so if you are going to do it, be prepared for the long haul.
     That is what I said about my art years ago.
     I'm still going on that.
     I haven't given up on my art yet, I have just put it aside for a while.  I have some other things to address, some other pressing matters.

     It is funny that I have switched completely to text mode.  At least I have plenty of words to work with.

     I was reading about the 99 to 1 theory.  If you are the writer of a blog, you write for those 99 people who might get something from what you write.
     One other idea is to give, give, give, until it hurts so bad that you don't even feel the pain anymore.

     I also thought about writing longer blogs, and to increase the quality of those blogs.

     I still like to write short, joke entries, or blogs that just have a couple of things in it.
     I like to do it all, and just spew it out into The Universe.
     I have nothing to lose.
     I don't have any kind of audience yet.
     I know you have to have a lot of content, that it has to be original, and that it should be of high quality.
     Well, I don't always want to do that.  I also want to have fun.
     Every day is different.  I change from day to day.
     I still have to go into some of my older entries and proofread them.  I don't know what the point is if no one is reading my stuff anyway.
     It takes a long time to write a good blog entry, or article.
     I don't want to exist primarily in the world of words, either.
     I have lots of fish to fry.

     Time for a break.

* * *

     I talked to Marco at length.  That was fun.  We talked about Babylon 5 and all kinds of stuff.
     It is our 'idea generating session'.
     All kinds of things get talked about.
     It's good stuff.

     But now I have work to do.  I have a full day ahead.

     There is only a limited amount of time.
     Time Management is important.  I've been struggling with that my whole life, but if you just start working, things get done by itself.
     Little by little, you just dig in.

     That's just the thing, I want to make my work count.
     I want to do stuff that matters.

     I want to do something important in this life, and if all I'm doing is writing a blog, than that is what I am going to do.

     I am not very good at politics.  I have limited interest in the subject.  At a certain point,it all becomes conjecture when I talk about it with people.
     I run out of things to say, then the person just goes on and on.

     I am not a big fan of armchair quarterbacks.

     I am starting to figure out that with human beings, we have more similarities than we do differences.

     There is a lot of ignorance in the world.  Some of it is my own, but I am working on that.

     The History of The Visual Image.  Cave Drawings to Digital Photos.

* * *
     I'm sitting here with my friend Daniel.  Politics, photography, and all kinds of things.  He is good to talk to.  Lots of tech stuff.
     On the other hand, I can't figure out what the thesis statement of his life is.
     He is a smart guy, but what is missing? 
     I don't know.

     In a way, we are all living on pieces of driftwood in the ocean, waiting to die.

* * *
     I don't seem to be getting a lot of work done, talking to Daniel and Marco, but that is where all the ideas come from.
     It is war out there, and I'm a soldier of fortune.

     There are a million battles being fought out there everyday.

     I am going to have to fight to get a piece of pie, or else I will die.  I don't want that to happen.

     We were talking about goon stuff, Magic, Dungeons & Dragons.  It all gets to be pretty funny.  I always notice the girls walking by as we do that, though.  I'm more keen to the female element than a lot of guys I know.  I can't help but notice.

     Anyway, I can feel that my time is starting to wind down, and I haven't even gotten started yet.  I have so much to do, that it isn't even funny.
     I am struggling to make my life work, and it takes time.
     Meanwhile, the clock is ticking at every moment, and there are only so many hours in the day.
     It is good to stand out there and talk smack with the guys, though.  It is a lot of fun.  At a certain point, though, it gets to be time to take care of business.
     I think it is funny to be 44 years old, and still be getting into Magic and Fantasy stuff.  It's all funny.  What does it all mean?  Well, a lot of it is just teen-age goon stuff, written for kids, to fill their heads with imagination as a counter-balance to the rigid inflexible reality of The Real World, the one we all hate, where you have to wake up every day, show up somewhere working with people you don't even care about in order to make the people who own you richer.  It never sounded too fun for me, and then they give you pennies in return.
     Gee, what a great time.

     Anyway, it is time to go soon.

     The coffee was good today, as was the company. 
     Francisco walked by, it was good to see him.  He's been sober for sixteen days. 
     I've never been a quitter, I continue to drink, but I do it in small amounts, and most days, I forget about it.
     Some people can't control the drinking, and they need to stop, or they will die, or end up in prison, and things will be sorry then.

     Me?  I'm just trying to get through the day.

     With the homeless woman we thought had died, maybe she regenerated.

     It is all hopeless, that is why you have to find something to live for, and have a goal.

     I have videos to make today.

     I gotta go.

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