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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dream Job - To Be a Pro Blogger

     I just looked at some blog at random.  I don't know why they always send me to some blog done by a Mormon girl.  Are they the only ones that write blogs?  I read some of her crappy, badly-written poetry, and after two minutes, I didn't give a damn.  Then I saw some pictures of her with her Mormon boyfriend, and they were smiling big in every picture, showing every clean white tooth, often in front of some church or temple, and I really began not to care.  I shut it off, I couldn't take it anymore.  I can't see anybody liking that stuff unless they know the people in the blog.  I couldn't get through her prose.  It needed editing.

     My new blog idea is called, "Meat and Potatoes".  I really want to deliver the good stuff there.  I want to put the best that I can do there.  I want to talk about paintings, art, and the things that mean a lot to me.  I want to put my life code there.  I will start this blog when I am able.
     You know, Magic The Gathering has some funny language to it.  The mechanics of the game requires the logic of a lawyer.  It is starting to interest me on that level.  Some of the flavor text is silly, though.  They could do better with some of those sayings.
     Meanwhile, it is just a nice and quiet time at the cafe.  I am starting to run out of time.
     My goal with every blog I have is to get a hundred hits on each one, and then take it from there.  I can do this, I know I can.  I don't even care if they are my hits.  What is important is that number at the top.  That is what people see.  They don't know who gave the hits, and they don't care.  The number speaks.  The higher the number, the more value it has.  Let's face it, a video with ten million hits is more impressive than a video with ten thousand.  That is the god-awful truth.
     It's been a good day in here, but yeah, I am running out of time.  I am starting to feel the pull.  I have a party to get to in four hours, and I need to be there on time.  I need to be ready.  I love to write, though, it is very peaceful for me.
     Thank god all is well with my banking situation.  I was a little distressed yesterday.  Thank god I took care of business.  That was a lot to go through, being in the bank for an hour, and on the phone with people.  Thank god for my drawing pad, it helped me to pass the time.  I go crazy just sitting there with nothing to do.  That is why drawing has been a good friend for me for many years.
     So, it was typical to go to a random blog, and be disappointed.
     I think I have figured it out, though, with blogs.  You have to subscribe to a lot of people before they will subscribe to you.  I have to start doing that.  That is how it worked on youtube.  Once I started to subscribe to a lot of people, that is how people started to subscribe to me.  They returned the favor.  In this world, subscribers equals cash.  I had better get on it.
     Man, do I have work to do.  To be a pro blogger would be awesome.  To sit in the cafe all day and write to my heart's content, drink coffee, and have a good time?  Are you kidding?  That is my dream job.
     I have to be good, though, and I can't disappoint when people visit my blog.  That is going to take some doing.
     I have to buy some new pens.  Some good ones that will work well, and will last a long time.  My pens are always running out.

     Man, there is some guy in the cafe who had knee surgery last month.  He is heavily medicated, talking loud and requiring a lot of attention.  He is also about to fall over.  He has successfully disrupted all of my activities, even though he doesn't seem to intend to do that.  Regardless, he is doing it.

      Happy Holidays to all my friends and even my enemies.  Be good to people.

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