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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Woman in The Doorway and Other Items

     A blog about sitting around in a cafe isn't all that special.
     Yet, I have chosen this place so that The Universe can flow through me.
     I am human, and we are all connected; therefore, this blog has value.  Unless of course, you don't value life; then, this blog has no value at all.  Don't read it if this is your opinion.  Trust me, I don't need you.  I will find somebody else to read this blog, or not.  It isn't up to me anyhow.
     All I can do is to choose the name and location of the blog, and write articles that are a compromise between myself and potential readers.  Those readers don't exist at this time, but maybe they will someday.
     You never know what can happen in This World.

     One thing is for sure, and that if I do nothing, Nothing Will Happen.
     If I do Something, nothing will probably happen, but it increases the chances of Something Happening.
     That is what I am going for, and I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

     My friend is out there.  He is my conversation connection.  We both have an interest in music, Monty Python, and Magic The Gathering.

     Anyway, I got my coffee, and that is all that matters right now.

     I will address other issues during the day.

* * *
     I did something different today, instead of just waking up and turning on a video game.  I turned on the blog, and started to write.
     I am no stranger to waking up at any hour and begin pounding away at the keys on a manual typewriter, but to do it on a blog is new to me.
     I was groggy, and out of it as I slowly came out of dream mode.  There were residual events and images still in my mind, and I wrote about them.  The last I remember was that I was in a college I had never been to before, but the art department was the one from art school.
     It was the typical dream where I was in a college class, but I was in the wrong one, and I didn't belong there, so I left to go find the class I was supposed to be in, and then I was just kind of lost walking around.
     I guess the dream happened because I watched a Quentin Tarentino interview where he was talking about how he dropped out of school, and realized later that he might have enjoyed college.

     Anyway....time for a smoke.

* * *

     So, I talked to my friend about the events of the day.  We both enjoyed the story of the power outage at Candlestick Park between the 49ers and Pittsburgh.  We thought it was funny.
     We also came up with a Magic The Gathering card called, "Call of Nature" or "Nature's Call" which features an elf pissing at a tree.  Target creature leaves the battlefield and the game, and comes back at end of turn.  I am going to have to draw up that card.
     We discussed 'Platinum Rich Zones' and the fact that I am now Level 44 due to my recent birthday.
     I blathered on about The Orange Wizard blog, Star Wars: The Old Republic, video games, pop culture, and all of my other bulls***.
     Just a normal day, I also talked about Babylon 5.
     He completed watching all of the Monty Python dvds I loaned him because "Once you start with one, you have to watch them all."
     That is exactly what he did.

     Anyway, I am just sitting here now.  I just saw a beautiful woman in high waist jeans.  A lot of women are wearing those.  They look good.  The jeans are like some from the 70's which were popular then.  The past is always useful as a source for new trends.  Like in MTG, you just cycle them.

     There have been lots of crime, violence, and theft in San Francisco recently.  People steal on the bus system.  This is bad.  Also, too many people have guns in this town.

     Another thing I am thinking about is what it will take for me to be a PRO BLOGGER.  The idea is ridiculous, but there are actually people making money with blogs, and the only way to do it is to just keep writing more and more articles.
     Man, I just saw a cutie in leggings that really showed off her little booty, and clinged to the front of her too.  She had the coveted gap between the legs, so when she stood facing me, I could see light right under her cooch and between her legs.  Guys love that.  Her ass was heart-shaped, and guys love that, too.

     'On This Day in History' was my favorite little thing in 'The Examiner Today'.  The past informs the present, and guides towards the future.

     So yeah, I am going to start my art career over.  Why the hell not?  Nobody knows who the hell I am anyway, so I might as well start with a new slate.

     I have some videos to make today.

  •      Nice.  I've never used 'points' in a blog today.  I do this in writing all the time in my sketchbook.   
  •      This is awesome.  I can write in point bulletin form all day long.
  •      What is nice about using points is you can just do one subject after another.
  •      What is also nice is it does not have to be in order.  They can just be thoughts.
  •      You can pick up where you left off.
  •      Each statement can stand on its own.
  •      This will help me in my quest to be a Pro Blogger.
  •      What I am really doing is trying be a professional writer.  I just happen to use blogs.
  •      No one wants my writing in any publication, and I don't blame them.  I suck.
  •      There is no reason why I can't have the time of my life anyhow.
  •      I've read a lot of dead authors, long gone by the time that I get a hold of their books.
  •      Book companies is what they had before movie companies.
  •      The Smoking Man.  X-Files.  I still need to see all of the episodes.
  •      Scully and Mulder.  People don't care about them much anymore.
  •      It is a new day.
  •      Is it a Brave New World?  I don't know.
  •      I am The Outsider looking in.
  •      'A Catcher in The Rye'.  I still don't exactly know what the title means.
  •      Gulliver's Travels is a good book.  Jonathan Swift is a good writer.  They never make movie adaptations of the second half of the book where he is small.  It is an injustice to that book.  The whole point is that he is big like a Titan in the first half, and then he goes to a land where he is small enough to be put into a canary cage.  Then he returns home to normal size people.
  •      Babylon 5 has its charm.  I like that show.  I'm not liking Sheridan and Delann being married in season 5.  It is getting a little mushy.  Also, there are all of these new characters to contend with.  I still like G'Kar and Londo, though.  They are great.
  •      Some guy just asked me about my USB external keyboard, so I told him all about it.  He also asked me about my Playstation 1 games, so I showed him that I had a Portable PS1 that still works.
  •      I would like to put a coffee cup filled with piss in the trashcan because transient people are always digging in there for left-over coffee.  I think it would be funny.
  •      The Russian girl is here with that sometimes dopey look on her face, but she is happy and minds her own business, living in her own private world, so who cares?
  •      The season 5 replacement for Ivanova is attractive and pretty.  It is hard to accept that she is Sheridan's ex-wife, though.  They did it in Star Wars where everybody became related, and they had to do it here, too.  I go throughout the day without running into anybody that I am related to.  Why in hell in the middle of the universe are you constantly going to run into people you are related to?  It makes no sense.
  •      It might have been a mistake to make Darth Vader into Luke and Leia's father.  He was a better enemy when nobody knew who he was.
  •      I saw a curvy girl in a gold, shiny dress.  She had some caboose on her.  She filled out that dress rather nicely.
  •      I am a pro blogger now, whether anybody reads my stuff or not is out of my control.  I'm just the content creator.
  •      I can't really talk about sex much on this blog, because adsense does not support blogs with 'adult content'.  Too bad.  It basically means I can only peripherally talk about sex, but never go into the details.  I can only suggest, and not describe.  I don't want this blog to lose its ability to be monetized.  I have another blog for that.
  •      I am seriously going to have to figure out what I am going to do for money.  I am not qualified to do anything.  I have no skills.  I don't like mundane or manual labor.  I am not working class in mind, but I am in actuality.  I am not even good at working class jobs.  I get bored doing useless stuff.  Janitorial, cleaning, construction, painting...I hate all that normal stuff.  Other people are better at it than me.
  •      To be a professional artist, well, I have to make stuff, and present it in a way where people want to buy it.  The funny thing is that the easiest way to make a piece of art presentable is to just paint it on a canvas.  People don't even care if you frame it, as long as the painting is good, who cares?
  •      I put up a 'napkin art' on the wall.  I tried to do it yesterday, but the napkin tore, so I took it home, and taped it up this morning.  I brought it back, and I brought some thumbtacks with me.
  •      Wow, a cutie just walked in.  Nice.  I am at a good vantage point.
  •      To be a writer is so romantic.
  •      I would love to do the Bukowski thing where I write about booze and women.  That is what people really want to read.  They want the real stuff.
  •      I make art for myself, and if anybody else likes it, fine.  If they don't like it, it isn't my problem.  A lot of people don't have open minds, and I can't be bothered with people like that.  Let them watch football, I don't care.
  •      Where I am sitting allows me to watch the women in profile walk by the open door.  I don't care about the guys that walk by.  They are boring.  Girl and women give me sunshine, and guys just bring me something that is in the way of all of the pretty girls.
  •      Women like to wear tight pants, but then they have big leather bags covering their asses so no one can look at their butt.  It's all part of the 'Try to see my cute butt, but you can't because a big bag is blocking it' thing that is sweeping the nation.
  •      My new hobby is watching beautiful blond women text with their thumbs.
  •      I need to find a site that shows sex pictures that people take with their phones.  Hahaha.
  •      I am very happy about the point form of writing.  It is a lot of fun, and is so nice and easy to do.
  •      I love literature.
  •      I have my 'Conan The Barbarian' book with me.  It has all of the original Robert E. Howard stories.  He was a genre writer, and wrote stories of the old west, and all that kind of pulp fiction stuff, but most people only care about his Conan stuff, if they care at all.  After that, they like his King Kull stuff.  I don't know if anybody cares about his other work.  I don't have much interest in his other work, because, hey, it ain't Conan.
  •      There is a new girl that came into the cafe.  She ain't bad.  She's kind of an older broad, but she isn't older than me.  From my perspective, she is a younger woman.
  •      Women haven't had much interest in me lately, and why should they?  I don't care, either, so why should they care?  I am nothing to them.
  •      Little by little, my friend Marco is becoming a San Francisco celebrity.  It takes time.  He earns money playing guitar.  People photograph him, and video tape him when he is playing all the time.  Maybe someday he will benefit from all of this.  Hey, it is free publicity.  People like to see other people doing stuff, because most people don't do much at all.
  •      I am looking at this woman with her face in profile.  Normally, I would just draw her.  Well, I just tried to draw her, but she moved at a critical point in the drawing, so that is the end of that.  Maybe I should just go outside and have a smoke.
  •      I'll be lucky on the day when this blog entry makes a penny with adsense.  Personally, I think I should be paid more, but you gotta start somewhere.  Maybe all of my hard work of writing in the past will pay off.  I certainly have no shortage of words.
  •      Sometimes women look at me.  I peak their interest sometimes, but most of them ignore me, with good reason.  I don't blame them.  I am not what they want, nor am I what they want to look at.
  •      I am fascinated by competition between women.  They try and outdo each other.  Sometimes it is friendly, sometimes not.
  •      The person that wins is the one who has the most love, toys, and money at the end.
  •      It is all a game.  In any case, it is more fun when it is.
  •      I love women, I really do.  I like to look at them, and think about them.
  •      Given the choice between playing video games or having a full-time girlfriend, I would rather play video games.  I wouldn't mind seeing a woman one time a week, though, to hang out.  Then it would all become a mess pretty dang quick, and I am sure the drama would ensue.
  •      What is Art?  I've been thinking about that a lot, lately.
  •      'Monopoly Millionaires' is a game I've been enjoying on facebook lately.  I grew up loving Monopoly, and it is really comforting to play it as an adult.  It connects me with my past, and the game has stood the test of time.  The way it is set-up on facebook is really cute.  I love all the Monopoly imagery.  I don't know why they don't make a movie or a cartoon about the game.  It is possible, if they would do it right, but they would probably muck it up.
  •      I've been looking at this woman with the white head scarf.  She is cute.  I was just able to take a picture of her standing in the doorway.  I like this big wallet that she has stuffed in her back pocket.  I wish it was my hand, lol.  I could use some good ass grab bout now.
  •      Let's see, what else is there?  I don't know.  This woman is just standing in the doorway, and she looks really cute standing there.  She is dressed in dark clothes, and there is a red carpet on the floor.  It all looks good.  I like it.  My identity enjoys the form of her womanly beauty.
  •      Should art be beautiful?  Sometimes, but not always.  Sometimes it is important just to show there is intelligence to the art.  It can be ugly, and still be very appealing.
  •      You never know what people will like in this world.  That much is true.  The trick is to find what they are willing to pay for.  One thing is true, and that is they will shell out a lot of money for anything that has to do with Star Wars.
  •      There are two new girls in the cafe.  They are dressed like music chicks.  It looks like they are doing this for fun.  The blond is very pretty.  I haven't seen the other one yet, but she has Freddy Kreuger from 'A Nightmare on Elm Street'...oh, it isn't a is a gay, black man.  His voice was very nasal and high, and he said, "Omg, I left my coffee up there."
  •      Women like to hang out with gay dudes.
  •      The woman attempted to take a picture of the poster with a photo of a young Black Sabbath.  It is for a Black Sabbath cover band.
  •       It is getting to be that time when I could use a second cup of coffee.  I will either have one here, or at home.  I have not decided yet.
  •      I have things to do at home.
  •      Well, see how it goes.  I am still waking up.
  •      I have pretty much quit yoga for the meantime.  I haven't been able to make it out of bed in time anyhow.  It is a big interruption in my day at this point.  I have to focus on how I will make a living.  I have to get my life in order, you know.  To be honest, I have a long way to go.
  •      What should the title of this blog entry be?  I have no idea.  Maybe something will come of it.
  •      Man, that blond is pretty nice looking.  She got her friend to take the picture of The Young Hot Black Sabbath.  "They look so young and cute," she said.
  •      'That's what she said,' is a common phrase that seems to work in all kinds of situations.  The phrase indicates to me that what one female will say, another will also say, so the 'she' in the phrase can apply to the 'female consciousness in general'.  It works is all I know.  That is all that matters, right?
  •      There is a whole generation of people below me that are completely lost, as they are engaged in their daily video game playing.  What are they going to do, read a book or play video games?
  •      Dr. Seuss was pretty decent.  He mad a contribution.  Did you know it could take a year for him to write and draw just one children's book?  It takes a long time.
  •      Man, this woman in the doorway, she sure likes standing there.  I would have to assume that she knows that I am looking at her.  I wonder what the hell she is looking at ?  I have no idea.
  •      A cop just walked in.  He is a bike cop.  He left his bike at the parking meter.  I hope no one steals it.
  •      I wonder what that woman is looking at?  I have no idea.  She has been standing in the doorway for some time.
  •      'At The Cafe' is a lame title for this blog, but it was the most basic and functional thing I could come up with at the time.
  •      Lawyers have to read a lot.
  •      The woman in the doorway squatted down to pet a dog.  I saw the crack of her ass.  It was really nice.  She is an older lady, but she still looks good, and appeals to me.  I bet I could make her feel young.
  •      It is a beautiful day today.
  •      I could look at this woman in the doorway all day long.  She is very entertaining to me.  Formally, it is a very nice visual.  I get to see all sides of her.  I am getting to know her visually.  It is all very goddamn interesting.
  •      'The Woman in The Doorway' just became the title of this blog.  There has been no other notable event that has happened during the writing of this blog that is more significant.  What am I going to call it, 'The Bike Cop who came in for two minutes'.
  •      She seems to be aware that she might be the center of attention.  I was looking at her while she sat at the table, but two people sat in between her and I so I couldn't look at her anymore, and she couldn't watch me looking at her.
  •      That's just the thing.  I look at her, and she looks at me looking at her.  She certainly isn't looking at me.  She is looking at what I look at.
  •      She is taking pictures of herself.  Now she is having other people take pictures of her.
  •      Wow, it is a full house in here now, nice.
  •      I saw her talk to a young hipster kid.  He said, "It was nice to meet you.  He didn't seem that interested in her.
  •      My final image of the woman was walking across the street, with big shopping bags in tow.
  •      I don't think she would be into a guy like me.  I don't think she has any interest whatsoever of me.  I walked by her to get outside to smoke, and I felt nothing as I passed her.
  •      It wasn't as if I was in love with her or anything, she just looked like an interesting broad.

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