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Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Last Day of Age 43

     Good morning, but it is really afternoon.  It is a late start for me today.  I needed some rest.  I got a little tipsy last night.
     I also made ten bucks drawing a couple of pictures.  That was cool.  I made a couple of people happy, and they gave me some money.
     I need to make more, though.
     Anyway, it was great watching some Chaplin films that I had never seen before.
     I watched 'A Dog's Life' ( 1918 ) and some film in a WWI trench, I forget what it is called.  I suppose I could look it up.
     I couldn't find it.
     'Shoulder Arms' ( 1918 ).  There you go.

     I am so happy that there is so much Charlie stuff on youtube.  It is great.  There are still so many films of his that I have not seen.  I'm looking forward to watching it all.
     The films are good, too.  That's the surprising thing  They are very watchable.
     Ya gotta love Charlie.
     He was quite prolific with the ladies, too.
     Charlie really liked to fuck, apparently, and he was responsible for the birth of many children, lol.
     Anyway, I'm here at the coffee shop, and it is a late start for me today, but it was a good time last night.

     I love Charlie and all his work.  He is great.  His talent is limitless.  He worked his ass off and got all the rewards that life had to offer.
     He also had his share of problems, too.
     I don't feel like talking about that right now.

     I did see 'Chaplin' in the theaters when it came out, with Robert Downey, Jr. who did a fine and excellent job.
     The worst part of that movie was seeing Dan Akroyd as a film producer.  I could not shake off that Dan was now overweight, and I half expected him to start dancing like a Blues Brother.  He didn't belong in that film because of his fame in other roles.  It threw off the believability that the scene was supposed to be happening in 1915 or so.  All of a sudden I had to think about Dan Akroyd.  Wh-wh-what?

     Anyway, the silent film theater in L.A. got robbed, and the owner shot.  I used to go there and watch films with a live organist.  After that happened, I really wanted to leave L.A.
     The man that was shot was doing a lot of work with the preservation of old films.  They disintegrate over time. 
     He knew how to treat and preserve them.

     Thank god for computers and dvds to preserve our film legacy.
     All those old films can now be enjoyed with a new world-wide audience on youtube, and that is a beautiful thing.
     I used to try and find Chaplin's old films on video tape, but I couldn't find them anywhere.
     So now I am very fortunate that they are on youtube.

     I still have to watch 'A Birth of a Nation' ( 1915 ).  I still haven't seen that.
     Well, I started watching it on youtube, but the movie had Beethovens's 5th for the music, and that didn't seem to work.  I would like to watch the film with the original score.
     Anyway, it is 'tough watching'.
     I don't think I can make it through.
     Someday I will have to if I want to be a good film student.
     Wow, I did not know Lilian Gish was in it.
     The film made a lot of money during it's release, and was very controversial.
     There is a wikipedia article on it, so you can read all about it now.
     I did not know the movie was based on a book and play called 'The Clansman'.  The author was made rich by the film adaptation.  That is nice.  I'm always happy to see when authors are paid for their work.

     Anyway, it is a nice day, and this is my last day at age 43.  Is that how old I am?
     Tomorrow, I will be 44.  Ouch and Eeeek.

* * *

     My brothers don't seem to like using Standard English in their notes to me.  All of them have been to college.  They don't seem to like to use the shift key for capitalization, and their underwhelming use of punctuation is alarming.
     God gave us a language, you might as well use it.

* * *
     Anyway, I'm doing all this research on films, because I am trying to figure out how it all works.  As I make more and more videos, it seems pointless to make them unless they are good, and unless they are something that people want to watch.
     Some of my videos are so bad that even I can't watch them.
     I rarely take down a video once it has been put up.  It's not in my nature to do so.  I don't like to do that. 
     Often I will watch one of my videos, and I just won't take it down.  Usually there is something to it that I see, which reminds me of the reason why I made it in the first place.
     It would be nice to make money off of my videos.  I have to produce a lot, though, and they have to be good, and they have to be watched...a lot.
     That is no easy task.
     I have nothing to lose, though.
     I like that I just have the most basic of cameras for photography and video.  There is so much I can do with it, that it is amazing.  There is no need to upgrade to some bulky thing which will only prove cumbersome to me.

* * *
     What a life I've lead.  I have so much farther to go, too.
     In a way, my life really hasn't even started.
     I'm still trying to find success.

     Oh yeah, one other thing...I just love how a blog is endless.  I can write as much as I want.  This will prove useful for comic book material, too.
     It is possible to write an entire book on a blog.  That is fantastic.  It really opens up the doors to what is possible.
     Who knows?  Maybe I will build up an audience for this blog.  You never know what can happen.
     I don't always provide good research, though, and my writing is always in need of improvement.
     However, maybe some people will like it over time, you never know what people will like in this world.

* * *

     I started out my art career with the intention of making comic books.  I thought I would grow up to be a comic book artist. 
     All you needed was a piece of paper and a pencil for that.
     We spent a lot of time reading comics growing up, and we tried to figure out how they were made, and the processes involved.
     Most of the time we read Marvel comics.  We thought they were the best.
     We also read the daily strips in newspapers, but those always seemed limited with just having three or four panels.
     I wanted something more.
     To date, I still have not become a professional comic book artist.  It's a lot of work and commitment, and I don't feel like writing and drawing about characters that I didn't make up.  I have no feeling for them.  I've never been to New York, I don't know how it is there, I don't know how superheroes would really function in that environment, it all just doesn't make sense to me that The Fantastic Four would have some big building there, and that there would often be superhero street fights going on.
     I mean, who cares?
     I can't even get past what is fact and what is fiction anymore. 
     It is all blurred together for me now.

     Here I am sitting in the cafe in the middle of the afternoon, and I could be doing so many things, like painting.
     God knows I have plenty to do in my studio.  There is an endless array of tasks and chores to perform, and I had better get on it.
     I also have videos to make.  I am behind schedule, but I guess my fans will have to wait.

* * *

Sealab 2021

Invader Zim - Nickelodean


     I have a lot of catching up to do on Adult Swim.

* * *
     Well, it is a beautiful day.  Lots of pretty ladies strolling around on a Saturday afternoon.  I wish I could take photographs of them all.
     It is much easier to take pictures of their backside than it is the frontside, that is the problem.
     Many moments have been lost in time because I can't take a picture of a girl when she is looking right at me.
     Even if they agree to be photographed, the whole moment is gone, because then the picture is posed, and that is no good.
     I like to take pictures when the person is natural, and themselves.
     Not always easy to do.

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