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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Recovery Mode, and More Between A and B

     Hello.  I am in recovery mode.
     Suffice it to say, it was another drunken night for me.
     It was a good time, and I found out that a woman would rather die of cancer than fuck her longtime friend of ten years or me.
     Funny, huh?
     Anyway, I drew lots of girls, and got to talk to them.
     They liked the drawings.
* * *

     Okay, good times.  I had fun talking to Marco.  He is a funny guy.  He has a pretty good sense of humor.  It took a while with his Finnish, but he is getting pretty adept at English, and he is projecting his voice more, which is good.
     Also, I understand him more.
     Anyway, we talked about our normal smack stuff.

     You know what?  I have to go out there and sell art.  And, I have to sell a lot.  It ain't no joke.  I have to make money.  It is serious.  I have to do this or die. 
     I don't want to die, so I have to sell art.
     I certainly don't want to work a crummy job.
     That would suck ass.

     Anyway, I'm about ready for my second cup of coffee.

* * *

     It is Sunday.  It is an overcast, cold day.  I have no reason for writing about how the day is.  That is just what people do, they talk about the weather, which I find to be a pretty boring subject unless a person knows what they are talking about.
     Amy is working today.  She is more of a quiet, introspective person.  She does things at her own pace.  She doesn't care that I sit in here for hours on one or two cups of coffee.

     The main thing I have to do today is get my Magic cards together.  I want to kill my opponents tonight.

     Maybe I will do some street art again.  It can't hurt.  Even just going out there for an hour a day might help.

     I am still pretty trashed from last night, but I feel fine.
     I talk about writing dialogues but I don't do them much.  It is hard to get into that mode.
     I could also write for the stage, and for the screen.
     I could also write poems.
     I can write lyrics.
     So much to do.  All I have to do is actually begin, and see what happens.
     Who cares if it is any good at this point?

* * *

A:  Hey, how is it going?
B:  Fine, how are you?
A:  Fine.
B:  Hey, should we have an absolutely perverted and wrong dialogue?
A:  No.  This is a monetized blog.
B:  Oh yeah, they don't like adult material.
A:  That is true.
B:  Well, what should we talk about then?
A:  Well, we could talk about how it is wise to only talk in short sentences so that the line of dialogue doesn't screw up the blog like this one just did.
B:  Yeah, we could talk about that.
A:  Maybe I ought to go out and have a cigarette?
B:  Yeah, maybe you should.  I'll keep writing while you do that.
A:  Okay.
B:  It is great that I will be out there smoking, and you will be in here writing. 
A:  Yeah, I've finally figured out how to be in two places at once.
B:  Well, you know what?  I finally figured out X-Ray vision.  I can finally see through clothes.
A:  Cool.  Tell me if you see any natural blonds.
B:  Okay.  brb
A:  Okay.

B:  I was just out there smoking.
A:  How did it go?  While you were gone, too MILFs just sat down next to me.
B:  Yup, a blond and a black-haired woman.
A:  It looks like they are chatting away.
B:  I don't know about what, though.
A:  Meanwhile, I just noticed that a girl glanced at the screen.
B:  Yup, she saw that I was writing a blog about the cafe.
A:  Yup, she was cute, too.
B:  Yeah, but she was with a guy.
A:  Yup.
B:  So anyway, I thought about how my art lady friend wanted to be drawn sexy and naked, so I rushed back to my place at the bar, and drew her naked on a napkin.  She loved it.  She wanted to be drawn more beautifully than her daughter, and more sexy.
A:  Yeah, I had no idea that there is this mother-daughter competition thing.  They want to outdo one another.
B:  Yup, it is true.  Fathers and sons do it, too.
A:  Yup.
B:  Anyway, I actually do want to draw her naked.  Maybe I will get a chance someday.
A:  Maybe, you never know in this world.
B:  That is true.
A:  So what do you want to talk about now?
B:  I don't know, I have to go soon, and get on Clone Wars and hang out.  I also have to assemble some Magic decks so I can destroy and annihilate my opponents.  I am sick of losing.  I have a couple of surprises this week that I am sure will give them that, "Holy F, I'm about to lose.." stone-cold look on their face.  You know you are winning when things get suddenly silent at the table.  It sure beats losing that is for sure.
A:  Sounds like fun.  I'm just going to do my thing today, and lay low.
B:  That sounds like fun, too.
A:  The problem with Magic, is sometimes I would rather just be drawing.
B:  Yeah, that is pretty fun.
A:  Yeah.
B:  It was fun to draw last night.
A:  Yeah, it was.
B:  At least it is a way for people to recognize my talent.
A:  Yeah, that is important if you want to be a famous artist.
B:  So, I guess we'll have to my other blog that is set for adults if we are to have a dirty filthy conversation.
A:  Yeah, I suppose you are right.
B:  I don't know if I want to do that right now.  I'm still listening to the MILFs talk.  I still have no idea what they are talking about.  They are just sitting there going at it.  When I talk, I like to stand out on the sidewalk with my friends for a cigarette.  I don't like to sit at a table and talk without doing anything else.  I like to keep busy.  I don't have the time to sit there and talk for hours.  I have to make my time count for something.
A:  Yeah.  So anyhow, that would be awesome to get to the point where I am making a dollar a day on the web.
B:  Yeah, that would be rad.
A:  Yeah, it would.
B:  Ideally, to make $100 a day would be awesome.
A:  Yeah, it would.  I don't know how I am going to do that, though.
B:  Yeah, neither do I.  It is a tremendous challenge to achieve that.
A:  Yes, it would be.  However, people do that, so why don't we?
B:  The two ladies seem to be involved in law talk.  Maybe one of them is a lawyer, I am not sure.  The black-haired lady has knee-high sex boots.  It is pretty dang cute.  She seems to be the lawyer type.  I wonder what a night of ecstasy with her would be like?
A:  I can only imagine that it would be some serious sex.
B:  Indeed, but hey, we have to keep this blog clean.
A:  Yeah, I suppose we do, but that ain't much fun.
B:  No, it isn't.  However, it has to be somewhat clean for it to have some kind of value.
A:  A lot of people do hentai art, and they make money off of that.
B:  That is true.
A:  The rules seem to have changed.
B:  Yeah, they have.
A:  I guess it would suck if you were a girl living at home, and you are naked on bed with your laptop, and either your father or mother walks in while you are doing sex chat.
B:  Yeah, that has actually happened.  Funny, huh?
A:  Yeah, it is.
B:  What is absolutely fantastic is that there is no limit to how long this dialogue can be.  We are no longer limited.  There is no paper to worry about.
A:  Yeah, that is great.  We could keep this dialogue going in definitely, or start a new blog, no problem.
B:  Yeah, that is really cool.
A:  Yeah, but at some point, we will have to come up with characters.
B:  Yeah, that would be cool.
A:  Indeed.
B:  Yeah, the sky is the limit, there, too.
A:  Yeah, it is great.  But are we just monkeys at a typewriter?
B:  Possibly.  But we are human, too.  Also, the people who read this might be monkeys.
A:  I never thought of that. 
B:  Yeah, we could be monkeys writing for other monkeys, because I have definitely seen that people don't know how to read or write much.  They do all this chat speak s***,  and it is hard to have a real conversation.  They just talk a lot of smack.
A:  Yeah...sometimes it is fun, though.
B:  Yeah, but some people just aren't good at expressing themselves.
A:  They are young.  They don't know any better.
B:  True.  That's why I have to learn them whether they like it or not, because I am sick of them not writing well.  They are in school, they should know better.
A:  Yeah, but they don't.
B:  Hey, those two MILFs are still talking.
A:  Yeah, the black-haired lady is pretty cut.
B:  Yeah, I noticed.
A:  Maybe it is time for a break.
B:  Yeah.  It might be a good place to stop.
A:  Agreed.

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