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Monday, December 5, 2011

I Finally Made It To The Cafe

     I finally made it to the cafe.  It took me a while.  It is almost 1:00 in the afternoon.  Laaaaate!  ( I love when kids say that...)
     Anyway, it will be a little while before I can get coffee.  There is a line, and the slow lady is working.  Nothing wrong with that except when I need coffee, which just happens to be now.

     It is my birthday.  I am 44 today.

     Anyway, I was outside talking to my friend about Babylon 5.  That was fun.
     Yes, I am late today.

     I installed my new bookcase into the studio.  I like it.  Perhaps it will help me to get organized.

     Well, it is a beautiful day.

     I spent the morning upgrading my lots on Clone Wars Adventures.  I'm working on this TIE fighter that is looking pretty good.  I haven't seen anyone build anything like it so far.
     It is an expensive ship to build on the scale I am building it.  It is full-size, about how big one should actually be.

     I was thinking of building an over-size x-wing, too.  That might be cool.  It will be a while before I get to that, too.

     The kids on the game are kind of a pain sometimes.  They need a lot of attention.  They often tell me 'port' without giving a reason.  I am sometimes disappointed with what they have me port to.  Sometimes it is worth seeing.  Sometimes not.
     There is a kid called 'Dirk Wampaflash2'.  He liked my name, so he copied me.  That is okay.  He is a non-member, so that makes his game experience limited.  He can't port to me when I am in the jedi room, and then he asks me where I am.
     He had me port to his padawan place, and there was hardly anything there.
     Then I had him port to my padawan place, which is Dirk's Bar.  I wanted to show him what a place looked like with some real work in it.

     It is very time consuming to earn a sizable amount of credits to build anything decent in the game.  There is no way around it unless I want to spend $10.00 for 10,000 credits, which is a rip-off.

     Anyway, it is a lovely day, the sun is out, I got my coffee, and it is time for a cig.

     Death Metal Hip Hop, Harry Potter, The Blues, Babylon 5, The Kalavala.

     Classical music and jazz.

 * * *
     I've put off shaving for a couple of weeks now.  I can't wait to shave at this point.  I'm not really a beard person.  It was fun to have while I am in transition, to just let everything go to hell, but I like to be clean-shaven better.
     I also like a day or two of scruff  

* * *
     It's just going to be a normal day of killing today.  Our Sunday night Magic The Gathering session is tonight.

* * *
     It was quite a task to move in the new bookshelf.  I like it, so it was worth it.  I already put lots of painted bottles on the shelf, making more room to walk.
     My studio is a mess, though.  I don't know what I am going to do about that.
     I need a job that pays, that is the sad reality of my life, though.
     I need a job where I can just have my laptop there all day, and play games.
     I don't like jobs much, especially the ones where I feel like it is a waste of time.
     It looks like my friend left.  It is fun to go out there and talk and smoke about whatever comes to mind.
     Some bad song on the stereo.  The worst is when they just sing about their normal everyday stuff with no point to the song.

* * *
     I was up half the night watching Season 2 of Babylon 5.  It is a great show.  Better than I could have imagined.  I like the characters.  They've grown on me.  I like the aliens, and I've grown accustomed to the dialogue now.  I like the special effects and the computer animations.  It looks cool even though all the effects are pretty outdated now.
     I browsed through the wikipedia article on Babylon.  It looks like neither Haddam Hussein or the U.S. military cared too much about ancient Babylonian remains, ruining things for decades to come, as far as archeologists are concerned.

* * *
     Meanwhile, I watched some stuff that I can't really talk about much on this blog around 5 in the morning.  The lady I saw was tan all over with big cans.  She was really pretty.

     It is a state of euphoria when you are with a very pretty lady.  You wish it would last forever, that yummy feeling.  But then it goes away in a day or two, and then the only way to get the feeling back is to be with her again.  But things change, and life gets in the way, and all you have is a memory.

* * *
     Yup, it is my birthday today.  I was thinking about going out last night but I couldn't get it together.  I was unprepared to go out.  It was nice just farming for credits on cwa with the sound down, and watching Babylon 5 at full blast.

     So when I get home after this blogging session, I will just get back onto my video game, and do some stuff around the studio.
     I will spend some time to get ready for tonight.
     Alcohol will be involved.

* * *
     Let's see, anything else?
     I need money, that is for sure.
     I wonder how I will get some?
     I need to have what people want.  I need rad artwork and videos, and lots of media attention, and promotion of myself and of my art, all takes a hell of a lot of time.

     ( Cool, this is the blog entry I wrote yesterday that I thought was lost forever.  Saving the entry despite being offline from the internet worked, thank god.  I like to write in the cafe, but the internet is sketchy here sometimes.  I am just glad it worked.  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the entry, and if not, go read another one, or watch videos or something.  )

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