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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Holden Caulfield or Conan?

     It is almost 4 o'clock.
     My friend Daniel just left.
     He is a good guy.
     I like him, and he is very knowledgeable about tech stuff, therefore he is really useful.
     He is working on photography a lot as his hobby.
     He also wants to write, but there are no short cuts for that.  You either do it, or you don't.
     There are only two methods for the have to read a lot, and you have to write a lot.  There is no other way.
     You actually have to sit down and write.  There is no other way.
     You actually have to pick up a book, and read the world's greatest literature, or you shouldn't even bother trying to be a writer, or to be something you aren't.
     A writer, by definition, is a great and prolific reader.
     A writer has to read everything.

     I know I should read The New York Times, and The New Yorker, but I just don't do it.  That is one reason why I am not a real writer.  I don't read enough real writing.

     I am out of the loop.  I exist in my fantasy world.
     It might be time to pull my head out of my ass, and make something happen in my life.

     Anyway, it has been another good session.  I think I got everything off my chest that I wanted to.
     I feel good for having done so.

     I have a lot of work to do in order to clear things off of my computer at home.  I have images that I must make use of, so I can delete them.

     Daniel talked about Google Plus.  I will have to look into that, as a photo resource.
     I haven't done Flickr for a long time.  Maybe I ought to look into that again.
     Basically, I'm interested in expanding my digital empire.
     I love that I am getting hits everyday, and generating income.  It is fun.  I want more of that.
     I need millions of hits, though.
     You never know, it may happen for me someday, if I can come up with some "totally bitchin' " material.

     It all doesn't matter.  Having fun is way more important.

     I guess I have many sides to my brain.  I go in and out of personalities.

     I don't think I am as crazy as I used to be.  I think a lot of that has gone away.
     In retrospect, poverty has many side effects.
     If I am to be well, I need to up my income.  It will help a lot.

     Marcel Duchamp.
     Man Ray.

     Anyway, I'm almost done with my second cup of coffee, so it is time to go.
     Four bucks lasts me a long time in the cafe; I got a lot done.

     I wonder what an editor would think of my writing?
     Probably not very good.
     That is too bad, for I am going to keep writing.
     I'll be my own editor.
     I have no problem going into old entries and fixing them.

     I have tons of type-written material that I can put into blog form, too.  That will be fun to do.

     Maybe some day I will have some readers.

     I seem to like Blogger the best.  I feel most comfortable here.  It seems to be the most user friendly blog I have experienced.  I like it.  It is easy and fun.

     It doesn't matter what I write.  I can always change it later.

     I could sit there trying to learn a musical instrument, or I could do what I am better at, which is writing.
     Now I have to write something decent.  I guess I could work on plots, and plot devices.  I could work on ways to write a stories.
     Why would I go through the effort?  For fame, riches, and glory, of course.
     I need to prove to people that I can do something good if I set my mind to it.

     Being an artist is a weird thing.  It is very odd.  It is bizarre.  It is putting myself into visual mode, which often has no connection to reality.

     I just read a King Conan comic book.  What does that have to do with anything?  I don't know.
     Sword and Sorcery is not considered legitimate literature, but a bastard off-shoot of fantasy, which is itself looked down upon.
     What is a kid going to look at, though?  Holden Caulfield or Conan?  I rest my case.  People care way more about Conan and scantily clad babes then they do about some whiney ginger kid.

     People in college are sometimes pretty dumb as to what people actually want in the real world.  Too bad I was young and stupid, otherwise I would have been something by now.
     I had so many dreams that I have not achieved yet.  It is a shame and a pity.
     My problem is that I try and do everything at once, and then nothing gets done.

     Well, my next task is to make some more videos, and to clear out some memory on my computer, so...I will catch you later.  It's been another great day.

     Too bad Robert E. Howard did not live to see the great success of Conan The Barbarian.  In a way, his suicide only added to the legend, though.

     Why would anyone even want to be a writer these days when you can just make money with films?  Well, the problem is that you can not make a good movie without a good book to base it off of, because filmmakers are soulless, haha.  It is true.  They get caught up in all that goon tech stuff.
     Just give me a pint of whiskey and a typewriter, and I'll be flying.  See?  I'm old school.

     Just like in Babylon 5, I walk away, and then I turn, and say one more thing.
     "Take it easy.  The destruction of Earth is at hand unless we are careful."
     "Yes, Sir," stated the cadet.

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