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Wednesday, December 7, 2011


     I've earned $0.00 on this blog so far.  It is a relatively new blog, and I don't expect anything yet.  It's too early to expect anything.
     I'm lucky to get bot hits from Russia.
     Also, on all 13 of my blogs, I have not gotten a single comment.

     On youtube, it took a long time before people started commenting on my videos.  My videos didn't seem to create a reaction of any kind.  Perhaps people didn't know what to say. 
     To be honest, most of the people that do comment are clone wars adventures kids.  That is okay, and better than nothing.
     However, it isn't much of an intellectual dialogue for me.
     It never is on youtube.
     Most of the people who take time to comment on youtube don't have much to say anyhow.
     Comments are a great opportunity for smart-alec remarks, anyhow.
     If I was a teen-ager on the web, I'd probably be saying all kinds of stupid things.

     That would have been awesome to be a kid with all the internet and games and everything.
     Kids are so lucky with all the stuff that is available.

     I wonder how the world will change in the next twenty years.
     I am just going to sit back and watch.

* * *

     Anyhow, my coffee is good, and so is the day.
     I'm comfortable here in the cafe in my new spot.
     I'm sitting at a square table.
     It's one of the few square tables in this joint.

     The cool sounds of jazz are blasting loud.
     I like it.

     It is nice to hear music without words all the time.
     It is nice just to hear the sounds of different instruments.

     People love singers, though, and so do I.
     It is nice to get away from the ego sounds of a singer, and just hear people playing.

     Music is for people, and I don't always want to pay homage to a singer every second of the day.

     The short end of the stick is what I get.

     I don't even know what I am writing right now, and, I guess it all doesn't matter.

     I just write to get to the next thought.
     Anyway, I was thinking about my dad sitting at the typewriter, and here I am, with a much more advanced machine twenty-five years later that I can take anywhere, and connect to the world.
     The message is the same, though.  A bunch of words with the intent of trying to make sense to somebody else.
     The craft of writing requires a lot of attention.

     I have a portable typewriter at home.  It was a gift.  I am lucky to have it.

     My 1935 Royal needs some fixing.  I wore out a couple of keys, and literally wore down a couple of the letters so that they no longer make an imprint. 
     I guess it is good to type with two pieces of paper.

     Typing?  Why am I even thinking about that?  Oh yeah, I'm talking about the tradition of typing in my family.  My mom typed, too.
     It always felt too much to use my mom's typewriter, or my mom's piano.  These things were hers.

     Well, the past over.  I still think about those things, I don't know why.  It doesn't seem to do me much good.

     I don't like people to look over my shoulder.  It makes me feel uncomfortable.

     I try not to look over people's shoulders, as I think it is rude to do that to people.

* * *

     I don't know who these people are, and I don't really care.  They are all extras in my movie.  That is how they treat me.
     I am just an NPC, a non-player character.

     An NPC is such a good concept.  I love it.  They are in video games, and they are in real life.

     What am I doing?  I don't know.  I am just writing a bunch of horses**t, just for the f*** of it.

     Oh yeah, I looked at The Sims3 on youtube.  It looks pretty fun, with all the new pets you can have.  It is getting pretty amazing with all of these video games.
     The Sims on facebook can get pretty tedious.

     I am a strange guy, and I don't care.  Actually, I am okay.
     After all of these years, I am starting to warm up to humanity.

     Thank god for Babylon 5, it's been great to watch that show, and have it going all day long, episode after episode.
     I was able to see a couple of episodes that I didn't quite get the gist of, due to previous dvd malfunction, and also human error.
     Anyway, I am all caught up on seasons 1 & 2, and I'm about ready for season 3.  I can't wait, I'm excited.
     Too bad B-5 only lasted for five seasons.

     Too bad Original Star Trek only lasted for three.  Too bad they didn't give minor characters more to do.  Too bad you never got to see The Enterprise complete their mission.
     The whole Star Trek universe I get confused with.  There is so much information on everything now.

* * *

     Strangers?  Who are these people?  I don't know.
     They certainly don't know who I am, and why should they?
     There is no reason at all.

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